Monday, May 4, 2009

Work , Writing and things

I promise to have more Fae'th this week. That is if anyone is still reading it. If not thats ok too I am on a roll with it. Unfortunately not quite sure how to end it but I think I will have that figured out this week. The ending itself may be a little while but there will be one.
Anyway I started fleshing out the characters for my short film. I realized the body count will not be that big but then again I would rather keep it small and have the deaths done smartly than just randomly kill a ton of people just to have the gore and body count. I have the script almost complete...well in my head. I have not written it down yet. I usually toss these things around alot in the brain before actually jotting them down on paper or computer.
I also will have the lonely trooper episode done Wednesday night, unless I get off work early tomorrow. That's from my 2nd job anyway. My day job has me really stressed but I am keeping it together somewhat better than I would have a year ago.
Nothing really interesting happened today, got up went to work, was swamped, went to other work, came home. Eventful I know. I am staying on track but finding it harder to maintain that level of on-top-of-ness. I feel like I am constantly under the microscope, which I probably am, and know my mid year review will probably not be as shiny as I hope. But no one ever said customer service was easy.
OK done hearing me whine about my job and all.
I am off to tuck the kids in and then a movie. I do so love both very much. The kids more than the movies of course...oh and my wife naturally love her too..ok I am just digging a hole and I will stop now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stuff usually bounces around in my head for ages before it turns into words on a page. Not always moment by moment, but the arcs of a story. Today figured out a connection in the story I'm working on and it feels like it's gotten shorter and longer at the same time. Excited.