Monday, July 25, 2011

We made our own political bed.

Sorry to say it but the reason washington is the way it is and the reason the country is the way it is, is because we made it that way. Some may say "Well I didn't!"  but you did. The government is designed to serve the people and the country but it no longer does.  Our elected officials stopped serving the country many decades ago. They serve thier party. They work for the benefit of appeasing their party. Not the people. But it makes sense as party is where the money is at.
Regardless of which side of the aisle they sit, it boils down to money.
Why? Because we the people allowed it.
How? By staying a divided people.  By staying uninformed. By being sheep.
Again you may say, I am not a sheep. I look at both sides of the argument to make a decision and thats you. congratulations. Unfortunately you are not the majority.

The world has grown up but we have not as a country. If anything we have returned back to our infancy. Where we take the childish stance that if someone belongs to a different party than you do that you completely refuse anything that person says to you. Even if that person is right. That's the current state of congress. You have both sides posturing. Both thinking not of their constituants but how they will look to their party and the people that hold their money. If our elected officials actually made decisions and had civil discussions about what is wrong with our country and work together to fix it. This country would be the top leader and a model for other countries to follow.

We use to be that. Not any more.   To the world our government looks more like abunch of school kids where the bullies reign and the other just follow behind.   I have read where people are saying the president is taking our money or squeezing us or whatever.  REALLY?   Now I am not saying he is not innocent to the whole thing but to put the blame solely on him is well where we are getting it wrong.  Its our whole political body that is to blame. A system where money guides the politicians, not the will of the people.  So don't just blame the President, its too easy.

Harder part is to blame our elected officials. Why? BECAUSE THE MAJORITY VOTED FOR THEM. Hell no one likes being wrong and if we blame our elected officials, well then we have to blame ourselves as a country.  President tried to get things done but the right voted party line on anything that had his name on it. Nearly everything. Just because he was a democrat. The Right won the last election because "the Left just didn't get done what needed to be done" , at least in some peoples eyes.  But what did the Right do?  Shove every policy on thier wish list through. To hell with the people. "We reign and the money men want this so I will give it to them so I have funding for my next election."  Wisconsin is a prime example of that.
What funny is if the Left did the same thing then the Right would have complained about their actions, though as we see its something the republicans themselves would do.

Even now we have posturing.  "well he likes it so I will dislike it.  I don't care if it will help the people and keep the country from defaulting. He likes it so I hate it. He won't agree to ALL of our terms so I won't agree to any of his terms. Cause if I do someone may think I agree with him and if they do that I won't get my money for re election." This goes for both sides.

Again though this is just a reflection of the people. The world has changed alot quicker than our country has. We have people who will vote republican/democrat solely on the fact that they were republican/democrat and their were republican/democrat. Nevermind where those candidates stood on issues. Nevermind that they voted for because some special interest group who believes it in helped fund their last campaign.

It would be amazing what we would accomplish if we could think for ourselves as a nation but we have grown this environment where he who has the most money controls our elected officials.  We did this by believeing the mud slinging and  rehetoric of those who paid for the most advertising. Now when I say we I mean we as a country, I know of many individuals who do not beleive in such things but it is a minority in comparison to the country as a whole.

Look everyone we only have ourselves to blame for the state of being. So before we decided to blame washington for our woes, we first have to take a hard look at ourselves and realize we as a country are too blame. After all we put them there.