Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The pen is mightier than the PC

At my second job they have really tightened down the rules on PC use. You can't even remotely show evidence that you may be working on something not work related between calls. There are days when it is slow and after I get tired of staring at the catalog forever I get the itch to write, mostly because there is not much else to do at the time. So I go old skool and bring a notebook with me. When it is a slow time I write a few sentences or so... by the end of the night I may actually have a page or two written even. Now granted I am using an Analog writing tool...the pen and paper versus the computer but I have found recently that I seem to get more into the writing when using the forging tool and a piece of dead tree.
Now I am sure this will sound totally freaky but writing seems more intimate when using a pen or pencil and paper. I feel a closer connection to the material in some way. MY hand writing is aweful as anyone who know me will attest to but I can read it which is most important since I am the one that will eventually transfer it to its digital form.
Sitting at a table pouring out my creation through the pen, I feel the project is more personable. It feels more like an extension of my self, organic I guess would be a better term.
Although it is a hell of alot messier I also think I write better with a pen and paper than initially typing it up in the computer. Perhaps its the few distractions I have, but also I think its just the feeling of closeness to what I am spilling out on to the paper.
I think sometimes we get so use to having the technology there that we forget what it feels like to do something the old fashion way. But sometimes the old ways are still the best ways.

Monday, December 1, 2008

This and that....

Not much to talk about I guess. I made some progress in writing my Fae'th in time story in between my order taking at my second job. Got over a block that has plagued me for quite sometime. So thats a plus. Had a decent holiday, ate a lot and schleped alot. Still cheering for my packers ...I would even if they were winless...why cause I am a devout fan. I don't believe in rejecting my team even when they are really playing like crud, at least on special teams and defense. Of course in their defense they do have 19 guys on the injury list. At least they got rid of the Punter. I don't know why they picked him up in the first place. I think he was working for the opposing team...whoever they were on a particular week. Do I think we would have won more games if they had kept the might Farve at bat. Not sure. Maybe one or two games but its hard to say. There are two sides to a team and even if one play super special...if the other half ...in this case the Defense...can't help finish the game then it doesn't matter who is leading the offense. But then what do I know. I just an arm chair coach.

Moving on lets see what is on the chopping block tonight...ah yes

The Devils Plaything

Ah yes if there was a movie that summed up sexploitation well it would be this film. Course it was written and directed by one of the pioneers of the this style of movie. It is put in the category of horror but soft core porn would be more fitting. Its a movie that would be played on Midnights on Skinemax...I mean Cinemax , not that I ever would watch cinemax at this time of night as a teen. anyway this movie has it all Breasts, vampires, lesbian vampires, breasts, mild incest themes, did I mention breasts. The acting is okay but you get the feeling that the writer/director had tried his hardest , pardon the pun, to have four hot women naked for most of a movie. The plot of a lesbian vampire trying to come back from the grave with the help of her servants while interesting and has potential ended up being an excuse to show hot naked women ...alot. The whole incestual sub plot was an interesting twist so far as I did not see it coming. Like many movies of this type from that era there is a lot of jumping around in the editing that makes it hard at times to keep the characters straight and what is happening. Many of scenes do not have anything said or done in them that would naturally explain the scene after. Now the entire film is not like this but a good half of it is. I understand that there are budget and time restraints but even tossing a line in saying...hey lets go explore the woods would be helpful, rather than having people talk about dinner in one scene and suddenly boom we are in the woods. There was also a random shot of a Candle shaped penis that looked a little too realistic.

Anyway if your looking for a movie about a naked lesbian vampire controling naked women and making them get off is hot then Devils Plaything is for you: the run down.

1 - title breast shot
many many breast shots
1 sex scene in a stable
4 full frontal nude scenes
1 Penis candle
2 female masturbation scenes
1 Bats remove a womans clothes
Did I mention breast shots

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hmmm what to do

In my vein attempt to be very productive in the completion of projects that are victims of my creativity, or lack there of, I find my self wanting to work on them all yet finishing none. While I have completed more video projects in the last month than the previous 6 months before that, I find still in a state of wandering. So in an attempt to keep writing and also follow my timely friend's advice of write something everyday, I am going to start posting pages from one of the many stories I am working on here. But in this decision I am also torn. Which story to post. My "Fae'th In Time" story has been more recently worked on and is also a project that seems to have start flowing smoothly again. I also have a sci fi story of a completely different nature that is actually rather fitting parallel to the current state of the world. Well sort of. The name of that project is called "Sides". So for any who are reading this perhaps they can help in my decision.
Also I have been distracting lately by a quaint little game called SPORE. While the game is not overly complicated in its execution, what does seem to take up most of my game playing time in a very good way is the customization of...well just about anything you can control in the game.
I picked up the game because I had a 5 buck coupon off for best buy that was about to expire.
So after coming home I installed it...7 hours later I found I had to pull my self way to catch some Z's before work. The thing is that a good chunk of the time was played not actually playing the game in which you make friends or conquer other spieces or cities on your planet but in making my creature building and vehicles. It is very impressive the actual amount of freedom you have in the creation process. You can literally make your creations look like just about anything.
Whats even more promising is the replayablity. Not only do you play against creatures and such that were created by the programmers of said game but the majority of what you play against is actually player created.
SPORE has this impressive system to where what you create in the game can be shared online and downloaded by anyone else who has the game. At current there are over 48 million different creations out there. So the likely hood of encountering something new everytime you play is imense.
I could just spend hours making stuff and not even playing the game. Anyway it was worth the money though it is yet one more distraction . I have too many interests.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Customer Service And Someone owes me some time back

I often wonder exactly how I scored two customer service jobs in my life. Some would say I am a gluten for punishment while others would just complain about their shipment being wrong and want compensation.
By day I pilot an IT helpdesk and one or two nights a week, I take orders and such for a catalog company. During the holidays the hours increase but its only for a four week period and its worth it in the end. But during my time in such a position I have many a tale to tell. I am thinking of sharing them here but it is a tough decision because there are those horror stories of someone being fired for discussing their job on line. While I believe the likely hood of a hire up actually making it to my grain of sand on the beach of the Web 2.0 it does give me pause. So for now I will give you some healthy tips on what not to do when ordering over the phone. Should we meet in person I shall weave you a grand tale...or put it in a book and sell lol.

1. If you are ordering over the phone please please and did I mention please do not read numbers off in pairs. What I am refering too is the common practice of instead of reading a number like 5 3 4 2 1 2 0 1 like "5" "3" "4" etc it is read as "53" "42" "12" "oh 1" honestly this is not a football game and you are not a quarter back calling for a hike. While this may seem like it makes things easier it can make the person inputing the number pause in their typing and slow them down.

2. WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE DONE EATING BEFORE CALLING. Seriously you can wait the extra minute or two it takes to shove your third piece of Apple cake down your pie hole BEFORE calling. Same goes with Candy, Fruit, hell just about any thing that will cause you to make a smacking sound while talking...just finish before you call. I can't tell you how many times I get "Yeah ... I will take that in um in red " I can stand nails on a chalk board but that noise drives me up a wall. Just finish eating whatever it is you have in your mouth please.

3. HAVE YOUR ORDER READY. I don't care if this is the modern age where you can drive with your gentals while drinking you cafe mocha lot a fraking starbucks in one hand and receiveing a car fax in the other while on the phone with me asking for a shirt that needs to be monogramed over nighted by friggin concord jet to be delivered by tomorrow morning before asscrack of dawn because you forgot it was Easter. You don't have an item number, where you saw it but you knew it was blue and had buttons on it. Really wait before you get in the car or until you get home. That extra 20 mins or hour commute will not make much of a difference and you will be less likely to hit the car in front of you being driven by the guy who was watching porn on his small flat panel tv in his front seat while texting his girlfriend and tossing back a Bud Light.
This leads me to tip 4

4. OK everyone CHRISTMAS IS ON DECEMBER 25th EVERY FRAKING YEAR....and so is your childs birthday and your parents anniversary. I understand it can be confusing because that number date can land on a different named day like Monday or Tuesday or Caturday but it hasn't changed. Check a calendar. Why is this important because again you get someone who wants santa to fill his reindeer up with twelve cups of coffee and a case of Red Bull to get the gift they need to them by christmas...and your calling on Dec 24th. Or you need the birthday gift by tomorrow. Folks we have many calendars at our disposal, you can set your e-mail to remind you everyday a week before it occurs, if you don't know how ask a tech guy we would be happy to help. OR postit notes or here is a novel idea, why not set up a reminder on your phone. That way while your texting your friend in hawaii while you drive through a blizzard you will realize that the important day is coming up soon and you need to get that gift placed. Course you will have to make a small gift this year after paying for the accident that occured while telling your friend Aloha.


OK so you can tell it hasn't been good day. Which means I am in a perfect mood to give you todays review from the b-horror world.

Any way on the chopping block today.

Johnny Sunshine

And now it is not a story about a happy go lucky guy named Johnny Sunshine who decides to go on a cross country trip to his grandmas cottage in Alaska. Along the way teaching everyone to see the world in a brighter light and solving the problems of everyone he meets. No its rather the name of a Rather attractive Zombie slaying drug addict who makes torture, porn, snuff short films for a company Max Productions during a post apocolyptic world where Zombies are everywhere.
Between this movie Bachelor Part at the Bungalow for the Damned And Bloodsucking Babes from Burbank I think Brain Damage pictures owes me about four hours of my life back.
Seriously why do these independent Underground Low Budget movies feel they have to take it to the next extreme level in order to be an "Underground" movie. Look I will say this that the audio was decent and the picture quality was good. The F/X were ok and the women were easy on the eyes. But even with all of those elements you need a decent story which this movie lacks.
It was almost as if the creators thought of all these cool torture porn scenes but needed a way to put them together in a story form to justify making them. Really I know I seem to jsut be setting my self up for dissapointment with movies from this company but I figured three time is a charm.
Dunno maybe the whole Idea of torture porn is not for me. Or maybe its just the fact that I like a little more coherence in my stories. IF you want to see a hot chick get off while disembowling men and women then go for it. While I comend them for doing alot as far as f/x , audio, video quality and even acting I would have wished they could have came up with a better story. Its a zombie movie that just didn't do it for me. Maybe it will for you but I would say only if you have alot of alcohol readily available. The run down will give you an Idea of what kind of movie your in for.

1 Death by gut stab
1 tongue removal by pliers while having sex
1 Death by wire choking
2 Throats eaten
2 Neck Stabbing
1 sex sceen with zombie with ending head bashing
1 Naked Girl killed by Crowbar sex
1 Zombie Castration by recipocating saw
2 Zombie deaths by being beaten in the head
1 Pipe to the head
1 rape scene
1 Death by Television

While it is the best out of the three movies I have seen from Brain Damage Pictures I would not recommend it for anyone who is not a fan of the EXTREME underground horror movie and torture porn.

PS Bacon Flavored SPAM is GOOOOOOOOOD.
Gives a new twist to the MONTY PYTHON SPAM sketch Eggs bacon-spam sausage and Spam.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trailer Parks of Terror...no I am not talking about McCain Supporters

So I was sitting there the other day thinking What is it about Wal Mart that makes it a void in time. Let me explain.
It seems like no matter what I go into that store for it takes at least a half hour before I am out of their. that is on a good day. Its not the cashiers cause they are rather fast. Its even faster with the self check out but for some reason time seems to speed up or some kind of temporal Anomaly. Man now I am starting to sound like a Star Trek episode. But it is with out fail one of the mysteries of the universe. Its not just time speeding up on ya that perplexes me about Wal Mart. Its also the size of its aisles. I mean the super Wal Mart here in the Booming metropolis of Cow Hump Wisconsin has aisle that can fit two and a half carts across, well most of the aisles. Anyway even with this in mind, there are still times when you end up crowded or waiting for some blue haired granny to make up her mind weather she wants the 8 oz tuna for 59 cents or the 7.5 oz packet of tuna for 58 cents. No of course I am kidding we all know Tuna hasn't been that price for a while. But point being you still end up waiting to make it down the aisle to buy your case of Ramen noodles.
My last statement may have answered the question of why it takes so long to get in and out of that store. Maybe my time lord friend can shed some light on it. BTW kids You weren't voting for one of the final three on American Idol....it was the President of America you voted on...in case you may have gotten confused. J/k enough rambling time to dig in an see whats on the chopping block today.

Why its none other than the recently released Hillbilly Zombie movie known as

The Trailer Park of Terror

My favorite blond Nichole Hiltz from All Souls day is back with a decent zombie film. This one had a decent budget, great makeup and a story even. She is joined by a cast made up of faces you may recognize. No A - list actors to be sure but ones who are no stranger to the silver screen. They do a great job of selling this film and you can tell they had fun. Look for Pricilla Barnes who I recognized from Devils Rejects. Even the guy who played the Joker's gopher man Bobby is in this film.
Now going into this film I did not expect much of anything so I was pleasently surprised by the quality of the film. It had a budget and you can tell. The movie in the begining makes a reference to 2000 Maniacs as a nod to the Hill Billy Zombie film that is still one of my top 10 faves. Trailer park handles itself well the pacing is decent and the effects and make up looked good. They even got Trace Adkins to play the devil of sorts. Where there are zombies there needs to be gore and this movie does not disappoint. The last half hour really moves the film along and by the end of the film you don't feel like you have just waisted 90 mins of your life....maybe only 55mins lol. The characters are a bit cliche but in lower budget horror you have to have this so you don't have to waist pesky time on "character development" who wants that in a zombie film.
All in all this movie was a pleasent surprise and I may buy it when I see it on the bargin bargin rack. BTW I actually saw this on the new release rack at Target next to Get Smart.
As always here is my run down of the film.
Gotta love the review of 2000 maniacs

Love a song with the words "I bet that bitch can turn a crank. Make a dead man cum like a sherman tank

1 death by impalement on an iron fence

Multiple gunshot deaths
27 years

1 rabbit guttin

1 beheading

1death by crushed sternum

1 Arm Decapitation

1 Death by intestine eaten

1 Death by Compressed air

Skined and cooked alive torture sceen

1 Vehicular Homicide.

ITs worth a rental or adrop in the que if your looking for some zombie entertainment. But if you do rent it you need to also rent 2000 Maniacs and even 2001 Maniacs to make it truely a Hillbilly hoe down of the Living Dead. Hey thats kinda catchy title.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Historic night folks regardless of how you slice it

Yes folks. No matter who you vote for today and how it turns out you gotta respect the historic magnitude of tonight. I honestly did not think I would see before I hit retirement an african american nominated to be a presidential nominee,,,much less have a legitimate shot at winning. I am not being racist just going by the trend of America in the past. The fact that people are actually looking at the issues and where the candidates stand on them rather than just voting off the cuff I think is important. I think we as voters have decided to become smarter voters and it will change how we approach future elections.
So It will be an interesting night and I am off to glue my self to the reports and the web pages. It has been a long wait for tonight and I do not want to miss a min.

Sorry no movie review today. But it will be back tomorrow.
Until then We wait on pins and needles.
Tonight regardless you are right or left just enjoy being American. Its something special.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Footballs and Tresspassers

I will be brief today but just wanted to comment about an interesting observation I have made. Now its something I mentioned in one of my first blogs but I think it is even more obvious in the current state of affairs in America. We have an election coming up and thanks to our party system we have a nation a bit divided on who should be president. But for a few hours each week this division takes a different form and on Sunday there is not Red Nation or Blue nation just the football nation. This can be said about all organized sports. You can have one group that is made up of devout democrates and one of Republicans in the same City BUT come Sunday that division disappears and both groups are Packer nation or Steelers Nation , etc. Same with Baseball or basketball, soccer, and on and on. People are joined together for a few hours in their life to rally behind their team. now sure you have the division of our team and their team but those teams are made up of a diverse group of people. That is an impressive thing. A powerful thing. Something that is special that we take for granted.
So remember that the next time you feel like bad mouthing that supporter of McCain or Obama, they are still your neighbor and it is likely that they are fans of the same team you are. So maybe they aren't as different as you are and deserve respect of their opinions. You may not agree with them but on Game day you both are cheering for your team. So at least thats one thing you got.

BTW also made a new Lonelytrooper for all to see. I got a bit political but the Video guy in me had to make some kind of video contribution no matter how small, to the political scene.
Check it out , you just might like it.
Anyway onward to the the review.

Tresspassers is a movie that was a bit surprising.
Now as always I was not expectin much for the film because then I am usually pleasently surprised, not so much with this one. Bunch of surfer dudes go to a remote beach to catch some narly waves and instead become zombie fodder. For a handy cam movie the quality of the video and audio were very good. It was had at time s to tell it was a handy cam shot film. well unless you focused on the cinematography. There was shaky cam and very quick pans where should have been hard cuts. Sure this can work for reality TV but this is a movie we are talking about. Anyway the story was interesting and the characters were entertaining enough to keep you watching, for the first 20mins. Then when we actually get to the horror and gore the movie falls flat. You don't see any real development in the characters and the one blatant male masturbation scene seemed to be just put in for shock value. The make up on the "Zombies" made them look as though they had a dirty face then actual decay. The gore affects where alright but I was expecting a bit more of it from a project of this nature. The run down is pretty week today

2 topless shots
Mutiple mutilated corpses
1 male masturbation scene.
2 zombie bites

thats about it. The killings were being done off camera or in a way that required very little FX which stylistically is kinda cool but if your going to do a movie like this then a little more on screen gore is required.
Pass this one up folks it was not worth the time.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is halloween...well ok day after but close enough

Yes another Halloween has come and gone and now we are on the highway of the christmas blitz with a slight pit stop at Thanksgiving for a food break. The holiday season is a hectic time of year and this year will be even more so with the elections just around the corner.
Every year I watch Nightmare before christmas with my boys after trick or treating ...this year we had to cut it short because of a party they were invited to but none the less we watched most of it.
ON the whole it was a good Halloween. Thinking of the now classic Nightmare before Christmas I realized it could be used as a statement on what has been happening in retails stores for quite some time now. The fact that they put christmas decoration displays up next to Halloween displays. Just this last September I was thinking oh cool look they got the Halloween stuff out for sale and in the adjoining isle I was like Wow they have the Christmas stuff out for sale. Staring at the two isle next to each other I immediately thought of Nightmare before Christmas. I really think they need to hold off on the selling of christmas decorations until at least the last week in october if not until after Halloween. Its not like people aren't going to buy the shit still. Its christmas the grand holiday of consumerism. Many company make over half of thier YEARLY profit during this time of year. Its the time of year where people don't pay quite as much attention to their pocket book, lets face it people enjoy giving gifts. So its not like people will not buy, so why do the store feel so compelled to put this stuff out so early. Let the Holidays have their Day in the retail market and don't overlap them. Theres something just un natural about it. Now I am looking forward to the end of the month for that turkey dinner with all the fixins and then going out afterward to buy my Valentines day decorations.

But before we go....

Bay of Blood

This movie was quite impressive. The story is actually very complex for a movie that most people deemed as a Slasher movie. It doesn't have the normal feel of a slasher movie. It is more like a suspense thriller, now granted the deaths are very graphically portrayed in the film which is probably why this has earned the slasher label. The direction is very well done and the editing is very good too. The director keeps the movie moving and there are very few slow spots in the film. The director also does an excellent job of keeping you guessing until the third act who is the killer. There is also a mixture of techniques used in this film. In one section, instead of hard cuts the director went between scenes by going out of focus and then in focus. Giving a more fluid feel to the transitions than your normal hard cut or wipe. Also there is excellent use of POV to help build suspense and mystery in this "slasher" movie. The body count also does not dissapoint and the twists in the plot make you have to pay attention to what actually is going on or you risk getting lost. Lets just say that the neighbor hood around the Bay of Blood is very fatal to the residents there.
I LOVED the ending of this picture. It was an out of nowhere ended that was not seen coming by a long shot, pardon the pun. Lets just say the ending was not a Hollywood one. Now on to the run down, as always in honor of that fantastic critic Joe Bob Briggs:

1 Hanging
1 death by Knife stabbing,
1 completely naked female swimmer
1 Slash to the throat death
1 two for one death of a love making couple by spear
1 Machete to the Face.
1 Strangulation with a phone cord
1 Beheading
1 barehanded strangulation
1 death by spearing against the wall
1 death by scissors

Highly recommended. Not only because its an excellent movie but also to see where many of todays slasher movies got their influence. And an awesome ending.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Making progress ....baby steps

YEah so I have not been keeping up with this thing. I ran into a period again where I had that mental wall again. ITs kind of like that wall Simon Pegg's character hit in "Run fat boy Run". But I think I have busted through that and hope to keep the momentum. I finished a lonely trooper episode for the curious. You can catch it at my youtube site http:\\www.youtube.com\SpecialMarkProd

I also am making progress on my Doctor Who/Fae'th story. Fae'th is a fantasy series that I came up with years ago and have been making very slow progress. I realize I have to narrow my interests a bit or at least narrow what I want to work on because if I try to touch everything I will get nothing done.
I saw the trailer for the Friday the 13th remake. I admire New Line for wanting to reboot the series but there is something special about the original. Why they feel they have to do a reboot and can't just do another sequel is beyond me. Jason is a classic Icon much like Leatherface or Freddie K. I really didn't like what they did with the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The prequel one was ok but not really needed. Part of the horror of the beast is the unknow part of it and when you give it an origin, as interesting it maybe as in the Halloween remake, it still I think takes away abit of the edge of the monster. The thing that makes those characters scarey is that unknown of what made them the way they were to begin with, you know before they were hideously deformed. Leaving that little bit in the back of your mind asking "Is this character just plain evil. No outside influences or trauma they just are. I think that is the scariest villian of them all. The one that just is evil.

Anyway speaking of evil. It is truely evil on what get put out for distribution nowadays. While it makes me hopeful on one day being able to find a distributor for my future film, it also makes me afraid that there will be so much shit on the market no one will care.
Today a brief review of Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned

So these guys end up having a bachelor party and the strippers turn out to be vampire, demons, something or other. They werer just as scary out of makeup as they were in makeup which was not saying much. Now being a low budget film expectations aren't exactly high but since it was bachelor party themed I figured there would be some decent you know T & A. Yeah I know it sounds sexist but lets face it sometimes that can be the most redeeming factor of a bad film. Anyway no such luck here. This movie is slow to get things started and when they do you can barely tell what is going on. Now in the plus column the video quality and audio it self were very good which are two things that can really destroy a low budget film. This movie was not even in the bad but good category as much as a yawner....with scarey strippers. Anyway to sum up

Breast shots 1

SImulated oral sex

Death by man eating breasts ( not as cool as you might think)

1 fight with intestines

1 Beheading

2 neck bites

Death by ass stabbing

Thats about it. You can leave this one off your que folks its not hardly worth the disk it is written on. Even the gore was disappointing and the CGI was just plain aweful....not funny haha aweful just bad.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Intestine Spagetti with a side of Garlic bread

Hello one and all. Yes again delayed. I realize that I have not truely kept my goal of two posts a week. If I keep pointing this out at one point it may change.

The Brewers are on their way to the playoffs. Hasn't happened since I was 7. I believe they played the Cardinals for the pennant. I could be wrong. I do remember being a highly involved baseball fan as a young Mark. I have some good memories of going to County Stadium to watch the Crew who had the likes of Robin Yount, Paul Molitor and "Da Coop" in the club. The night the brewers won I remember making a sign with the brewer mitt hitting a cardinal. Then Dad actually drove us down town to cruise WIsconsin Ave with the rest of our fellow fans honking horns and yelling. It was a very fond memory and one of the betters ones I have of baseball. I don't think too much of baseball now, probably because I no longer reside in Milwaukee. Still good times.

I have been playing a lot of Lego Batman lately. All I can say it rocks and the fact they Picked Danny Elfmans score definitely puts it in the plus column.

We went to the Wilderness waterpark this past weekend in the WIsconsin Dells. It was actually three different hotels connected together. There were three indoor water parks which were fun. In two of them there was a huge bucket at the top of the play area and when it would fill with water enough it would drop hunderds of gallons of water...ya I stood under it atleast a couple times. There was also an arcade of course. I miss the old days when you could spend a couple hours in an arcade playing your favorite vid games where the games cost only a quarter. Now adays you are lucky if you do find a game for 25 cents. Nevermind the classic video games and pinballs have now all been replaced with machines of chance where you win just enough tickets to buy a bunch of cheap plastic crap that cost a fraction of what was spent getting the tickets. Needless to say much money was spent and the kids came away with some okay prizes. Top of the prize was the goo in a cup that makes farting noises and two plastic samurai swords with shiny foil sheaths.
You know an indoor water park was definitely made a man in a cold weather state like wisconsin. How else are you going to be able to see women in Bikini's all year long when you live in a state that is covered in snow or ice 7 months out of the year.

But on to todays Movie review. The Mountain of the Cannibal God.
With honorable mention of Suspiria

I Have been on an Italian Horror trip as of late. I was surprised by both movies but for different reasons. Suspiria was a bit of a dissappointment unfortunately. I had seen many fellow B- horror movies fans rave about this film but perhaps I have seen so many of its imitators that the original came of less than spectacular. IT does bring the creepy and the maggots were a great surprise but on the whole I though it was average. Again maybe so many movies have copied this film that it ruined it a bit for me. Just like Vampiros Lesbos...but that is another story.

The Mountain of the Cannibal God was alot better than expected. It stars Mike Hammer, ok Stacy Keach but Mike Hammer sounds better, And Honey Ryder the Bond girl who set the standards for all those after her, aka Ursual Andress. This movie was handled alot better stylistically then most of your run of the mill Cannibal Movies from the period. It had better direction, a solid plot and pleanty of gore. THere is alot of real animal killing in the film so be warned PETA members. THe first two thirds of the film play out similar to a regular mainstream film. The last third is just one wild ride. Especially as things build up to the climatic ending where our heros battle the most pathetic excuse for native warriors.
There is lots of gore and a fully naked Ursula which alone is a plus. She had a body in her 40's that could put some of todays female sex symbols to shame. This movie has it all for you b-horror movie, sexploitation gore whores out there.
We have (this is the unrated version of course)
5 breast shots
1 Completely nude ursula
1 female native masturbations scene that boarders on porn
1 beheading
1 death by animal trap
1 naked native sex scene
1 Native On Boar hot sex action ( Brings new meaning to the term Makin Bacon

Top it all off one On Screen Death Lorraina Bobbit style, with every gruesome second and a half shown on screen

So if you are looking for a better quality Italian Cannibal horror film I definitely would recommend this film. If you prefer the creepy thriller then Suspiria is more up your alley, though that had two gruesome deaths in it so be warned.

Go Brewers.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Good , The Bad, The Atomic Drop

So I realized that I really am bad at keeping up with the blogging but things as of late have been more stressful than usual so that has distracted me. The world is in dire straits mud being slung so much in the campaign I have to wear boots everywhere I go and the economy tanking has distracted me from what I enjoy doing. So to distract myself from My Distraction I popped in my latest netflix rental.


Oh yeah baby. Slasher movies come to Wrestling...or more appropriately a Wrestler comes to Slasher movies. Nothing more entertaining than a man in a luchedore mask going around killing people. This movie was a very pleasent surprise and I enjoyed it more than I probably should. IF you were wondering where Rey Mesterio Senior has been, Apparently locked away in some remote mexican town going ape shit crazy. This movie has it all, suspense, thrills, crazy old guy, hot women wearing next to nothing and gore.
Definitely made for the wrestling fan in mind the movie opens with shots of classic Luche wrestling from mexico. Whats funny is that the moves they were doing in the footage are nearly the same moves show in today mainstream wrasslin. The actors in this movie do well to keep the film entertaining , even in its slow spots. There is humor and the pacing over all of the movie is handled well. What thought was a nice touch was the fact that you don't actually get to see what the killer looks like until the third kill and fourth kill. Thats something a number of B-horror movies or just horror movies in general seem to forget about doing. They show what the villian looks like on the first shot or even in the trailers. I think you lose your suspense when that is done. There are exceptions to this of course but I always liked it when you weren't shown right away the evil in the movie. working up to the complete image makes it extra creepy.
THis is how you make a b-horror film. They do quite a bit with the small cast and limited budget. The last horror movie I saw with a wrestler in it was See No Evil with Kane. Kane was not a westler in it but probably should have been. IT would have made the movie more entertaining. I actually enjoyed Wrestlemaniac more than See No Evil. I highly recomend it for fans of B-horror and especially for fans of wrestling and for anyone just looking for some decent horror.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Clowns to the Left of Me...Jokers to the Right...Here I am

Up until recently I have never been that political in my thinking nor did I pay much attention to things like conventions, speeches, or basically anything involving politics. Sure I voted the last two times it has come up but I hate to admit I was not really an informed or "smart" voter. I just went with my guy. That is until this election year. But I am sure I am not the only one who can say that.
We are being bombarded from the left wing and the right wing about the candidates running for office and it is overwhelming at times.
I would like to say that I am not referring to the Candidates themselves as Clowns and Jokers. I have respect for both groups fighting for what has to be the toughest and shittiest job in the world. I am talking about the left and right wing media. Not just video, which is my favorite being a movie fanatic and all, but all forms of media. CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. I really feel like they and not the candidates are controlling this election.
The ones most influential of the forms is of course TV. Why? Simple. Its Visual. Its flashy and it is more fitting for the ADHD society which I have to admit I am at times apart of. We are attacked visually with graphics runnin across the screen, catchy titles for segments of programs, and over course very animate people speaking. We also take what the people are speaking for granted mostly because they are "news people" and there fore must a) know what they are talking about and b) Are telling us the truth. The fact of the matter is that MOST of them are more careless than ever in presenting fact-checked stories.
Its not all their fault though. We are the ones that flock to the source that will give us the news the quickest and also the juiciest. To stay competitive these agencies try to increase the turn around time of information which causes details to fall through the cracks. This can cause the viewers to believe items that either are misinterrpreted or inncorrect all together. Depending on the subject it can deeply influence someones opinion about the matter.
We are only human and do not like to think of ourselves as wrong, especially when its something we have determined is right. So If we are fed the wrong information and develop a personal belief based off of this information. It will be hard if not impossible for us to accept anything else to be true. Even if we are way off base in our belief it is hard to change that belief.
This is what is so scary about this election. The news agencies we have always trusted to bring us unbiased, equal opportunity information so that we can make our own minds have now brought us fair and balanced information. The two are not the same. Yet most us believe it to be so. Folks we have got to be smarter than ever before on our decision on who will be in the next president.
Now I am not here to pursuade you one way or the other like the media does either directly or indirectly. What I am asking for people to do is be a Smart voter not just a voter. We have to look at the very large picture of things in our decision, not just one piece. I have heard many people say...well I am voting for this person cause they are Republican or Democrat or cause shes a woman or cause his skin is the same color as mine or well his farts don't smell and neither do mine so I am voting for him. Ok the last one I made up but you get the point.
It would be like interviewing for a job you absolutely know you are qualified for and the person hiring you knows your qualified for plus you got along great in the interview but as you left they saw you were wearing striped socks. The person hiring is a solid socks person so they decided not to hire you.
We cannot afford to be petty in our decision folks. Our lives for the next four years -- hell the next decade -- depend on how we vote this year. The world is also watching and the sharks in the water circling. They smell Blood in the water and cannot wait to take abite our of the Once great Super Power.
I guess my main point on this is PLEASE ARM YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE. Get all the facts you can. The internet can be a good source for information but you have to tread lightly and makes sure you are getting your information about the candidates from a credible source and not just some Jo Blo who decides to post his opinion on a Blog...oh wait.

Anyway with that said on to the movie review .. The Devils Backbone.

Guillermo del Torro does not disappoint in making entertaining, thought provoking, films. He wrote and directed this little piece of cinema about a boy left at an orphanage who comes across a ghost of a boy looking for revenge.
The premise may not be exactly original but it is set against the backdrop of the last days of the Spanish Civil war which helps give the movie is own identity. While there is a great special effect with the Ghost Child Santi the movies strength are its characters. They make you care for them or dispise them as you are supposed to. The script is well written and has you wondering through a good part of it, "who dunnit" and why is the boys spirit not at piece. The main character is a child and , like in Pans Labyrinth , helps move the events along. del Torro reall does well in making you care about the characters and at times makes the threat of the war reaching the orphange more supsensful and scary than Santi. He has not done a large number of movies but the ones I have seen I have liked. The first Hellboy was the weakest for me but he made up with the second one.
He also is unflinching in using children as characters in the films and also in having bad things happen to the kids. The first movie of his I saw was Mimic. He caught me off guard when he showed on film a child dying. This is does not happen often in horror movies at the time. Child characters have died but usually its off camera or mentioned in passing.
There is child deaths , obviously, in Devils Backbone so if that type of graphic visual is not to your liking I would not suggest you watch the film. If you are a fan of Pans Labrynth or just looking for a good piece of cinema to watch, I recommend this movie. I know subtitles are not to everyone's liking but I also suggest watching it in its native language with english subtitles. The dubbing is not the best and distracts you from some brilliant performances

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September...wait wasn't it just May

My How time flies. Kinda of a funny saying time flies but it does.I look back at the last three months and wonder where they went. Obviously the universe has not change as at least I perceive it unless I am an unknowning victim of some Dalek plot to jump people through time. Yet it seems like the summer came and went faster than Britney Spears career. I try to think back about what I did this summer with the family and it was not as much as I hoped. Somewhere someone stole hours from me. Why does that happen? Time going faster than expected. Is it because we ask too much of ourselves and so we never have a feeling of accomplishment. Do we spend too much time Plowing through our lives to the next event or thing to do that we simply lose track of when or where we are in time.
I think of the hours that I have played video games and wonder ..."Did I just waste that time?" when in truth I didn't if I was doing something I enjoyed. I think it is that we are plowing through life faster than we like and not realizing it. Then if we do stop to take time to pay attention we realize that we just went through three months of our lives in a blink of an eye. Since our minds are always focused on "what will be" its harder to think of "what was" and that is what I think causes time to fly. Its the simple fact is its harder to recall what we did then what we are or will do. This can cause gaps in the memory and at least for me the feeling I missed something. Not sure where I was going with this sorry oh wait yes ...
I am going to try and blog more ...this is my official official declaration...this time I mean it. Blogging will I think help me recall the things I have done and also reduce that feeling of time flying.
I am making progress on a number of projects and this has me happy. For some reason I was hitting a wall that was stopping me from doing the things I enjoy. I have been chipping away at the wall and it is paying off. I plan to start doing my Wii work out plan this week and try to lose some poundage by christmas. The hardest part will be curbing my Dew Addiction. I have made progress on the story "Fae'th in Time" and , with the help of my friend Jim, I have some footage shot for my "Weird AL" video Idea I came up with only 2 years ago....man how time flies. Anyway on to a Movie review.

Lets talk Japanese Gore movies. The types of movies that inspired the Kill Bill "Crazy 8's" battle. The blood spurting like a water fountain down town. Gore so over the top it is more humorous than sick. Case in Point "The Machine Girl."

Its a lovely family romp about a robotic girl who strives to be more like her human counterparts and in the end both the robot girl and the girl who owns her learn how to be more human...NAH!! I am just kidding. Its actually about this girl Ami whos brother gets involved with a local Yakuza gang. After he is killed, Ami seeks revenge for his death and ends up with her Arm being sliced off and a Shower of blood that reselmbled water from a fire hose. Man I tell you the Japanese have some serious Blood pressure.
Ok the story is good, direction of the movie is well done and over all the fights kick ass. There is pleanty of gory, bloody fights that at times are more comical than shocking. In the behind the scenes you learn its the girl playing Ami is doing her first real action film and first time acting. She does excellent as the machine gun armed Ami. She really pulls off the Pissed off School girl look well. Some weapons too note, The 8 Barrel Machine gun arm Rocks, the drill bra is definitely something different, a Flying Gullotine is something you just have to see, and the Chainsaw arm which has to be an ode to Ash. Groovy. If you do not mind over the top gore and some blood drinking this film is definitely for you. You also have to watch it in the native language with English subtitles to really appreciate the performances in the picture. Gore Whores definitely put this one on your list of must haves. The same crew who did this one will also be releaseing a movie soon called Tokyo Gore Police which looks to be along the same lines as The Machine Girl, A kick ass, fun, bloody good time.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where did the month go

So I had hope to be post ing more in my blog and suddenly I see its almost the end of the month of August. The time flew by faster than I liked and now I have a guilt of not keeping up with my promise. Course I have to have readers to be missed so I guess the failure is minimal.

Alot has occured in the last month that has taken up my time, thoughts, and general state of being. Perhaps thats why the month disappeared on me....in any case here I be.

I never really did believe in Blogs so it is rather funny that I am writing one. On suggestion of a great friend, if nothing else it keeps you writing. Surprisingly I have been doing just that ...just not on here.

So for your reading pleasure and also to keep myself up in writing I will try to post a movie review or random thought or reciepe for disaster .....something. New month coming up ...good point to try and start something new.

So today I thought it would be fun to review two movies that I recently watched. As a side note I love Netflix and the size of their library. I am an avid viewer of b-movies and netflix is like an open playground. case in point is my short review on two movies.

Ninja Cheerleaders http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0972857/ and Cheerleader Ninjas http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0235280/ (gotta love that) I have posted the IMDB links so you can look up who is in it etc. I will spare stating this info here when ever possible and just get to the meat of the review because all the information is already on IMDB and its less for me to type.

It is funny because these movies are almost like mirror images of each other not only in name but also in just quality, story, etc. about the only real similarity with the movies is that there are cheerleaders who are/become ninjas.

Ninja Cheerleaders is about Three Cheerleaders who are working hard to earn enough money to go to a top college. Of course the quickest way to make money is...stripping....sorry go-go dancing as one of the girls insists it is and she is right. Which is rather disappointing because all three women are hot hot hot. Well the own of the place they stri....gogo dance is owned by the man who is also their master teacher of the ninja arts. The master is played by none other than...George Takei. When their master is captured by the head of the local mafia and steals the safe containing the girls college savings they risk everything to get the master and the money back.
CHeesy yes...but this movie did have a budget and there was a certain girl power theme through out the movie in between the random topless dance shots. Not sure what purspose those served other than giving the feel like you are watching an episode of the batman. The actress do have enough skills to make you believe these girls know how to fight...maybe not as good as a ninja but they do kick some ass. On the whole it was very entertaining and better than expected. Worth a rental or toss in the old netflix Q.

Cheerleader Ninjas is about a group of four cheerleaders who learn how to be "ninja"s in order to defend themselves from a rival schools cheerleader squad who also know how to fight. Our cheerleaders also find themselves fending off the local geeks of the school who can't help but only wear Star Trek T-shirts.When of the geeks codes puts the worlds internet at risk they band with the cheerleaders to fight the Bad cheerleaders and save the world.
Oh yeah and at random points the cheereleaders lose their tops.
Unlike the previous movie this one had less of a production value, picture quality, acting quality, and just in general a poorer film. On the plus side the movie does not try to be something its not. There are a number of entertaining moments and the fact that no one in the movie is taking it seriously helps keep you watching....oh yeah and some women get topless ...did I say that all ready. Anyway the climatic battle at the end is definitely a riot and For the McDonalds Happy meal budget they must have had they did good. Again worth a toss in the Netflix bin or if your just looking for some mindless entertainment of T&A, fart jokes and robots.

So if you like a decent film made with a decent budget and a script that will keep you entertained...Ninja Cheerleaders is for you.
If your looking for good old movie that looks like a college film project with bad acting, T&A , world domination and girl on girl fighting....Cheerleader Ninjas is for you.

BTW for the curious I may start to use the blog for posting of some matertial I am writing. Feedback will always be welcom for any who actually cross my way. For those of you who do read this. Thanks for spending time in my little corner of the internet.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Dark Knight was a bright light

All I can say is the Box office speaks for itself. Dark Knight is a fantastic movie and not all the best parts were revealed in the trailer Woo Hoo! If you haven't seen it stop reading now and go...Like the wind.
Anyway sorry it took me a while to post again for the few and far between that read this.
Not alot to say really outside that I am happy the Favre saga is nearing an end...at least thats the way it is looking. Course it is not the end that most of the Packer nation wanted but hey thats sports. If this had been any other athelet, it would have been in the honorable mention category of all the tabloid sports shows and reports, etc. The front office of the Packers handle the situation poorly, Brett I think was over dramatic a bit and the Media can go fark themselve for hyping up what should have been a quiet situation. Lets face it folks the NFL has had slow news cycles as of late so the sports writers were hungry to justify their jobs so they hopped on this quicker than me at the buffet table of all you can eat taco night.
I am not a Favre worshipper by far but come on seriously this could have been handled so much better but Thompson and McCarthy had their "Plan". Supporting a guy who threw 7 of 20 to vertern players at a schrimitch where he wears the "Hammer don't hurt me" jersey. PLus he is injury prone lets not forget.

Packer nation prepare for a season like we had in the 80's blood is in the air and we have Lions, and Bears and Vikings Oh My, circling the waters. Who knows perhaps I am wrong and we end up like the bears of a few years ago, where our defense carries us to the Super Bowl. But let remember how that ended.

I just watched a movie the other night called "Stupid Teenagers Must Die!!" it was a very basement budget movie...ie some film students in a house with a vid cam, making a parody of 80's horror films. On the whole it wasn't bad. Definitely worth the instant watch on Netflix if you have some alcohol handy. I like to watch movies like this because it gives me hope that eventually when I get around to making a movie my self I may actually find a distributor.

Also recently watched was "Zombie Strippers" now this was a piece of High grade cinema let me tell you. I mean it had Jenna Jameson AND Robert englund in it with Zombies and Strippers....it should have been subtitled "the movie made for Mark". It was exactly what you would expect from the title. On the whole decent b-film flickage. Jenna getting naked is nothing new to most but the actresses surrounding her helped carry the movie along and of course Robert was great. I thought it was funny how they opened it with a lame attempt of being topical by putting references to GW going for a fifth term and the channel was the W channel. Its like seriously just get on with topless women ripping the hearts out men and sharing it between them. After all thats why the audience is there.

Anyway I have more to say and will try to post more frequently.
For the curious I have a new Lonely trooper episode up on my youtube channel. Hope ya like it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


There are now only 4 Batman films. I hear a rumor of some kind about 2 mythical batman movies that came out between Batman returns and batman begins but in my mind can't seem to find any recollection of said movies. huh ah well could not have been that important anyway...oh wait ...oh no something a vision ....dear god is that Jim Carrey in question mark tights....ah batmans got nipples on his armor....."EVERYBODY CHILL"...dear lord is that bane....WOW Uma is hot in green,,,,,noooo the music the aweful blaring music...ITs all coming back to me now ...being bombarded with so many colors ...WTF why is the batmobile glowing....its like someone opened up a weird barney version of the hellraiser puzzle box.....oh the puns...the cold icy puns...make it stop...please....

Tonight will be a Dark Knight

that is very punny.

Yes I finally off to see the Dark Knight, not only because I have been a huge Batman fans since Burton's classic but also because I can't let my geek cred' slip by not seeing it. I have tried to avoid as much info as possible about the film because I do want it to be at least a bit surprising. I watched the trailers and picked carefully the movie reviews out there to read just to see if anyone had really bad things to say about it. So far I have not encountered any and I have avoided as many spoilers as possible.
This got me thinking though on how hard it is nowadays to actually NOT hear about an entire movie before it hits the screens.
When I was kid back in the day ....damn kids get off my lawn... sorry. Anyway back in the day when there was no new fangled thing called the internet and I was still saving up to buy that cool new intellivision version of Burgertime, we got our information on summer popcorn movies the old fashion way... reading a monthly magazine that had outdated information and very few pictures. The brave movie fanatics sat through the pain that was Entertainment tonight to catch the "First Trailer" or "a Glimpse" at the upcoming movie. It was painful but worth it...sometimes. Movies had alot more mystery to them back then I think. Especially the highly anticipated summer block buster which were fewer in number. Back then if a movie made a 100 million dollars it was a HUGE accomplishment and it took more than a weekend to do.
I remember when I was a teen and saw a banner stating "Who is the Darkman?" and thats all it said. My curiosity was truely peaked especially since the accompaining poster on display said " from the director of beetlejuice" aka Tim Burton my all time fav director I will proudly admit. Besides the silouhette of a man in a trench and hat , thats all the information the poster provided. Guess you could say that it was old school viral marketing. Before the dark times. Before the Empire.
I knew I had to find out about this movie. course I couldn't just hop on the computer and see what other movie geeks on the forums had to say about it. No I had to wait a couple weeks before the latest edition of fangoria was out to read what it was about. When I did see the magazine there was limited information. There was enought to peek my curiousity to go see it. Which I did and it was good...not groundbreaking but a good movie.
Nowadays most films you know everything about it months before its actually release...or atleast enough to make you not want to pay full admission for it.
Now before people start yelling ...."Oh yeah well you still have that today...what about cloverfield...what about Quarentine" and I will say "What about them?"
Cloverfield was an exception to the rule but only to a point. Think about how quickly information hit the web about it soon after the first mysterious trailer hit the screens. within a month the internet was on fire about what it could be and within two months people figured it out... course the Cloverfield mysterious websites helped but still.
You could say ....well movieman just don't read anything about it on the interweb and just watch the trailers. Which would be great IF they actually made "Trailers" for the movies instead of a CLiffs notes version of the movie.
Sorry to say but most movie trailers nowadays give so much of the movie away that you don't have to see it. Rather than a short 30sec clip you get sometimes a min and a half trailer showing the main plot points of the film. case in point look at the trailer for "The Guardian" now granted I would not pay full admission for most of Kevin Kostner's films anyway but with the trailer for this movie I would not have had too. I got 90% of the film from just the trailer...the dramatic points, the key events etc. Maybe its just because I have seen so many movies but I could put the entire movie together from just the clips they showed...course with shear amount of the movie shown and the length of the trailer my 8 year old could probably have connected the dots to the film.
Or for example look at the full trailer they released for the Hulk remake. I mean in the olden days .....dammit I said off the lawn you punks... anyway I think the trailer would have been different for the movie 15 years ago. you wouldn't have gotten but maybe just a short glimpse of the Abomination if at all. There would have been more mystery. I think thats what we have lost with this " instant information" world we have, the mystery of a movie and the exceitment of not know what you were going to see when the lights went down in the theatre.
I will leave my "instant information is not always a good thing discussion" for a later post.
I would say that I will give you my opinion of the movie when we are done seeing it...but I think I will leave it a mystery.

Monday, June 2, 2008

OK so its been more than a day

I have come to the realization in the last few moths that I am the only person holding my self back from completing any of my projects. As you can imagine this was not a happy realization for no one likes to be at fault for their own problems. It is our nature to blame external influences in such matters. For the longest time I have stated that I did not have the time to complete the project, or energy and while these things may have been true occasionally they were not the reason every day.
I ,in all honesty, was being lazy and self defeating. I left the projects to collect dust in the thought that I will get to them soon. Yet soon never came...until now.
I have set a few goals for myself and one of them is to create, finish or the very least work on one of my many projects for at least one hour a day. I also plan on putting the Wii fit to use at least 3 times a day. For those of you that don't know, the Wii fit is a vile and cruel device created by the makers of nintendo that's sole purpose is to mock and guilt you into doing excercises and work out.
Damn you Mario Empire.
Anyway I also plan to post more on here. I have a blog may as well use it. My own little corner of the internet has grown dust and for that I apologize to it. I also will apologize now if this and future posts seem a bit disjointed or jump rails at any given moment. Its just how my mind rolls.