Tuesday, May 19, 2009


OK so I may be taking it a little to the extreme but not much. I finished watching Repo: A Genetic Opera and as far as modern musicals go it was pretty much...crap. The story is that there was a sickness that was taking millions of lives but this company GENE Co. came up with a cure for people in the form of transplants. They came up with a drug that would make transplants easy for folks and of course Gene Co provided the replacement organs. Soon people were living longer because they were able to buy new organs and replenish themselves for the most part. As long as they had the money that is. People could by their organs on a payment plan but if they missed a payment well ...enter the Repo man who comes to the people and collects the organs that they got from Gene co but were unable to pay for. Repo man keeps his occupation secret from his daughter who is ill with a blood disease. There is also a love triangle and the head of Gene Co's twisted kids. The son who likes to stab people, the son who keeps getting his face replaced yet still gets the hot women, and then there is the surgery addicted daughter played by that razzie award winning artist, Paris Hilton (warning she also sings.) I think her best bit is where her face falls off.
Now that premise for as weird as it is was not bad for a regular horror sci fi type movie. But then the geniuses shoved their heads in their ass and made it a musical..a bad musical. I am sorry but for a musical to be decent it must have well good music, songs that are catchy like the songs in Mulan Rouge or Chicago, even Sweeny Todd had some catchy tunes. This one had none...which is a feat in itself considering about 80% of the movie is song. Truely no performances really stand out except for the grave robber character who kinda looks like a reject from the Labyrinth Casting call. He had a decent voice and seemed to really get into his roll. The rest of the actors seemed to not really be in it. Even the Repo man was a flat in his performance which is not what you want from a guy who is skilled at removing organs.
There is alots of gore which should satisfy some but the rest of the movie is a mash up of bad musical number and then bad dialog that serves only the purpose to get you to the next bad musical number.
I liked the production design of the sets and the story itself would had been interesting had they not made it a musical. IF this was your normal weird Sci-Fi punk sort of thriller I really think it would have done better, at least made a living as one of those good bad movies. It never really does reach that level and hopefully it fades into movie obscurity. I know I can't have those 97 mins back of my life but I can try. I think I will e-mail Paris tomorrow and ask if she can slide some of that money this way to compensate for the trash that was that movie. Then again no one forced me to watch it except a little guy called Morbid curiosity. If I ever find that guy he is gonna have hell to pay.
SO if you have not guessed it, I did not like the movie in most aspects of it. What little redeeming quality the production design and the grave robber character may have are too over shadowed by the steaming pile of crap that is this movie. I hope those actors fired their agents and I hope Paris Hilton decides to stay in the clubs where she belongs and not trying to act.
Rent this movie when its in the dollar bin or on netflix and ONLY if your own little guy called curiosity decides it would be a good idea.

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