Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alas I was doing so well

Ok so I have not posted in a couple of days. In my kinda defense I got my father's day present early...a 1.5TB drive plus I got a media server going so I can play video and music files on the PS3 as well as the other PC's without them having the files locally stored. Yeah I am a geek. Speaking of Geek the wife forced me to sit down and watch the first disk of the first season of the Big Bang Theory. Yeah I avoided for as long as I could ...not sure why ...maybe to just give the wife a hard time or maybe cause the show hits too close to home. I of course loved the show about 4 geeks who deal with a hot chi....a very attractive member of the opposite sex. Anyway the show is quite fun. I and my friend Jim laughed quite hard. Partly because these characters have bits and pieces that remind us of people we know or our selves. Not in a bad way, just in a way. Also because the actors just rattle the geekdom off so naturally you would swear this is how they are in real life outside of the tv world.
I could tell that the actors have real chemistry. Its funny but you can usually tell the shows where actors in a TV sitcom are just doing their thing and they don't really work well off each other. Their coversations seemed like they are reading from the script and the relationships are just scripted. With the principles in the Big Bang Theory this is not there. These characters feel very natural in a sense and the actors play off each other. Its fun to watch one try not to laugh while the others are performing. The geek banter these actors have in converstaions roll naturally off the tounge and it reminds me of conversations my friends and I have had.
All in all I enjoy the show and will be watching the rest.
I have been slow again in my video projects but I have the script for two lonely troopers completed and know what movie I want to review for the Final Cuts return. I just got to get off my butt and do them which is harder than one may think.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fae'th in Time---the alternate ending

Hey if movies can have them why can't the written word. Anyway after chewing on it for a day, and some feedback from a few folks who have actually read the story, I decided to give it a different ending. I know its a Doctor Who story but it is also a Fae'th story so here is a different ending for the story. Try it on and see if you like it.

"The Doctor and Julie, really?” Donna-Lé asked. Shaden just shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘it happens’. He led them towards town as they started to walk.

“I know but hey we had one hell of a ride, wouldn't you say Points. How about I get you guys a drink on me?” Shaden asked.

"On you huh and how do you plan on purchasing said drinks? With the money you still owe us I bet." Bernard asked suspiciously.

"Who said we were buying the drinks?We'll just steal em." Shaden asked with a smile.

"Well we are theives are we not." Donna-Lé answered. Bernard looked at the tool as he shook his head and then added as he cracked his knuckles.

"It is our Specialty"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fae'th in Time...the final pages

The group gathered outside the TARDIS. The Doctor opened the door and Shaden motioned to his two fellow thieves to enter.

“I don’t see how were all going to fit in there but if you insist. “ Donna-Lé said as she and Bernard entered the TARDIS. The moment the two were inside, the Doctor put the collars on them and then returned the Time Vector Generator to its rightful spot. The control room to the TARDIS was once again at its larger size. Julie and Shaden entered as the Doctor stepped out.

“Excuse me there is something I need to take care of.” The Doctor said as he drew his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor walked away before the other two could ask what he was going to do. He walked over to the Rani’s TARDIS which was still disguised as a pillar. He pointed the screwdriver at the machine when there was a flash of blue light and the Rani appeared between him and her TARDIS.

“Oh no you don’t” The Rani stated as she pushed a surprised Doctor to the ground. He grabbed her right boot but she managed to pull it out from his grip. She ran for the entrance to her TARDIS as Draconis burst through the front of the Palace. The Doctor scrambled to his feet ran to his TARDIS. Both machines dematerialized as Draconis shot a massive stream of fire out at both time machines. He roared in frustration and slammed his fists down, creating two large craters in the stone steps of the palace.

“Well that went well don’t you think?” The Doctor stated with a smile.

“You know I think your definition of well and mine are a bit different chief but I will say it could have gone worse. “ Shaden replied as walked over to a coat rack he did not remember seeing before. The Doctor answered Shaden’s unasked question about the rack.

“Oh I had that brought out especially for you. I thought you might enjoy looking at them.” Then the Doctor walked over to Julie.

“I am sorry I did not get to you sooner. Let me look at that cut.” The Doctor softly said as he looked Julie’s wound.

“Oh it’s just a scratch really Doctor. As far as the speed of my rescue, I knew you would come eventually. You always do.” She said as she smiled that smile that the Doctor enjoyed seeing. They stood there and shared a quiet moment. It did not last long as Shaden yelled from over by the coat rack.

“So what do you think, Chief?”

The Doctor and Julie turned to see Shaden wearing a black duster that seemed to fit him quite nicely. He spun around in place once for the Doctor and Julie to get the full affect, also Shaden liked how the jacket bellowed as he spun.

“I must say you do look quite dashing in it.” Julie said with a bit of a chuckle. Shade bowed in her direction.

“Why thank you m’lady?”

“Ah yes I remember that jacket, I have three or four others just like it. I picked them up from a little shop on the edge of the galaxy. The makers claim that it will never wear, fade or tear. It can withstand temperatures hotter than the sun and I have yet found a weapon that could penetrate it. Well there was one weapon that could but unless you plan on visiting Centrax 7 I think you will be safe in it.” The Doctor said as he leaned against the console. Shaden’s eyes got large. He went over to the Doctor to shake his hand.

“Thanks Doctor. I don’t tell many people that but you definitely deserve it.”

Shaden looked over at the console as the cylinder in the middle slowed and there was the sound of the TARDIS coming to a stop.

“I guess this is where we get off.” Shaden stated as he walked over to Julie. The thief moved a piece of her hair from in front of her face and looked deep into her eyes. There were two small tears trailing down her face and her eyes were full of water.

“Oh Dollface don’t cry. I wish we have more time too. Of all the times, in all the places, in all the universe, you had to come into mine. But see you gotta stay on this ship because if you stayed with me, you may not regret it tomorrow, or next week, or next year but someday you would and I don’t want to be the reason for that.” Shaden said as he touched her chin. He then turned to his two partners in crime who were still in a daze and moved them towards the door. The Doctor came over to Julie and put his arm around her.

“I didn’t think you cared for him that much my dear,” he commented as the two watched Shaden move Bernard out the door.

“I don’t actually, but the fumes coming from him made my eyes burn. Seriously can we go throw him in a shower, or bath, or say a river.” Julie said with a chuckle as she wiped here eyes. The Doctor got a look on his face as if he just remembered something and went through a door in the back of the control room. He emerged again just as Shaden had gotten Donna-Lé through the door.

“Here you are Shade, payment for you and your partners.” The Doctor said as he placed a hand sized pouch in the thief’s hand. He bounced the bag in his hand and smiled.

“On behalf of my partners I thank you. I also personally thank you. See I had spent the money from the last two jobs on one wild night with these two cat wo…” Shaden stopped as the Doctor looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked over at Julie who had her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

“Take care Blue Eyes,” Shaden said with a wave to Julie and quickly he gave the Doctor a big hug. The thief broke the embrace as fast as he had given it, “Sorry... Anyway safe travels Doctor. I don’t have many people I can truly call my friends but you and Julie can count yourselves as ones.”

Shaden exited the TARDIS and the second he closed the door, the TARDIS began to dematerialize. When the TARDIS had completely disappeared Shaden pulled out the sonic screwdriver he had just stolen from the Doctor and gave it a little flip in his hand. That’s when heard the sound of the TARDIS rematerialize behind him. The door to the TARDIS opened and a hand appeared from it with its palm open. Shaden placed the screwdriver into the hand which disappeared back into the TARDIS, followed by the slam of the door. Shaden chuckled to himself as the TARDIS once again disappeared into time and space. He then turned to his companions and removed their collars. Before they could say anything, Shaden put his arms around both of them.

“Can you believe that guy and his girl, knocked us out, disappeared and stiffed us our money.”

“You’re putting me on” Bernard said.

“The Doctor and Julie, really?” Donna-Lé asked. Shaden just shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘it happens’. He led them towards town as they started to walk.

“I know but hey we had one hell of an adventure, ay. How about I buy you guys a drink on me.”


“So where to now Doctor.” Julie asked as she took a seat on the love seat she had been on before. The Doctor checked a small monitor on the console and then flipped a couple switches before he turned towards Julie.

“I was thinking we go could go after the Rani.” He said with a smile.

“What? How?” Julie asked as she got up and walked over to the Doctor.

“ Slipped a small tracking beacon to her boots when she knocked me over. The TARDIS is working on locating it now.” The Doctor stated as he leaned against the console with his all knowing smile on his face.

“You think the TARDIS can find the Rani Doctor?” Julie asked.

“It’s her specialty.” The Doctor replied.


Thank you to any and all who have actually followed my little story. I know there are grammar errors and spelling errors abound but that's why I am going to be drafting it again to tighten it up. Please message me or e-mail or leave in the comment section of this post feedback, likes, dislikes and if you would like a copy of it when I am finished. I plant on posting a new story soon so stay tuned. In meantime I am actually working on a script of a movie I hope to shoot with in the next year. I have made some progress on it...not much but a start.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grilling and the modern man

What is it exactly about grilling that makes it so enjoyable. Is it some primal instinct of man that comes to the surface when ever meat meats a grill and open flame. I can tell you its something I throughly enjoy, the fresh smell of burgers on the fire..or brats...or steak if you are so privelaged. I love the taste of grilled meat, there's some added element of the outdoors maybe. Something that gives it that extra kick. People grill out at tailgate parties and that tastes totally better than the more expensive burgers in the stadium. Some stadiums even use open grills but they just aren't the same.
Maybe its all just psychological in our brains that associates grilling with summer and vacation and good times. The brain becomes so happy that the food just tastes better not so much because it is but rather our brain thinking it is cause its feeling just so damn good.
Whatever it is that makes grilling special, I like it.
I am going to try and grill as much as possible this summer, because well to coin a phrase from Mr.Food. " oooo its so good."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'll be Back: A quick review from a Devout T2 fan

OK so the finale for Fae'th will have to wait until tomorrow. I instead headed out with my good friend Jim to go see Terminator Salvation. Now I went into the movie with not so high expectations. Considering what a catastrophe the third movie was and the fact the McG was directing this one, lets just say I was very worried on how the movie was to play out. I was happily surprised.
I have always been a T1 and T2 fan, the multiple copies I have or should say had of T2 on vhs and DVD speak for themselves. When the 3rd movie was made you could tell it was something they slapped together to try and cash in on the franchise and failed miserably.
Then I heard the rumblings of them making a fourth movie and I was like,"They just are trying to milk the franchise more. Run it into the ground like Paramount did with alot of their other movies. I went in expecting another Indiana Jones and the Crystal skull, what I got was more of a respectable sequel to the first two films.
You can usually tell when a sequel is made just for the sake of making it and when it is made because someone actually took the time to come up with more story to tell. Terminator Salvation is the latter of the two. They put effort in keeping as much continuity as they could with out getting too confusing with the whole time travel aspect. McG made you care about the character and the pacing of the movie was very well done considering the amount of action sequences there were. This movie fit so much better into the time line of events than the third one.
Sky net still is on its rise to conquering the world after judgement day and the resistance is a hell of alot more organized.
They added a pleasant new twist to the story line with the introduction of the character Marcus Wright.
I don't want to give much away about the story but lets just say I was happy with the way events progressed.
The music made me happy and not just because it was Danny Elfman, my favorite composer, well ok maybe that had a little to do with it but it was decent even without that factor.
Danny's music is great during the quiet moments, I am sure the action ques were good as well but you couldn't quite hear it over the special f/x, which is normal for a high action film.
You could also tell what was going on in the action scenes for the majority of the film which was a nice change of paste from the close up Michael bay wTF just happened directing of action sequences we have seen as of late.
Sure there are some plot holes and some "Why didn't the robots just do this" moments but you have that in every movie.
On the whole Terminator is an excellent action film that takes itself a hell of alot more serious than the third film. They do a better job of tying it into the mythology and also keep it entertaining. It is at least worth the price of admission.

Friday, May 22, 2009

OY! damn me and my ways

SO my procrastination in movie making has let another IDea slip away. Just read about a guy who made a movie for 70 bucks. Its a Zombie film and its getting talk at Cannes. A japanese company is looking to buy the rights to it. He is looking to make major bank and possibly jump start his career. His movie is a Zombie movie told from the Zombie's perspective. Funny thing is I have had that idea for quite awhile but never got to shooting it. Now I would just be an imitator instead of an innovater. Ah well look for the Finale of Fae'th in Time tomorrow. Good night and good luck.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fae'th in TIme....not quite the end.

The Doctor slid over to Julie’s body, in a bit of a panic fearing the worse. As he reached her she began to move. He was face to face with her when her eyes opened.

“It’s about time you showed up.” She stated groggily.

“You know how I am about schedules.”

The two shared a smile but immediately were reminded of the situation they were in. Draconis walked over to the two and sighed.

“Oh well, guess we will have to start with the elf.” Draconis said as he threw a fireball toward’s Donna-Lé.

“NO!” The Doctor and Julie yelled as they watched the fireball head towards its target. A moment before the fireball connected, there was a bright flash of blue light above Donna-Lé and two bodies fell on top of her, knocking her out of the way. The fireball connected with the Noc that had been holding the elf and the guard immediately turned into ash.

“Well that was new.” Shaden commented as he picked him self up off the Rani who was in a daze. Donna-Lé was also dazed and made little effort to move. Bernard stepped on the foot of the Noc holding him and then elbowed the beast between the legs. The Noc howled and loosened its grip just enough for Bernard to slip out. Shaden threw Smite and it cleaved the Noc’s head in two. The Doctor and Julie attempted to get up and run but were knocked back across the room into another pile of treasure by a large hand. Draconis had returned to his true form and did not look happy.

“I tried to be civil about this but you just don’t want to play nice. I guess I will just have to dig through your ashes later to look for that precious key.”

The Doctor and Julie tried to retrieve the air that had been knocked from their lungs as Draconis spoke. Bernard made a run in vein towards the two. Shaden made a motion with his hand and a large jewel flew from the ground and hit Bernard in the head, knocking his friend out cold. Though Draconis had his back to Shaden, the thief knew Draconis was about to strike. The Doctor pulled Julie close as Draconis released a large stream of fire from his mouth towards the two. They closed their eyes preparing for the pain to come but it never came. The Doctor opened his eyes immediately to see the stream of fire curling away from them and back towards Draconis. The Doctor saw Shaden on one knee with both hands stretched out at the fire, he was manipulating it. Draconis stopped for a moment with the fire trying to figure out what was wrong with his flame. The Doctor and Julie tried to get away but Draconis pinned them with his right hand.

“I don’t know what part of your science is protecting you, Doctor, but I will show you your science is no match for magic. Draconis used his free hand and a gigantic ball of purple energy appeared. Draconis threw it at the Doctor and Julie but the ball no sooner left Draconis’s hand when it flew back into the dragon’s face. He held his head in both hands as purple electricity arched around his eyes and mouth. The Doctor and Julie made a run towards Shaden. Draconis shot a stream of fire out blindly. Again it curled back into his face, causing him scream in pain and this time collapse to the ground.

The Doctor managed to reach Shaden before Shaden fell, the thief was covered in sweat and very pale.

“You can move things with your mind?”

“Its my secret …specialty…sssssh” Shaden replied wearily as he put his finger to his lips. Draconis had managed to clear his head and stand up again. At that moment a Noc Guard grabbed Julie by the arms and lifted her up in a reverse bear hug while the Rani had snuck up behind the Doctor and pulled the Time Vector Generator from his pocket.

“You lose Doctor.” The Rani said in the Doctor's ear as she pointed the TVG into the back of the timelord. The move made the Doctor lose his grip on Shaden, who slumped to his knees. Shaden looked for Donna-Lé but she too was restrained and Bernard was still out cold. Draconis’s voice snapped Shaden’s attention back to the dragon.

“Well done the Rani. I must say you have proven yourself most useful. Now if you could search the Doctor for his key, Shaden and I have some unfinished business.”

Draconis went to grab Shaden. The thief managed to get a hand up in front of himself.

“WAIT!!!!” He yelled.

The move was so sudden Draconis pulled his hand back for a moment as if he had touched something hot. Shaden then reached into the pocket of his leather armor and pulled out the recorder crystal he had put there earlier.

“Draconis … the Rani is going to double cross you.”

The Rani suddenly looked very nervous but did not move

Draconis just smiled as he went to grab the thief, “Now Shaden. You know I don’t trust anybody and suspected one day she would double cross me. Its one of her more appealing attributes. Now where were we.”

“But did you know that the double cross involved your death at the hands of science.” Shaden replied as he was grabbed by the dragon. Draconis paused for a moment and looked in the direction of the Rani with a raised eyebrow.

“Really?” Draconis asked.

“I am not Draconis. Don’t listen to him it’s just another one of his tricks. Now hurry up and fry the little fish.” The Rani replied in a bit of a panic.

Shaden smashed the crystal against Draconis’s finger.

“The crystal never lies”. Shaden said calmly.

A pink smoke floated in front of Draconis’s face. A picture suddenly appeared in front of him. Julie and the Doctor watched as well. The picture was not clear, like a video, but reminded Julie of an oil painting where the colors are slightly smeared. You could not see sharp detail but could tell what was going on. That’s when the hall echoed with the conversation the Rani had with Shaden about killing Draconis and then killing magic and using the world as her own personal lab. The scene ended at the point Shaden had just been pulled into the tunnel by the carpet.

Draconis looked down at the Rani and smiled.

“My you are full of ideas. When we are done dispatching these fools, you and I are going to have to have a talk my dear about how to destroy your vessel and your new role as palace slave. Isn’t that grand.”

The Rani’s face went flushed with anger and she pushed the Doctor out of the way.

“No one touches my ship, especially not some over grown salamander.” The Rani shot a beam from the Time Vector Generator at Draconis chest. The blast knocked the beast back and he let go of Shaden. The thief managed to roll as he landed and pop back up on his feet. The Doctor got to his feet and used the sonic screw driver to knock out the Noc holding Julie. The guard holding Donna-Lé was distracted by the commotion. The elf took advantage of the opportunity and elbowed the Noc in the nose a couple times, then she pulled out one of her daggers and drove the dagger through the Noc’s eye and into its head. She then grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows that had been tossed to the side. The Rani ran past Shaden with the TVG extended. Shaden promptly grabbed it from her hand and tossed it to the Doctor.

“Heads Up chief.”

The Doctor managed to look up and catch the TVG just before it hit him in the face. The Rani took a swing at Shaden, who ducked and spun around sweeping the Rani’s legs out from under her. He saw Draconis start to get up. Shaden looked above Draconis and notice a large iron chandelier hanging above from the ceiling. Shaden threw Smite into the air. The boomerang sliced the chain holding the fixture up. The large, heavy object fell instantly. Draconis caught the chandelier square in the head and slumped unconscious onto a pile of gold.

Shaden tried to run towards the Doctor, Julie and Donna-Lé, who was helping Bernard to his feet. The thief took two steps before he was tripped by the Rani and he tumbled down the mound of gold. The Rani picked up a large silver mug that was near her and slid down the mound after Shaden. Shaden was in the process of getting to his feet when the Rani reached him. She held the mug in the air, in preparation to strike but was not able to complete the action. She instead slumped to the floor, knocked out cold. Shaden looked down at the Rani and then up to see Julie holding one end of a golden scepter in her right hand while bouncing the other end in the left. Julie just smiled at Shaden and walked away.

“Right well we’ve had our fun but I think its time to leave.” The Doctor stated.

They nodded in agreement and the group ran to the large door way of the lair. They stopped just before the door way and stared at the sight in front of them. The fountain room was filled with Noc Guards, all with their weapons drawn and looking mighty pissed off.

Shaden armed himself with Smite, Donna-Lé readied her bow, Julie held her scepter like a bat and the Doctor took aim with the Time Vector Generator. Just as they were about to scream a barbaric yalp and rush into the fray, music suddenly filled the air. The Noc seemed to become entranced by it.

There’s a story you should know from a hundred years ago

And a hundred years we’ve waited now to tell

Now the Yankees come along and they’ll listen to this song

And they’ll quake in fear to hear this Rebel Yell

Yeeeeeeehaw! Oh the South’s gonna rise again!

As Bernard hit the cord on the last note green mist swiftly poured from his instrument and appearing between the group and army of Noc stood a 35 foot tall ghost soldier on his ghostly steed. Julie thought it looked like General Lee. The Ghost looked down at the Noc and gave a loud roar. From its mouth smaller ghost flew out and attacked the Noc. Most of the Noc ran in terror. The few brave Noc that stood their ground found themselves on the ground dead. Bernard made a motion with his hand.

“After you.”

“Teach him that one too did you?” The Doctor asked

“Yeah, for some reasons the songs I teach him seem to have more potent affect than any of the other songs.” Shaden replied as they walked to the back of the room. The Doctor used the Time Vector Generator to carve another hole and the group hastily exited the Palace.

Those final moments...

So last night I worked on the last few pages of Fae'th in Time. Once complete I shall go back over it again for its second revision and if I am comfortable with it I would be more than happy to send all interested parties a copy. It always bitter sweet when I get to this point of a project like this. I have been writing it over the last few months and as with all my creative works, I have grown attached to it. It went in directions I did not expect , in a good way, and became a lot more integral to the Fae'th world than originally planned, again a good thing. I appreciate my friend Doc letting me use his Doctor and Julie characters and I hope I did not mess with them too much.
Now I am already setting my sites for the next project. Its a story called Sides and the scope of this story could be quite exentsive. I may even try to promote it up some how but not sure on that. Or I may also post my Ring Noir story again. I have more I would like to add to it. Many of you probably haven't read it, it is a Parody of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy set in a Noir style and is still one of my favorite pieces of writing, that not too narcessistic I hope.
Anyway I have to actually do some work at work now. Look for the last pages of Fae'th to most likely be posted tonight.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


OK so I may be taking it a little to the extreme but not much. I finished watching Repo: A Genetic Opera and as far as modern musicals go it was pretty much...crap. The story is that there was a sickness that was taking millions of lives but this company GENE Co. came up with a cure for people in the form of transplants. They came up with a drug that would make transplants easy for folks and of course Gene Co provided the replacement organs. Soon people were living longer because they were able to buy new organs and replenish themselves for the most part. As long as they had the money that is. People could by their organs on a payment plan but if they missed a payment well ...enter the Repo man who comes to the people and collects the organs that they got from Gene co but were unable to pay for. Repo man keeps his occupation secret from his daughter who is ill with a blood disease. There is also a love triangle and the head of Gene Co's twisted kids. The son who likes to stab people, the son who keeps getting his face replaced yet still gets the hot women, and then there is the surgery addicted daughter played by that razzie award winning artist, Paris Hilton (warning she also sings.) I think her best bit is where her face falls off.
Now that premise for as weird as it is was not bad for a regular horror sci fi type movie. But then the geniuses shoved their heads in their ass and made it a musical..a bad musical. I am sorry but for a musical to be decent it must have well good music, songs that are catchy like the songs in Mulan Rouge or Chicago, even Sweeny Todd had some catchy tunes. This one had none...which is a feat in itself considering about 80% of the movie is song. Truely no performances really stand out except for the grave robber character who kinda looks like a reject from the Labyrinth Casting call. He had a decent voice and seemed to really get into his roll. The rest of the actors seemed to not really be in it. Even the Repo man was a flat in his performance which is not what you want from a guy who is skilled at removing organs.
There is alots of gore which should satisfy some but the rest of the movie is a mash up of bad musical number and then bad dialog that serves only the purpose to get you to the next bad musical number.
I liked the production design of the sets and the story itself would had been interesting had they not made it a musical. IF this was your normal weird Sci-Fi punk sort of thriller I really think it would have done better, at least made a living as one of those good bad movies. It never really does reach that level and hopefully it fades into movie obscurity. I know I can't have those 97 mins back of my life but I can try. I think I will e-mail Paris tomorrow and ask if she can slide some of that money this way to compensate for the trash that was that movie. Then again no one forced me to watch it except a little guy called Morbid curiosity. If I ever find that guy he is gonna have hell to pay.
SO if you have not guessed it, I did not like the movie in most aspects of it. What little redeeming quality the production design and the grave robber character may have are too over shadowed by the steaming pile of crap that is this movie. I hope those actors fired their agents and I hope Paris Hilton decides to stay in the clubs where she belongs and not trying to act.
Rent this movie when its in the dollar bin or on netflix and ONLY if your own little guy called curiosity decides it would be a good idea.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fae'th in time...the story is waning

Test test
The TARDIS materialized next to the Pillar that was the Rani's TARDIS. The Doctor flipped a couple switches and then stared at the two entraced characters before him. He wondered how he was going to move them to the door and get them out before seeing the inside of the TARDIS. Then he snapped his fingers at the brilliant idea he had. He first made to move Bernard. He found he was able to turn the troll and ,with a little push, make Bernard move toward the door. Once in front of the door the Doctor did the same with Donna-Lé, only with the elf he gave a quick apology for grabbing the lady by her shoulders and turning her towards the door. Then the Doctor went to the door and slid back a panel. Behind the panel was a small rod held in place by two metal contacts. The Doctor grabbed the rod.
"Sorry girl," the Doctor apologized as he removed the Time Vector Generator.The interior changed from the vast space that was the control room to the normal size of a police boxes interior. The rod the Doctor removed was pointed at both ends which were covered with a small cap. The rod fit into the Doctor's pocket fairly easy, though it did make the jacket quite a bit heavier. He then saw the small half collars Shade had mentioned earlier. The Doctor slid both off at the same time and slid them in his other pocket. Good thing I like jackets with pockets the Doctor thought to himself. As the two came too the Doctor gave a loud clap of the hands.
"Right to catch you up to speed. Shaden has gone after the Rani and we are at the Palace Draconis. We are to storm the Palace, rescue Julie and escape with our lives in tact. Now there are most likely a large number of Noc guards out there so I suggest we all prepare ourselves."
Donna-Lé and Bernard looked a bit confused but decided to go with what the Doctor said and they did thier best to draw their weapons, which was not easy given the cramped quarters.
"Wasn't this room a lot bigger before?" Bernard asked.
"Just a matter of perspective. I am sure alot of rooms look big to you. Let's go...heya!!" The Doctor opened the doors with a mighty yell. Donna- Lé shot out three arrows and Bernard began to strum. They jumped out of the doorway as they did this and felt a bit foolish. To their surprise there was no one around.
"Right well, shall we go pay Draconis a visit." The Doctor stated as he strolled to the two large ornate doors that made up the entrance to the Palace. Bernard and Donna-Lé looked around cautiously as they followed the Doctor. The Doctor went to knock on the doors of the palace and just before his hand connected with the door it turned into a wall.
"That's a bit rude wouldn't you say?" The Doctor stated.
"Looks as if we will need to find another way around. I think I see a door at the base of one of the gaurd towers. We could sneak along the wall to the door. You. Doctor, and I wait on either side of the door and Bernard will start a serenade. Then when the guard comes out of the door you subdue him and I will proceed to dispatch any gaurds behind the first. We then fight our way to one of the main Palace cooridors. Then we ask the Palace to take us to Draconis's Lair, then Bernard and I will distract the guards as you sneak in and rescue your fair maiden."
Donna-Lé took a deep breath after laying out a well thought out plan.
"We could do that." The Doctor replied as he removed the Time Vector Generator from his pocket and removed a cap from one of its pointed end. Then He activated it. A laser came out of the end of it. The laser burned a small hole in the stone wall. The Doctor trailed the laser along the wall in an arch shape and the piece he cut out fell backward into the palace. The Doctor smiled.
"This way is quicker."
The three walked through the opening which started to heal as soon as they were through. The Doctor found they were in the same room with the fountain he had been in earlier. That meant he was right where they needed to be.
"Um Doctor I think I found where all the Guards were hiding." Bernard stated as he grabbed the sleeve of the Doctor's jacket. The Doctor looked at the two large closed doors that led into Draconis's lair and infront of them 40 Noc Guards and two of the Hyden beasts with riders, one on each side of the group of 40.
"That must be some companion you have their Doctor." Donna-Lé stated as she held her three arrows in her drawn bow.
"That she is my dear." The Doctor replied as he readied the Time Vector Generator. The Noc grunted and snorted like bulls in Pamplona just before they are released for the annual Running of the Bulls". That was one hell of a day the Doctor thought as he remembered participating in the event. The Noc Screamed as they charged the group. The Hyden beasts were quicker and flanked the trio on each side. Donna-Lé launched two volley's of three arrows at the beast and managed to take out both its eyes and its rider. Bernard strummed a tune on his instrument furiously as the other Hyden beast approached him. The Beast stopped in its tracks and threw its rider to the ground. It mauled its rider and then Bernard was able to direct it towards the group of charging Noc. The Doctor proceeded to point the TVG at the ceiling and in no time cut a huge circle in the ceiling. The large stone circle immediatle fell on top of the Noc and the fountain just before the hoard was to reach them. Three Noc remained standing. They immediately uttered something and the palace whisked them away.
"They are going for reinforcements. We don't have much time. " Bernard informed as they approached the liar door.
"I won't need much time." The Doctor said calmly as he used the the Time Vector Generator to cut along the side of one lair door and then the other. There was loud cracking noise as the two doors proceeded to fall forward. They landed with a loud crash and kicked up a huge cloud of dust.
"DRACONIS I NEED TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU!!" The Doctor yelled as he stepped into the lair. Bernard and Donna-Lé took a spot on either side of the doorway and looked out into the room they just came from. Looking for signs of more guards.
"There's no need to yell Doctor. I'm right here." Draconis stated. He was sitting on a large golden throne perched on top of a large mound of gold and jewels. Next to him in a cage was Julie who appeared to be a bit dazed. Her right arm was bleeding from a cut on her shoulder. The Doctor pointed the TVG at Draconis and fired it.

A beam shot out of the end of the of the Time Vector Generator and hit Draconis directly in the chest. The beam knocked Draconis and his throne down the back of the mound of gold. The Doctor quickly bounded up the mound. He used the TVG to cut through two of the bars. Julie was in a dazed state and hardly seemed to notice the Doctor was there.

“Julie, It’s the Doctor.” The Doctor stated as he tapped her on the face in an attempt to get her to snap out of it. The Doctor heard Draconis’ laugh echo through the lair just before he felt the searing pain of electricity travel through his body. The Time Vector Generator flew from his hand before the Doctor fell to the ground. The device rolled down to the bottom of the gold mound. The Doctor watched as Draconis floated in the air near the cage.

“You scientist will never learn that all your knowledge and inventions are no match for the natural power of magic.” The evil wizard stated as he landed gently next to the cage. He clapped his hands and the cage disappeared. He then gave the Doctor another zap of electricity.

“Although I am impressed with your entrance, you do seem to have a talent for the dramatic entrance.”

“ What did you do to her?” The Doctor asked as the pain subsided for the moment and he tried to lift himself up. Draconis kicked him back down and shocked him again.

“Calm yourself Doctor, its just a side affect from the Doppleganger. As long as its alive she will be in this state. Of course you know by now should her double die, well let’s just say you would be traveling alone.”

The Wizard gave a small chuckle. The Doctor wondered where Shaden’s companions were but his question was immediately answered as he heard Donna-Lé yell at someone to let her go. Draconis snapped his fingers and the Doctor found his hands shackled. He managed to maneuver himself to sit up right and face Draconis who was once again sitting in his throne.

“Tell me then Draconis, why would you want my TARDIS if you think science is so horrible.”

“So I can destroy it. You of all people should know you cannot destroy what you do not understand.” Draconis stated as a Goblet of wine appeared in his hand. The Doctor shifted positions to try and move his jacket in a way so he could reach his sonic screwdriver. Draconis continued to talk with out directly looking at the Doctor.

“Now Doctor if you don’t mind, I do need that key of yours. It would appear your device is stronger against magic than I expected.”

“Sorry but I seem to have misplaced it again. Happens more than you think.” The Doctor quipped as his hands found their way to his jacket pocket.

“I grow tired of these games Doctor. If you do not give me the key then I will kill one of your friends here.” Draconis opened his left palm and a fire ball appeared. Julie suddenly dropped to the ground limp. Draconis looked over at the motionless body of Julie. “Oh damn, it looks as though someone beat me to it.”

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And Zombies too

So this weekend was decent. The trip went well, kids had fun playing with their cousins and grandma. The wife got to spend time with her family and I had some great food. I have never been much of a baseball guy but the brewers are doing well so far. Hopefully they haven't peaked too soon.
Ended the weekend by watching a zombie movie. Dead Snow.
A Norwegian Nazi Zombie movie. It was alot better than I though it would be. The movie also pays homage to the zombie movies before it. You have 6 friends that look to spend a holiday at a remote cabin in the mountains. Little did they know that there was a platoon of Zombie Nazi's that haunt the woods and they don't like trespassers.
The Characters are just your standard college kids though they did make them all medical students which is a bit of a twist. Also a twist was that one of them was afraid of blood ironic for both the fact he's a medical student and cause he's in a Zombie movie.
The director does well to make you care about the characters at least enough to where you would not want to see them dead. There are a number make you jump moments. There is plenty of gore. The story of the film is actually well played out and its not long before your realize its not just a gimmick movie. They put some thought behind it. Those who have seen zombie films will catch the honor they pay to movies such as Night of the living dead and yes Evil Dead 2.
Once again it is proven that foreign films are becoming more and more competition for the US cinema for the quality of film produced. Once again we have running zombies but it fits the film and I have grown use to them at this point.
Now with Dead Snow you do have to deal with subtitles but they do not remove you from the experience at all.
I am happily surprised at the movie and definitely recomend it for all zombie and horror movie fans alike.
It is on my to buy list for sure.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A quick thought or three

Ah so I am on the road here so this is going to be short.

Went with the family to a state park today, one of the ones with all kinds of rock formations and such to climb and such. I remember when I was younger my friend and I would spend hours climbing and exploring. I gave the boys a chance to experience the same opportunity and they did not disappoint. They explored and climbed and of course at several points went off the beaten path which I was happy to join them. We took a long trail up a huge hill that had an overlook at the very top. It was a very cool view. It was one of those epic views where you could see for 15 miles in every direction that was not blocked by the tall trees. Its funny how some so simple could be so relaxing. This is gonna sound cheesy but to see the vast landscape and all the little details, a barn here, a large cranberry field there, water towers peppered about.
I just found it fantastic and serene.
I am in the city alot because of work and have not had alot of opportunities in the past few years to enjoy nature like that. It was easy when I was kid because my grandparents had a cottage in delafield at a time when it was still considered out in the country. I have to definitely get out to nature parks more. Just the few hours in the woods and I feel like I have been recharged a bit, Not completely but definitely helped. Yes must get to nature parks more. Anyone care to join me.
Well now off to a wedding for an inlaw, at least there will be food.:)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Doh again I miss with the posting

Yeah so it happened again. Funny enough is that the days I miss posting are the days that just sucked ass at work for me go figure.
I didn't end up watching Dead Snow the other night, after posting I found some other things that actually needed to get done and went to bed. Such is life. I hope to watch it in the next few days and make it my first Movie review of the return of the final cut. I also was so mentally drained I was unable to complete a Lonely tooper this week or for that matter any video projects. That's the problem with having a job where you have to use your brain. It gets tired and wants to do nothing but play Plants vs ZOmbies or just stare at the nothing.
"They look like big...strong...hands..." Sorry flashback in the form of a movie quote there. I have been able to do some more planning in my head but not spit it out in any legible form. Some would argue that my blog is in an eligible form but ....where was I ah yes.
The Movie Donkey Punch was very interesting. Not just because there is nudity in it. The movie was better than most trapped on a boat movies I have seen. I think one of the reasons it did not make it here was one all the actors are australian, or british, or to more plainly...people with thick accents.
Those movies aren't the best just because you have to concentrate to listen to the dialog and we all know the average movie audience today really doesn't like to concentrate or think about whats going on.
Anyway, yes it is about a trio of girls on Holiday, as it is called over the pond, and they meet up with four gentlemen who are crew on a massive yatch. Well the men use their large yatch to impress the girls and they go for a ride. There's alcohol, drugs and eventually a rather steamy sex scene. This is where the movie turns as during the scene someone decideds to try a donkey punch and it ends very badly and the girl involved ends up dead.
The rest of the movie is along the lines of Dead Calm as some of the group start to go crazy and the longer they delay just heading into land and facing the consequences, they stay out at sea. THis allows things to break down. You can see where the movie is going.
I will say that there were a few moments of "wow they actually did that" and there was a fair amount of suspense.
The actors are great at selling the crazy and the directing is such to where you actually care for nearly all the characters. It is a decent suspensful thriller. Worth a watch

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Long day short entry

ITs been a helluva a day from work. I am going to spare the rant or the venting though because well I am just too tired to do so.
I would rather be making movies. and I guess in a small way lonely trooper is a series of very short movie shorts.
Someone sent me a message on you tube stating they would like to see more of the final cut movie reviews I did a year or two ago. I had actually started thinking about doing them again and with at least one person out there actually asking for more, I have the motivation to move on it. SO next week hopefully I will have one in the can to share with you all.

I think I am gonna go watch Zombie Nazi's in that sure to be classic film Dead Snow which recently came out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fae'th in Time....the story continues.

Here is some more of the story for your enjoyment.

The Doctor walked over to the small group that was now in his TARDIS. Donna-Lé and Bernard seemed to be in a trance while Shaden’s head looked around the rather large interior of the Doctor’s craft.
“I must say Doc, be it magic or science, this is very impressive.”
“Thank you. Now if you don’t mind time is of the essence and I need to know where the Rani’s taking the fake Julie.” The Doctor said. He snapped his fingers in front of Shaden’s two dazed companions, “Um what’s wrong with them?”
“Oh trance collar. I slid it on them the min we entered the craft. They aren’t quite ready for the whole space craft, bigger on the inside than outside sort of thing you know chief. Oh and its not the Rani we should be going after , well at least not all of us.”
While Shaden was talking the Doctor was busy at the controls of the TARDIS setting it to go after the Rani when he stopped as if an idea came up and hit him on the back of the head.
“Of Course, Why would the Rani actually capture a fake Julie unless she believed it was the real Julie.”
“Now your cook’n with gas Doc. There are only two people who would have had the means to create that Dolpeganger so quickly and to do the switcheroo of the Julies, the Rani with her science and Draconis with his magic.” Shaden stated though he knew the Doctor had already come to the same conclusion.
“Right but if the Rani hurts the Julie’s double then the real one will be hurt. So we should still go after the fake Julie first.” The Doctor stated.
“Or we could go for both.” Shaden commented, “You go find Julie at Draconis’s hole and I will go after the Rani and reveal the doppelganger. Once revealed, the doppelganger’s connection to Julie will be broke and no longer a threat.”
Shaden made to leave but a shout from the Doctor made him stop.
“What about your friends?”
“Partners Doc, thieves never have friends. Friends are an occupational hazard but go ahead and take them with Doc. There is a small collar on their neck just remove it and they will be ready to go. I’ll move quicker by myself, besides you will need someone to help distract the guards at the palace. Catch you on the flip side.” Shaden answered as he exited the TARDIS, not giving the Doctor a chance to protest. The Doctor just sighed and then set about the controls. He knew he would be able to locate the energy signature from the Rani’s TARDIS and use it to materialize near the Castle. I’m coming for you Julie, just hang in there, the Doctor thought to himself as he engaged the TARDIS.

Shaden watched the TARDIS dematerialize and a moment later he was staring at a rather large and brightly colored tapestry. A smile came across Shades face. I don’t think Cavenaugh will mind me borrowing her magic carpet. He went to the hanging carpet and gave it a yank. The carpet ripped at the corners where the hooks that were holding it up had been. The carpet immediately repaired it self and floated to the floor. It hovered a foot off the ground as it stretched itself flat.
“DON”T YOU THINK ABOUT IT SHADE!!!” Cavenaugh yelled from the middle of the room. She was having trouble wading through the treasure about her.
“No worries Dollface. Its in good hands.” Shaden replied as he hopped on to the carpet. He stood like surfer as the carpet began to move. Shaden leaned to one side and the whole carpet moved with him. He pulled out his bag and slid it along the top of the sea of treasure. His bag filled with coins and jewels as it moved along. Just before he exited the room Shaden righted himself and the Carpet and gave wave to Cavenaugh.
“SHADE YOU BASTARD!!!!!!” Cavenaugh yelled as she lobed a large black pearl in his direction. Before the pearl hit the ground Shaden’s hand appeared out of the doorway and caught it, then disappeared.
Shaden zoomed down the hallways of the Guild. This time he was laid flat on his chest, allowing the carpet the ability to move faster than if he stood. He flew down the last corridor and threw his boomerang at the torch switch which opened up the end of the hall. Shade and the carpet flew into the Dirty Hog and then crashed through its main window. The cool night air felt refreshing on his face. Shaden reached into his bag and removed a long slender sapphire. The jewel had a string wrapped around it and the string was attached to a small sliver rod.
“Let’s hope the locator jewel I slipped into Brown eyes pocket works” Shade said to the carpet and the held the jewel in front of his mouth.
"Awake" he whispered.
The jewel swung slowly back and forth at first but then began to pick up speed and glow. In the next moment the jewel pointed straight out in front of them. Shaden smiled and commanded the carpet.
“Follow the jewel.”
The carpet picked up more speed as it followed the jewel’s pointed direction. The carpet changed direction as the jewel did, while Shaden did his best to hold on to the carpet with one hand and jewel in the other. After 5 mins the the jewel pointed straight down and the carpet started to descend. The change in direction happened so fast, Shaden did not have time to jump when the carpet ran straight into the ground. Shaden rolled across the ground and stopped with a thud against a large tree stump.
"A little advanced warning next time huh." Shaden said to the carpet which had straighten itself out and once again hovered. The jewel's point was stuck in the ground and the jewel twitched as it tried to dig further into the dirt. Shaden looked around and saw they were in the middle of a vast open field. He could barely make out the fence line or the lights on the farm house at the north end of the field. He then realized he had the pleasure of slamming into the only tree stump in the entire field. He dropped to the ground and sighed as he stared at the jewel.
"Don't tell me she is buried already. Looks like Shaden is a day late and dollar short again."
"Are you comfortable my dear," a female voice asked. The voice sounded mystical and distant.
"Actually, I am thanks for asking, hey..." Shaden stood up quickly and spun around but all he saw was the stump. Just as he was about to check his sanity, the voice came from it again.
"You know for someone who is about to under go an extreme mental and physical altering procedure your rather calm. Oh did I mention the extreme pain as well. hahahahaha"
Shaden knew that voice as the Rani's. The stump was very large and appeared to be hollow in the middle. Shaden peaked down into it and saw a very long tunnel with a light at the end of it with shadows moving across every so often. Shaden wasted no time. He picked up the jewel and commanded it to sleep, then he pulled a very long rope from his bag. He tied one end of the rope around the middle of the carpet and the other around his waist. The tube walls were made out of segmented bricks and stones, this allowed Shaden to use them as foot holds as he descended down the tube. It took a couple minutes to traverse the tube before Shaden found himself above the lighted opening. His eyes had adjusted to view the room below.
To the north, there appeared to be an entrance into the room with two Mutant Noc stood guard with their backs to the room. The walls to the east and south were lined with tables that were covered in various items, glass tubes and jars filled with multi colored liquids and steam. Shaden figured were the Rani's science equipment. The west end had a small table that contain a wide assortment of bladed objects and probing tools. They were all covered in black blood. Next to this was a larger table which had a barely clothed faux Julie strapped to it.The Rani hovered over "Julie" with a knife. Shaden then had an idea. He maneuvered himself to free a hand. He reached into his bag and pull out a pink crystal. He tapped it against a rock until it glowed and then slid it in a small pocket in his leather armor. He slowly lowered himself through the opening while the Rani continued to talk.
"Its a pity the Doctor isn't here to see my science at work. This world will be mine for the taking and your going to help be part of it...well part of you anyway. See I will use your DNA along with a few other bits and pieces I have been collecting to create a creature that will be able to defeat that bloody reptile Draconis and I can take this world as my own. A whole new world filled with subjects for my experiments." The Rani trailed the knife along the body of "Julie" who finally began to show some emotion to her predicament. She squirmed at the feeling of the metal against her skin, the Rani smiled wickedly.
"Well it appears you are alive. Good that will make this all the more fun."
Shaden landed on the ground with out a sound. He removed Smite from his wrist band and took aim at the guards. Shade through the boomerang at one of the guards. It cleaved the one guard's head in two, then Shaden immediately directed Smite to the other guard. The Mutant Noc turned in time to see the boomerang cut it's head off. The sound of the bodies as they hit the floor made the Rani turn to see what the commotion was about. She immediately threw the knife she had when she saw Shaden. He dove to the ground but not before the knife put a large slice in his left arm. The cut didn't phase him and he did a sommersault towards the Rani.
The Rani managed to reach another knife and spun around to stab the fake Julie. Shaden managed to reach the Rani just before the blade pierced the fake Julie's chest. To Shaden's surprise, the Rani was quite strong and it took both hands to hold the Rani's one hand back. With her free hand, the Rani managed to grab Shaden by the throat and choked him.
"I'm going to kill you and Julie and then throw your dead carcasses at the foot of the mighty Doctor. Let's see how all mighty he will feel then hahaha."
"You know... you talk...tooo much" Shaden retorted between gasps of air. He then summoned up enough strength and kneed the Rani in the side. Her grip on his neck loosened slightly and he kneed her again, this time the Rani's grip on Shaden's throat broke as the tip of the blade made a small cut in fake Julie's chest. Shaden then head butted the Rani hard in the nose. The Rani stumbled back from the table. she held the knife in one hand and her bleeding nose. Shaden removed smite and held the flat side in front of the fake Julie's face so it could see its reflection.
"See your true form. Dopleganger."
The Rani looked at her hand that was now covered in blood and was filled with rage. She was so focused on the blood and pain in her nose, she failed to notice Shaden's actions.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" The Rani screamed as she charged the table. She brought the knife down hard but the blade instead just passed through a blue mist instead of flesh and clanged against the metal table surface.
Shaden headed back under the hole as the Rani stared at the empty table where the fake Julie's body once was. A dozen noc guards had reached the entrance as Shaden gave a tug on the rope.
"Well its been a slice but I gotta thing." The thief stated as he looked at his wrist as if he wore a watch. The Rani dove at Shaden as the rope went taunt and pulled the thief into the tunnel. The Rani, who had manged to grab a hold of Shaden's legs, was pulled with Shaden.
"Your not going anywhere you little worm."
"Worm? Knowledge of the universe at your finger tips and the best you can come up with is worm." Shaden said as he tried to shake the Rani off his legs. She continued to claw at Shaden, as she tired to crawl up him. The carpet ascended into the night sky and soon Shaden realized they were high above the ground, really high. So did the Rani who was now clung to Shaden's legs for dear life.
"Umm you can stop now" Shaden commanded to the rug. The rug continued its ascent.
"It doesn't appear to be listening. Do something you wretch." The Rani yelled as she adjusted her grip on Shaden's legs.
"I am open to suggestions. Anyth ahhhh" Shaden lost his grip and the two fell through the air. The Rani reached for a pendant around her neck and squeezed it. The two were engulfed in a blue light before they disappeared, a second before they were to hit the ground.

Day Late and Dollar short

DOH and so I ended up not posting every day this month. It was a good run but I broke the streak., I was so tired and such yesterday from work...came home vegged on Plants Vs Zombies game and went to bed after watching the X Files movie.

Some thoughts on that movie. I think had it come out soon after the first movie it would have done a lot better. I was a decent movie by itself. The problem I think that people had with it was 1. No aliens...never mind the ship has sailed on the story line for that..people like Mulder and Scully chasing little green guys 2. there was conflict between our two heroes and the movie was rather dramatic. I enjoyed the film but I think it just took too long to get it released. Amanda Peet held up well next the two stars but the director didn't seem to quite figure out how to play her character. She did not get naked in this so you will have to go back to your copy of The whole 9 Yards to see that. The music for the X-files movie was good. I always like Mark Snow's music though and hope he does more.
Anyway sorry I broke the streak but I was doing better than I thought I would. Now excuse me I have to go find my copy of the whole 9 yards.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ah Mothers Day

Well another mothers day is here and gone. I think my wife enjoyed the present and cards the kids gave her. I got up early got her flowers and also her favorite doughnuts. Other than that I ended up having most of my time taken up by a game called Plants vs Zombies. Its a somewhat strategy game where you plant...plants that defend your home from hordes of various types of zombies. What can I say I am a sucker for a Zombie game. This one is entertaining and funny but also a challenge. Definitely has replay value and it was fairly cheap. On the whole it was worth the money. Oh the graphics are done cartoony so no looking for high detail realistic uber graphics. Thats fine by me because the game play is fun.
I will always take game play over graphics for any game. Thats why many of the classic games are hella enjoyable. One of my top favs was ultima underworld. It has decent graphics but more than that it had a deep story and it was fun to play. The game engine was user friendly. I still play the game.
I think there is this weird need for game programmers to always go for the fantastic graphics in a game but then forget to make it fun to play. Maybe I am just old and this is a get off my lawn moment. Don't get me wrong I love fantastic graphics in a game, but if the game play sucks I am not gonna want to play it no matter how cool it looks. Some of the games have controls so complicated you have to have a key attached to your controller so you know what your doin. OR sometimes the controls make no sense and make you bend your fingers in unatural ways.
I also picked up Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich. So far it is a great little comic book hero game with 3D graphics from 2003. Unfortunately the game keeps just shutting down on me. The parts I played were fun...mostly point and click interface and it has a build your own hero feature which I have avoided only to prevent me spending a good chunk of time on it.

So it was a plesent day...which is what I needed because going to work is going to be hell this week...again. I should have gotten out a long time ago from there. Ah well hindsight and all that. Look for more Fae'th this week and another video project...probably another lonely trooper. GOtta strike while the creative iron is hot/

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trekkin across the universe.....

Last night I caught the new star trek movie and to sum up I likey. Now being a fan of the series of course there were things that I thought could have been done a bit different, a view shared by my good friend but at the risk of sounding cliché the needs of the many out weighed the needs of the few. They are trying to bring in new fans for the franchise, reboot it as it were and in doing so somethings had to be sacrificed or changed. On the whole though the movie was very entertaining and it was an actual movie.
Let me explain ...the last number of Star Trek films were not written, directed or acted as a movie and were more just a TV episode on the big screen. The characters all did their cookie cutter things and basically were not human.
JJ Abrhams has made Trek Characters Human again. They are unique, they feel, they are scared , and they get right pissed off. There is conflict among them I am not talking to the extreme of conflict as seen on BattleStar Galactica but still the crew of the enterprise aren't exactly all kissing each others ass and singing kumbaya in the shower.
The new actors in the roles of the old classic characters did their homework and the performances were well executed. Especially Bones, Spock and Kirk. You could tell the actors did thier home work.
My friend Jim and I agree that the writing for the script was brilliant and handled perfectly in the first half of the film. It did taper off a bit towards the end but that was also because they did their darndest to help tie this into the Cannon. With the amount of history in Star Trek Cannon I think they did a pretty darn good job.
Some of the homages they paid to the original like some of the character classic lines as well as some of the original sound effects reused from the original series seemed a bit forced at times but not to the point of annoying and probably only noticable to the Trekkies of the crowd. ALso the music was not all too great. It was a bit over the top and lacking in variety. Now perhaps I missed the good bits because they were over shadowed by the dialog and sound effects but even with that the score needed some polish.

Overall the movie was a hell of alot better than expected and I looked forward to the direction JJ Abrahms is taking the series. It is definitely worth the price of admission to see on the big screen or IMAX.

PS I was hoping for a "Conception of Spock" scene just to finally see Wynona Ryder naked but again the director misses such an opportunity. Damn you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

AH Friday now time to keep up my Geek Cred...

So tonight I am off to see the latest Star Trek film. I do not high expectations and plan on just going to the film and looking at it like any other film...yeah right . The old school trekkie in me will probably creep up 15 min into the film and yell "get off my lawn damn kid versions of the classic characters.
This could really go one of two ways. I will either be happily surprised like I was with Batman Begins. I am a devout Tim Burton fan so when I heard of the reimagining of the series I was skeptical to say the least. Especially when I saw the Tank they called a Batmobile. But when I saw every thing within the context of the story and the world the story took place in I was very happy and throughly enjoyed the film...and of course after.
Then there are remakes / or reboots that do not work. For instance the Day the Earth Stood Still . That movie did not even resemble the original save for the two alien character names. You could barely even understand the Famouse line that stops the planet devestating robot, as well as allows you to pick up the proper necronomicon. The movie really would have been better off as a ScI Fi movie by itself rather than trying to cash in on the cult following of the original. The Cleese Cameo was vericool though.
So I am off to see an enjoyable movie I hope. I do like JJ Abrams style. He made me enjoy CLoverfield alot more than I should have and Lost keeps you guessing if not dizzy. I also like the actor playing young Spock. He rules as Sylar, when the script actually gives him a chance to be badass instead of Whiny little bastard child, and he definitely has the Vulcan'isms down from what I can tell in the trailers. Look for a review leater tonight or tomorrow.
Yeah I am still a Trek Geek. MAy even try to revitalize the trek short story series my friends and I wrote back in High School.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thoughts and stuff

Not a lot of things happened today outside of work being hectic again, but when hasn't it been as of late. I have begun writing the script for the next lonelytrooper episode which is good. I had hoped to have more Fae'th but Time and other things may have post poned that until Sunday or Monday.
Other than becoming more and more the disgruntled worker things are going well. Kids are looking forward to school being over and the weather has decided it is Spring. I remember that feeling as a kid ...counting the days until school was over for the summer. Nothing quite like tossing all the crap you had from the school year in the garbage and saying good bye to the school for the summer. Truely a happy feeling.
I remember one year we had locker clean out day and I scored a UHF movie poster. What are the odds huh. I still have that poster I believe somewhere. Good memories.
Sorry its been a long week and I am fried so my thoughts are just a bit random tonight.
My oldest is too smart for his own good. He was reading a book that had a theory about when the extinction of man would happen so of course he had questions. Here we worry about violence in video games and such when Science has it all there. Anyway he was convince he did not have to worry about the extinction because it was , according to the book, 10 million years from now and we probably would not be around at that time as he put it. Then he mentioned how he believed he would live a long time , he had a bit of a tone in his voice like he was trying to convince himself. So I tried to assure him he most likely would live a long time and change the subject. It's tough because when it comes to our own mortality I have issues with facing it. Not sure why but I do so to sit and try to comfort my son who seems to have a bit of a hidden fear, like I do, about death is a bit...surreal . I am sure I will learn to better accept it in the future as I get older and so hopefully will he. Being afraid of something that is unavoidable is truely not productive or worth the time but humans seem to do that, my self included. Just one of the many flaws of the human race.
On a lighter subject I am going to go see the new Trek Movie tomorrow. I rather like JJ Abhams style so I am looking forward to least on one hand...on the other the Trek Fan in me is scared at just how much they messed with the series and will it be a major fail for us Trekkies. Then again anything can be better than Nemesis or Star Trek V.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hooray for being productive on a crap day

Yes it was one of my rougher days of the year today. I managed through it ok but when I got home I wasn't sure I would be able to complete the lonely trooper episode like I had wanted too. I ended up just diving into the project. I was happy the way it turned out, especially since I didn't think I would be doing any more.
I have also making progress on the Fae'th in time story as some of you may have seen...or I hope have seen..have you?
Anyway I am a little sad because I am heading near the end of the story. I have very much enjoyed writing it. I hope I did not abuse any characters too much or not enough. I tried to make it a Who story but also a bit of my own. I am still finding my style a bit though I have found my self comfortable with the first person versus third. I have had this series of Fae'th rolling around in my head for 6 years I realized and when Fae'th in Time is done I will have two and a half stories for the series done. Not a lot of progress considering the length of the stories.
I did have a in there a story I did that was a satire of the Lord of the Rings I may just brush of and give a revising and updating to. Who knows maybe I could market it in some fashion. I am getting that motivation to really do something big and actually try to promote it and make money off it but have not gotten to that level quite yet. Anyway hope you enjoy the new LT posted. Feed back is always welcome with that or the story I am posting here. Well thats enough of my rambling for one day. Tomorrow hopefully will be better at work. Perhaps I may even get something else done on my projects at home. We'll have to see.

My apologies for the formatting

Hello this is a quick note to aplogize for the formatting. Apparently this FRAKING blog program doesn't like it when you copy and paste from word. ANy help in getting this to keep its formatting would be appreciated.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fae'th in Time continued some more

"You have me at a loss sir for you know my name but I know not yours" Lady Cavenaugh stated in a very innocent and high pitch tone.

"My apologies, I am Doc and these are my fellow travelers. We have come a long way to meet you and ask if we could have a moment of your time?" The Doctor asked with a smile. The smile helped hide the urge he had to run up to the TARDIS and take it back so he could rescue Julie. He had to play it smart and push the feelings aside for the moment until he could better asses the situation. The irritation from the ether did not help matters much. Cavanaugh stood up and went to the side of the TARDIS.

"Nice to see someone has not forgotten their manners around here. You could learn a thing or two from this one Shade." She said as she ran her hands along the TARDIS, "By the way I don't remember having seen your name on the 'those who have paid their tribute list.' In Fact I think the last time I saw your name on that list was well never. Yet you always manage to find a way in here."

"I am resourceful like that. I see your mole is gone bad you had to take your eye with it when you removed it. Tell me do you still have that mole on your inner th..."

"Enough! I know why you are here." the lady stated as she walked around the back of the TARDIS, trailing her hand along it as she went. "You want this box."

"Yes we do actually baby cakes. It was lifted from my friend here so if you wouldn't mind just giving it back to him. We can make like sheep herders and get the flock out of here." Shaden answered as he stepped up next to the Doctor. Cavenaugh laughed out loud and it echoed across the chamber.

"Seriously Shade I didn't think you had any friends. Unfortunately this is no longer mine to give. You see I have since sold it to someone of great power and they are paying handsomely for it."

"I thought you stopped doing business with Draconis years ago," Donna-Lé commented as she and the other two stepped up behind Shade and the Doctor. "Julie" seemed uninterested and just stared at the wall. Cavenaugh took her seat on the throne again as she talked.

"Draconis? I said someone with real power and not that overgrown lizard. No I am talking about the RANI and she can't wait to get her hand on this box and you Doctor. "

"It will be a cold day in hell before the RANI steps foot in my TARDIS." The Doctor stated calmly. Donna-Lé and Bernard mouths drop as Cavenaugh called the Doctor well Doctor.

"Well I suggest you pack some skins because you will be in hell very soon." Cavenaugh clapped and the walls on either side of the group and the one behind the throne pedestal disappeared to reveal a room three times the size of the Dirty Hog. Along the wall of the room to the right was a long bar with Catman for a bartender. There were various wooden tables placed on the main floor and along the left hand side were booths. The upper part of all three walls and the ceiling made up the surface for a huge map painting of Fae'th. There were small stars at random locations with many of them connected by dotted lines. There were also three red x's placed at equal distances on the map. The title of the map appeared to be written in some ancient script the Doctor, at first, could not read but a second later he understood it. That's my girl the Doctor thought as he looked at the TARDIS in the distance. Shaden nudged the Doctor and handed him a rapier.

"I think you will be needing one of these chief. With you being a man of the universe, I assume you know how to handle one." Shaden armed himself with his boomerang.

The Doctor noticed the room was suddenly filled with a hundred guild members. All of them were standing and staring at the group. Donna-Lé drew her bow and three arrows while Bernard prepared for a song. Cavenaugh's laughter was soon muffled by the sound of grinding stone as the pedestal that held her throne and the TARDIS slid to the back of the room.

"It's one of my expertise." The Doctor replied as he took a fighting stance. The group of thieves moved back and forth. Some were punching there fists into their hands or grabbing near by bottles. The Doctor and Shaden slowly started to move backwards towards the way they came in.

"Tell me what is Donovan-Dé's treasure?" The Doctor asked calmly.

"You're asking this now?!" Shaden replied.


"Its the treasure of the thief that first started the guild. He was the best thief at the time and had many valuable items he had acquired over the years. He didn't trust anyone so he buried his entire treasure somewhere in Fae'th. " Shaden informed as the thieves began to rile themselves up further. It appeared Lady Cavenaugh was enjoying the building of tension because she had not given the attack command to her troops. Donna -Lé moved up next to the two men and continued the tale Shaden had started.

"Donovan-Dé wanted to keep a map of where he hid is treasure of course but maps are easily stolen so he decided to paint his on the ceiling of the guild house. Problem is everyone could see it so instead of putting the exact location on the map he put all those false locations."

Bernard moved up to the Doctor's right and finished the tale.

"The poor fool fell ill and demented and died. Taking with him the actual location of the treasure. Over 100 years and no one has been able to find it. If someone were to find it they would be as rich as Draconis himself...or close to it."

The Doctor's mind worked furiously over the facts he was just told and ran the pattern of the map through his head. Oh it can't be that easy could it. He thought to himself, then as he looked up at the ceiling he smiled, Oh yes it can. Cavenaugh took a large drink from a chalace that was handed to her by a servant.

"Enough mumbling over there. We have some time before our buyer arrives. How about we have some fun. Thieves ATTACK!!"


"HALT!!" Cavanaugh yelled. The events happened so fast that the thieves had not had a chance to move from their spots. Cavenaugh stepped down from her throne and the group of men made a clear path for her to the Doctor. As she reached him she grabbed him by the chin and looked him square in the eye.

"You are kidding aren't you?" Cavenaugh asked," How do I know this isn't some last disparate act of a man trying to save his skin."

"It could very well be the first act of Henry the fifth but it does not change the fact that I can tell you where that treasure is." The Doctor replied as he removed his chin from her grasp, " I am a scientist and its my job to figure things out. Its what we do."

"Ok well if you do not reveal the location I will kill one of your companions here starting with her." Cavenaugh stated as she pointed to "Julie". One of the thieves broke a bottle on the side of the table and grabbed "Julie". He held the broken bottle to her neck. The Doctor didn't budge.

"I see you are not the business person I thought you were Cavenaugh. You harm any of us and you will never get that location."

Cavenaugh waved her hand and the thief let "Julie" go. She ran behind the Doctor to hide.

"Thank you my lady. Now I would like my box back. You let us walk out of here with it and I will reveal the location. If we are harmed in anyway then good luck in finding it." The Doctor stated as the group drew in close to him. Cavenaugh rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine, Pete and Sans escort these people to the box but do not let them near the door until the Doctor here tells us the location."

The Two biggest men of the group of thieves stepped forward and gave the Doctor and Shade a push. Donna-Lé sheathed her arrows and Bernard lowered his hand. As the group made their way to the TARDIS, Donna-Lé tugged on Shaden's sleeve.

"How could you not tell us he was a Doctor. No wonder we are in so much trouble. I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Hey Points I didn't hold an arrow to your head," Shaden replied quietly. He then leaned over to the Doctor.

"Do you really know where the location is Chief"


"You realize they will kill us once you reveal the location."


"But you have a plan?" Shaden questioned.

"Always do." The Doctor replied.

They soon were standing near the Door of the TARDIS. The two men that escorted them stood in front of the door, blocking the entrance.

"Now then Doctor. Where is it? Time grows short." Cavenaugh said.

"Very well. See our man Donovan-Dé was ahead of his time. He triangulation and didn't even know it." The Doctor stared at the ceiling and the three red stars, he pictured the lines to connect all three stars and then figure out the center of the triangle the lines formed. Then he took his rapier and threw it at the spot. Cavenaugh chuckled.

"That's the middle of the Sister Nova Sea. You aren't much of a scientist that area has been gone over many times these past hundred years. hehe... you almost had me convinced Doctor. I am afraid now the time for you to Di..."

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE CAVENAUGH!! WE HAD A DEAL!!" the Rani yelled. Everyone looked over to the entrance of the room to see the Rani still riding her Hyden beast accompanied by two other beast riders and four flying Noc, flapping in place above her.

"We Still do. The Doctor here was just telling us all a ...funny...joke."

Cavenaugh's voice trailed off at the sound of cracking stone coming from the ceiling. Everyone, including the RANI looked up at the rapier the Doctor had stuck in the ceiling. Cracks began to spread out from the impact point. Within a couple seconds, half the ceiling was cracked and then it gave way. Gold, jewels and treasure poured from the ceiling and began to bury the thieves. Those that weren't unconscious were cheering as they tried to fill their pockets. The two guards in front of the door to the TARDIS abandoned their post as they went to the avalanche of treasure. Cavenaugh ran to it trying to claim it all as her's and failing. The RANI, her riders, and flyers immediately charged in the direction of the TARDIS.

"Right time to go!" The Doctor stated as he pulled the key from his pocket and made to unlock the door. Donna-Lé shot arrows at the oncoming beasts and managed to take out one of the flyers as the Doctor got the door open. Everyone filed in without question and the Doctor closed the door behind them. While the rest of the group stood in awe of the size of the TARDIS control room. The Doctor did a quick head count and dread came over him. They were one short. The Monitor for the outside was still on and the Doctor could see the RANI with an unconscious "Julie" hanging over the back of one of the Beasts.

"Hey Doctor! I may not have the TARDIS but I sure have one hell of a consolation prize!" The RANI yelled as she rode out of the room while the thieves continued to collect their treasure.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Work , Writing and things

I promise to have more Fae'th this week. That is if anyone is still reading it. If not thats ok too I am on a roll with it. Unfortunately not quite sure how to end it but I think I will have that figured out this week. The ending itself may be a little while but there will be one.
Anyway I started fleshing out the characters for my short film. I realized the body count will not be that big but then again I would rather keep it small and have the deaths done smartly than just randomly kill a ton of people just to have the gore and body count. I have the script almost complete...well in my head. I have not written it down yet. I usually toss these things around alot in the brain before actually jotting them down on paper or computer.
I also will have the lonely trooper episode done Wednesday night, unless I get off work early tomorrow. That's from my 2nd job anyway. My day job has me really stressed but I am keeping it together somewhat better than I would have a year ago.
Nothing really interesting happened today, got up went to work, was swamped, went to other work, came home. Eventful I know. I am staying on track but finding it harder to maintain that level of on-top-of-ness. I feel like I am constantly under the microscope, which I probably am, and know my mid year review will probably not be as shiny as I hope. But no one ever said customer service was easy.
OK done hearing me whine about my job and all.
I am off to tuck the kids in and then a movie. I do so love both very much. The kids more than the movies of course...oh and my wife naturally love her too..ok I am just digging a hole and I will stop now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Slackin day

Yeah today I slacked more than I should have probably. Sure its a day of rest but that just means your not at work...doesn't mean your not working. Progress on the latest lonely trooper has been a bit slower than expected. But I have the audio done and the props completed so its just shooting the video which I shall do tuesday, a week later than I wanted for the episode. Procrastination is a bitch and I am its master. I try not to be, I try my best to stay on top of things and get things done but it is rather difficult for me. More so maybe than most. A lot of time I lose track of time, I see its Monday and I have the whole week a head of me only to blink and now its friday and I am behind. I think I really have to choose specific days to work on specfic things make a schedule and then post it where ever I go. I made one at the begining of the year but I didn't follow it because it was only on the computer and not in front of me. Just a little icon that laughed. Perhaps I have an attention problem or maybe its just I am too busy. dunno but I want to figure it out. That's my other goal for the month. Figure out why I keep getting this invisible wall that I lean against instead of breaking through. Maybe its laziness. Maybe its cause my mind is so drained from work that I just don't feel like trying to do stuff that requires my mind to work hard, even if its stuff I love to do.
Its the same at work as at home and I am sure I will hear about how things did not get done as quickly as people wanted them too. On that note though when it comes to customer service it is never done as quick as people want it to.
I am doin better than I was 8 months ago but I know I have a long way to go.