Saturday, September 1, 2007

Tune in tomorrow

I was going to give my thoughts on procrastination today but I think it can wait until tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cheese Curds and Musical Happy Place

Saw "Weird Al" last night and it was a happy time. Before the concert I partook of that Wisconsin Classic Dish known as Cheese Curds. Nothing like tasty, greasy, deep fried balls of cheese. If ever you are in the Dairy state you must make sure you have some.
Concerts are great. They are gatherings of folks who like the same music you do. You're from all walks of life and various steps on the social ladder but you all share that one common link, you like the same music, in this case it was "Weird Al". There really is nothing like singing a song with hundreds of other folks while your favorite artist is on stage is putting everything they have into their performance. There is an energy that cannot be matched easily. For those couple of hours everyone is equal and the world does not extend past the walls or fence of the auditorium. That's the magic of a concert.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

In the Begining....

So everyone I know seems to be doing Blogs as of late and while I am not sure what the appeal is, I feel somewhat compelled to start my own. I mostly plan on posting the random acts of fiction I sometimes write for feed back and just general sharing. Hopefully some of you will enjoy it and give suggestions.
Just a little about myself I guess, I am from Wisconsin and I am Married with two boys. I work two jobs and fancy my self something of a video producer. I have not done anything huge but mostly small pieces of video work. For the curious you can see these works at

Thats all I can think of to write for now. Look for new content hopefully every week or few days and thanks for taking the time to read.