Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trekkin across the universe.....

Last night I caught the new star trek movie and to sum up I likey. Now being a fan of the series of course there were things that I thought could have been done a bit different, a view shared by my good friend but at the risk of sounding cliché the needs of the many out weighed the needs of the few. They are trying to bring in new fans for the franchise, reboot it as it were and in doing so somethings had to be sacrificed or changed. On the whole though the movie was very entertaining and it was an actual movie.
Let me explain ...the last number of Star Trek films were not written, directed or acted as a movie and were more just a TV episode on the big screen. The characters all did their cookie cutter things and basically were not human.
JJ Abrhams has made Trek Characters Human again. They are unique, they feel, they are scared , and they get right pissed off. There is conflict among them I am not talking to the extreme of conflict as seen on BattleStar Galactica but still the crew of the enterprise aren't exactly all kissing each others ass and singing kumbaya in the shower.
The new actors in the roles of the old classic characters did their homework and the performances were well executed. Especially Bones, Spock and Kirk. You could tell the actors did thier home work.
My friend Jim and I agree that the writing for the script was brilliant and handled perfectly in the first half of the film. It did taper off a bit towards the end but that was also because they did their darndest to help tie this into the Cannon. With the amount of history in Star Trek Cannon I think they did a pretty darn good job.
Some of the homages they paid to the original like some of the character classic lines as well as some of the original sound effects reused from the original series seemed a bit forced at times but not to the point of annoying and probably only noticable to the Trekkies of the crowd. ALso the music was not all too great. It was a bit over the top and lacking in variety. Now perhaps I missed the good bits because they were over shadowed by the dialog and sound effects but even with that the score needed some polish.

Overall the movie was a hell of alot better than expected and I looked forward to the direction JJ Abrahms is taking the series. It is definitely worth the price of admission to see on the big screen or IMAX.

PS I was hoping for a "Conception of Spock" scene just to finally see Wynona Ryder naked but again the director misses such an opportunity. Damn you.

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