Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lets get ready to rrrrrummmbbbllle again...and again...and

I apologize ahead of time for I will most liked jump tracks of thought on this subject Whoooooooo!!

I miss old school wrasslin. Back in the day when the wrasslers would defend to the, sometimes violent, end that its all real and none of its staged. Back when (I am going to get a bit of Nostalgia on here) Pay per views truely meant something. I mean seriously one every month while gets the wrasslin fan in a frenzy does tend to get a little stale. I remember the first Wrestlemania. Man that was a night, It was a wrestling event on the scale we had not seen before and it showed just how profitable cable tv could be. What really got me was the build up. The stories got deeper , the rivalries more bitter, and the championships alot sweeter. Once Wrestlemania took off they knew they had a winning formula and were able to build stories for the whole year to the next wrestlemania. It was something special, Nowadays not so much. Sorry but they aren't at least they weren't when I was watching the WCW and all. Thats another thing that bugs well bugged me about both houses of wrestling. Championship titles were passed around more than a drunkin cheerleader at a frat party.
Old school they had the championship belt held on to for much longer and wrestlers "earned" their right for a shot at the belt. Though we rarely saw the tree of contenders, the organizations played a lot better at there actually being a tree at all. Course when talking old school wrasslin and championships we have to mention Hulk Hogan. IN his Hey day he was truely a marketers dream, he held the title for what seemed like forever and you were happy he did...for the most part. In reality I think people really started to see wrestling as more of a structured show than a competition. Hulk is really not the greatest wrestler BUT he was able to work a mic and a crowd. With his wild eyes and the "24 inch Pythons" and his take your vitamins, say your prayers, listen to your mom and dad" he was definitely a character that helped carry the franchise. HE was definitely a popular product. So were the payper views. So much they started coming out with others that , at least had schticks to them like the Royal Rumble which ended with a main event where you saw all your faves beat the snot out of each other and also take bets on when the ring was going to break from the weight. Survivor Series where you had "teams" of your fave bad guys and good guys who did an elimination type of competition. etc...but soon as they got more and more frequent so did the championship changes and the story lines not as deep. In the end I think the pay per view kind of killed its self in its special meaning. At least to me and thats the bottom line cause Crazyboy said so....

ok that was bad sorry...especially since I have now sprayed beer all over the computer.

Sorry where was I oh yes.
I was going to end it there but I wanted to add something. I truely enjoyed the whole New World Order (NWO) the originals ,,,If I remember right and I could be wrong I believe it was Ted Debiase who started it. But they did this whole elaborate presentation and it worked. This rebel group of bad boy wrestlers, a third party who picked on any one heel or face who was not part of the New World Order. Again here they went over board when factions of NWO came out and soon every wrestler was in some altered version of the NWO...the Latin wrestlers had their NWO and then the wolf Pack. I did enjoy the wolf pack though. They were decent wrestlers and you just loved to hate them.
Not a lot of wrestlers could pull that off well. One that always came to mind was "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper. The crazyman who you never knew where he stood but didn't really care. He had that charisma and that crazy schtick down pat. He seem not to care who he ticked off and he would get a pop no matter who he was fightin.
The guys in the ring weren't the only hated ones we loved. Lets talk managers, The mouth of the south and the Brain. Lets face it when it came to managers Bobby the Brain was just a guy you loved to watch. He made you love to hate him and hate that you loved him. Jimmy hart was just a guy you loved watching get the snot beat out of him and he played it to a T. He really had the geek getting beat down by the athlete down well and lets face it anyone with a Mega phone deserves to be beat down.
Other mangers that were great in the older days. Mr. Saito (sic) and The Dr of Style Slick helped as well. Managers were great because unlike today, most managers were somewhat normal looking guys. They sometimes were "former" wrestlers but never usually appeared as physically fit as the guys they represented. They were really fun and helped add another level to the game.
Final random thoughts on wrestling are about announcers. Lets face it Mean Gene, Jesse the Body and Gorilla monsoon just were dream team announcers. Then throw the guest announcing of Bobby the Brain in the mix. Man they really helped sell the show and also made some stale matches entertaining as hell. I miss those days. Since the cat was truely out of the bag about wrestling it seems its alot more show and less actual wrestling. Course there can never be enough bra and panty matches.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Wednesday and yet the mind is empty

So once again Wednesday is here and alas no William.
NOt sure why. When I was telling the kids these in the middle of night to get them to sleep the ideas flowed more freely. Maybe it was because they were a captive audience and it did not matter whether the story was good or bad just as long as they fell a sleep.
Self realization is a tough thing. I realized recently the strongest force stopping me on working on something or trying something new is my self. Thats a hard lesson because you would think it would be the easiest thing to get over but at least for me its not.
But we are working on it.

PLayed this game called animal crossing. I bought a cardboard box because I thought it was cool. I was wrong.

random number of the day: Pi

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday and The Wizard of Gore

I know I have talked about remakes a couple times before but they are so abundant in the movie industry today its hard not to. So lets talk remakes of movies you never thought would actually be remade. No I am not talking about Friday the 13th, though that movie would classify as such, no I am referring to the cult classic Wizard of Gore. I watched them back to back today which really kinda surreal. Surreal is actually a good description of the original. It is truely out there in many respects. You have the Magician Montag who performs extreme magic acts on stage that you would think would kill the volunteers but it doesn't, they seem fine only to have them wind up dead in gruesome ways hours later. The original never really delves into the how these things occur , they let you try to put the pieces together. There are a number of very good monologues delivered by Montag. By the end of the movie your thrown a twist that well have you going ummm what? All in all a decent movie.
I was not sure how I was going to receive the remake and how exactly they were going to do it because nowadays that existential surreal movie making isn't really a hit.
People like explanations for the events that have happened. Enter Wizard of Gore the remake.
I will say up front it was a good horror movie. Better than expected. They took the same basic concepts but they gave it a little more grounding in the reason why things were the way they were and how exactly Montag was able to do what he did. It was a decent modern version of the cult classic. It was missing a bit more of the social commentary that was put into the original by Herschel but I think it was still entertaining horror.
They came up with very interesting magic tricks and Crispin Glover did pull off the creepy. Though that has never been real problem for him. I think the harder problem for him was trying to shake the McFly image.
I liked the fact that our main character had a flair for the nostalgia in everything he wore and his apartment. I am a huge fan of noir style though many would not have guessed it so the character appealed to me. Brad Dourif's presence also helped the movie be more acceptable just because he's Brad Dourif. He knows how to bring the creepy. Also the new version has much more nudity brought in the form of the Suicide girls for those goth fans out there.
Many remakes are hits or misses and in this case it was for me a hit. They kept the core concepts from the original and also had enough out there moments that those that love the original will see where omage is paid to it. It also kept it more grounded for the general view audience to walk a way with a feeling of "oh ok now I see how it fits," versus the original which did keep it more in the air.
Wizard of Gore remake is definitely worth a watch.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fae'th Friday

Ah another week come and gone and what better way to begin the weekend then with some writing. Up until now the pages I had posted were prewritten, in other words I had them written before I started posting them. We will now be drifting into fresh territory. It also means that the writing maybe a little looser. FOr that I apologize but I still hope you like.

The moment Shaden’s rear hit the ground, the Doctor pointed the screwdriver at one of the stone arches. A shower of sparks flew from the symbols and the sparkling light in the middle of the circle disappeared.
“Good thing I brought you along today.” The Doctor said to his screw driver as he flipped it and then placed it in his pocket.

“I guess we won’t have to worry about them coming through this gate again.”

“At least for the next twenty minutes. See the Valsudian technology incorporates nanites to help maintain the equipment. They will have the damage repaired in approximately twenty mins. They are probably the reason why the gates have lasted for so long.”

“Sorry Nan whats…ah never mind, anyway good job chief.” Shaden said while he dusted himself off.

Julie had a look of concern on her face.

“Doctor this isn’t the same gate we first came through”

“No it isn’t, its even better. Come on all I know exactly where we are.”
Shaden answers and motioned for them to follow as he started down a small dirt path that led into a thick forest. The Doctor explained as they walked.

“I assume that destinations are determined by the bearer of the keys. They concentrate on the location they want to go to then hold on to the key and enter the gate. Our friend here obviously had a specific gate in mind when I activated the portal. I our friend here is either more powerful then he lets on or then he knows. In either case he was able to direct the gate to the location he wanted to go. Right now though I am more concerned about where the TARDIS is, who has her and how are we going to get her back.”
“I can answer at least two of those questions for you doctor, the last one is still a work in progress.” Shaden interjected.
“So is that where we are going now? Where the TARDIS is At?” Julie asked. She tried not to trip over the roots and bumps in the makeshift path they were walking down. Shaden walked backwards as they talked.
“No, we are heading to join my crew. If they decide to help then we are golden.”
Julie’s Mouth dropped open.
“If? What do you mean ‘If’? After we just…”
“Look Shaden if you do not want to help us I understand. If you could just point us in the general direction, I am sure we could find it ourselves.” The Doctor stated.
“I am sure you could Chief, but what fun would that be?”
The forest suddenly filled with music. Julie stopped to listen to the tune. The music was being played on a lone mandolin and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. The music also made the two men stop.
“Ah, that would be the Crew, come on.”
Shaden bounded off the path and down a wooded slope nearby. The Doctor and Julie bounded right behind him. The music stopped as the trio broke through a line of bushes at the bottom of the slope. The three were now in a clearing where campfire burned and three cots were laid out around it. Shaden looked around as if he lost something.
“Bernard you can come out from behind that boulder. Donna-Lé you can jump down from that tree, it’s just me Shaden and a couple of guests.”
There was a rustling noise that came from behind a large boulder that was on the right side of the camp site. A green humanoid about four feet tall with very large pointy ears appeared from behind the boulder and proceeded to take a seat on it. Julie could see the firelight reflect off his large round brown eyes. His round face was accented by a long pointy beard that went half way down to his pot belly. He had a very ornate mandolin which hung down at his waist by a strap that came across his neck. He was dressed in clothing resembling a picture of a bard Julie had seen in a Dungeons and Dragons book she had read sometime ago. The bard happened to also be missing his left arm.
“Sorry Shade though you were more Noc. Forest appears to be crawling with them and worst.”
“How do you know they aren’t Noc?”
The question came from a large oak tree that bordered the left side of the camp. A figure held a large bow as it jumped to the ground from a high branch above the group. As the person landed their bow and the three arrows that were pointed at the group never wavered and there was no sound from the landing. It was a female elf, Julie recognized the race from one of the fantasy novels she occasionally read.
The female elf was six feet tall with shoulder length silver hair that seemed to shimmer in the firelight. Her face was perfectly symmetrical while her steel blue eyes sharply contrasted her pale white skin. She was dressed in black leather armor with a black belt around her waist that held three sheathed daggers. The bow she had seemed to be a very plain long bow with a single red jewel embedded in the front of it. Julie looked down and saw the jewel was emitting a tiny red light against her chest. The jewel light reminded Julie of a laser sight on a gun.
“Come on Points do we have to do this everytime?” Shaden asked as he flopped his hands to his side. The elf drew the arrows back a small bit and leaned in to tighten her aim.
“Ok, Ok, The hawk flies at night while the owl sits and waits. A mouse sits on the ground, each bird holds the rodents fate.”
The elf Shaden referred to as Donna-Lé lowered her weapon and took a seat on a log that served as a sitting place next to the fire. She sheathed her arrows into the quiver on her back as she slung the bow around her shoulder. She never took her eyes off the trio, even as she warmed her hands to the fire.
“Who are they?” She asked with a nod towards the Doctor and Julie.
“They, my dear, are potential customers so I suggest you play nice.”
The three moved near the fire so they too could enjoy the warmth. The Sun was just getting behind the trees and the temperature had begun to drop.
“Now then I will give you the skinny on these two. The fine gentleman in the long coat is The Doc….is Doc. The pair of brown eyes next to him is Julie his…travel partner.”
“Hello,” the Doctor said with a nod as he took a seat on a small rock next to Shaden. Julie also nodded.
“My apologies good sir and madam, it is hard to tell nowadays friend or foe. There are creatures who call this woods home that have the ability to pose as both. I am Donna-Lé. Please Miss Julie, you may have a seat next to me, there is plenty of room.”
“Thanks” Julie took a seat next to elf. She thought she felt the elf actually move closer to her but shook it off as she warmed her hands by the campfire.
“And I am Bernard the Bard, at your service sir and m’lady.” The green man said as he stood on the boulder and bowed before he dropped back to sit on the boulder.
“A bard, so it was your beautiful music we heard earlier?” Julie asked. She thought she saw a hint of red in the cheeks of the troll’s very green face.
“You are too kind m’lady. If I may, I would love to play you another lovely tune. It is one that Shade taught me.”
Julie bowed her head in approval. She wanted to see just how a one arm bard could play the mandolin. Her question was immediately answered, for as Bernard started to finger the cords, the mandolin strummed itself.
Girl…you’ll be a woman soon…
Julie suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to begin to dance. Her head became foggy and could not tell exactly what she was doing. The Doctor could see very well what Julie was doing on the other hand. Bernard continued the song as Donna-Lé ‘s eyes were locked on Julie.
Love you so much, cant count all the ways
Id die for you girl, and all they can say is
Hes not your kind…

Julie danced seductively as the music played. She moved her hand up her body and seemed to be rather enjoying it. The Doctor was about to protest but was stopped short by a rock that seemed to fly out of nowhere and hit Bernard in the head. The hit knocked the troll back behind the boulder he had been sitting on. Julie snapped out of her trance and looked down at her hand, which appeared to have a rather firm grasp on her chest. She had the feeling as if someone had just caught her coming out of the shower naked. She immediately took a seat by the Doctor. Donna-Lé grabbed her blanket and put it over Julie’s shoulders.
“I am sorry about that m’lady. It has been a while since Bernard has had an audience. He does get carried away. “
“That is one way of putting it. He’s lucky I don’t punch his lights out.” Julie threatened as she shot daggers with her eyes at the Troll, who rubbed the large red knot on his forehead as he came around from behind the boulder.
“I believe Shade took care of that for you already my dear. I do apologize. It was rude of me. I forget the affect that song has on most folk.”
“Just don’t let it happen again.”
“Perhaps we should leave. Thank you so much for your hospitality but I am sure we will be capable of finding our missing item on our own.” The Doctor stated as he stood up with Julie following suit.
“No don’t be like that Chief. We are rough around the edges but I am on the up and up when I say we are the best skilled in the profession of stealing. Please have a seat.”
The Doctor paused for the moment and decided to give the crew one more chance. His curiosity had gotten the better of him. Shaden was truly an interesting character and definitely seemed out of place for the planet he was on. The Doctor also knew if the Rani were to find them, he would be their best defense against her.
“Speaking of skills, I believe it is good time to talk about compensation for the lending of our skills to your master plans. It has been a while.”
“A month and a half “ Donna-Lé chimed in as she sat close to Julie. A little too close for Julie’s comfort, though she had to admit Donna-Lé smelled the best out of the three.
“Please Berno, D.L., must we talk about this now. We can settle the dust on the matter later, right now I would like to talk about our new job. Now these fine folk have been involuntarily relieved of their spac…sculpture.”
“A sculpture?” Donna-Lé asked in surprise as her hand moved to Julie’s knee.
Shaden looked at the Doctor with wide eyes as if saying ‘help me out here’. The Doctor smiled back and spoke up.
“Yes, you see I am a sculptor and I was asked by a rather wealthy gentleman to create a large sculpture for his garden. Due to the cost of the thing to be created, the man was kind enough to pay up front for all the materials I needed. Needless to say it was stolen before I could deliver the item to him. Now he thinks there never was a sculpture and that I am cheating him out of his money. Should I fail to return it to him in the next couple of days he will seek compensation in other forms. Those forms being my head and my assistant becoming his slave.”
The Doctor waited to see their reaction. He was rather pleased at the tale he just wove and in fact nearly convinced himself the story was true. Bernard had since pulled out a pipe and puffed on it while Donna-Lé had pulled out her dagger and sharpened it with a sharpening stone. Both stared at the Doctor for twenty seconds not saying a word. Then Bernard turned to Shaden.
“So what’s in this for us?”
Donna-Lé’s head whipped over to Shaden and the two now stared at him. His eyes got big and there was a long pause during which the only thing heard was the fire. Julie was not sure if the crackling noise was coming from the fire or from Shaden’s brain as he tried to think of something to say. Shaden’s face went back to normal and he spoke.
“Well not only would you be rewarded with the jolly good feeling of helping your fellow man but…”
“You will get paid in gold and jewels.” The Doctor finished the sentence for Shaden.
“Really?” The elf and the troll asked at the same time.
“Really?” Shaden asked in surprise.
“Really. Some of the finest riches that you could not find anywhere else in all of Fae’th.” Julie added as she stood up and walked over to Shaden. She continued.
“Diamonds as clear as spring water…” , She walked over to the elf, turning her backside to the troll. She bent over so she was eye to eye with Donna-Lé
“…and Saphires as blue as your eyes.”
The elf licked her lips as she stared straight back at Julie while Bernard was focused on the part of Julie that had suddenly presented itself to him. After he took a long hard look at Julie’s rear, he hopped up on the boulder.
“Right I’m in!” the troll said enthusiastically.
“Me too!” the elf said with equal emotion as she stood to her feet.
Julie smiled, spun on her heals and took her seat next to the Doctor. The three thieves grouped together by the boulder to whisper amongst each other about what Julie had just stated. The Doctor and Julie took the opportunity to do their own whispering.
“Don’t you think that was a bit much”
“Not at all Doctor, that’s my character, the sultry, kick-ass, warrior from space.”
“Ah I see, though I don’t remember ever reading about that class in the Dungeon and Dragons guides.”
“That’s because you didn’t read the expansion set” Julie smiled and the Doctor met it with one of his own. The group of thieves were also done conversing. Donna-Lé and Bernard started to pack up the various camp items. Shaden walked over to the Doctor and Julie.
“Right we have to break camp and start now if we wish to make it to the Dirty Hog before nightfall.”
“The Dirty Hog is where my sculpture is being kept?” The Doctor asked,
“No the Dirty Hog is where we will find the person who knows the person who can tell us where your sculpture is being held at. Though I have my suspicions about its location, I have to be sure before going there.” Shaden replied as he poured dirt on the fire.
“Ah sounds simple enough. What exactly is the Dir…”
The Doctor stopped in mid sentence as he could feel the presence of the Rani. Shaden and the Elf also stood frozen. All three looked towards the direction of the thick woods behind the camp. It was also in the direction of the Fairy gate.
“I think we should head down the rabbit hole.” Donna-Lé stated without taking her eyes off the woods. She readied her bow with an arrow in one fluid motion.
“We aren’t all going to be able to fit in there.” Bernard informed.
“We don’t have to. Berno take Doc and Blue eyes here into the rabbit hole. Donna-Lé, do what you do best.” Shaden directed in a calm cool voice.
The troll grabbed Julie and the Doctor by their arms.
“This way please sir and m’lady.”
The Doctor and Julie followed the Troll as they hurried thirty feet out from the camp. Bernard reached down and took hold of a mushroom. He lifted up on the mushroom to reveal a hidden hiding hole that had been covered with a lid that was disguised to look like the rest of the forest floor. The Doctor jumped in and was surprised at how deep it was. He could nearly stand straight up in it. Julie and Bernard joined the Doctor into the hole and the lid closed on top of them. Julie crawled up the sloping wall and peaked out of a crack in the lid in time to see Donna-Lé gracefully jump and disappear into the branches of a tree. Shaden stepped into a tree’s shadow and pulled his disappearing act as the air filled with the sound of dog howls.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

THursday already

I have one of many guilty pleasures and that is I watch Survivor. I would like it to be known for the record that this is the only reality TV I watch. I like it for really two good reasons. 1 is the Challenges. They can get pretty original and involved and they look quite fun. They have sometimes repeated some challenges but they also bring something new or new twist to the challenges. They are things that look like just fun to do...well most of them. There is alot more thought put into this show to help keep it feeling like a game show. Granted you have the human drama, real world type of stuff but I think its harder for these contestants to put on an act while struggling to survive.
The show has outlasted most of the other reality shows and still a fave and the host helps keep the show interesting. Which brings me to why I like this show # 2. Jeff Probst the host and executive producer. IF you ever wonder what a modern day puppet master looked like, well its Jeff. He really does "Pull da strings" on these people. IF the tribal council is a little slow he stokes the fire. He sees everything so he knows their secrets and the things the contestants don't know about each other. He knows what questions to ask and how to phrase them. Then he justs sits back and lets the drama unfold. It is a show that was created by vindictive psychologists. So there you have it I am a Survivor watcher. Not ashamed to admit it. I am ashamed at my poor blogging skills but "they are getting better." Sorry no william this week. The mouse did not speak to me this week so I had no story.
BTW Favre retired. Again. Lets hope it stays that way. If it doesn't and he decides he wants to play for the ViQueens,,,,and if they are dumb enough to take him back,Favre will have erased any hope of having a warm return welcome to Green Bay or go into the Hall of Fame as a Packer. How the mighty have fallen thanks to bad agents/

Monday, February 9, 2009

Short and to the Point

The president talked. The people listened. The Reporters were well shits. Here we are in a major economic situation and rather than ask the important questions they feel the need to ask him about shit totally unrelated to the press conference. I understand they are reporters and its their job to get the truth but never had I heard questions asked of Bush as finite as they asked of our new president. They are testing him and I think he stood up fairly well.
Anyway not much to say except it is nice to see a president who can speak presidential.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am feeling kinda Sunday

well another weekend has come and gone and It was actually a bit productive for me. I got some writing done ..Soon will be finishing another Lonely trooper and looking into a possible road trip with some friends next month to the Midwest Gaming Classic. It turned out to be a very nice day to day so me and the fam walked to a local cafe. IT was fun but the fresh air and excercise must have gotten to me cause I came home and took an unexpected nap.
I always kinda like the feeling you have after a good solid nap. I mean not at first...your usually groggy as hell and the nap is usually longer than planned, if it was planned at all. But once you get the blood flowing and feet moving you have a bit of a refreshed feeling. Its nice.
Not sure why I felt the need to write that but I did. I have not kept all my new years resolutions unfortunately but have done more than I thought I would so I guess its a plus. One month at a time right. I am going to start working on a script and plan to do a short project. I wanted to do at least one movie or be in the process of completeing one movie by the time I was 35. Well that's coming up in two and a half years.
So I have babbled enough for tonight. Gonna finish lonelytrooper so look for it in the next couple days. FOr the curious

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fae'th Friday at least some things are on time

The adventure continues...

The Rani frantically searched through the Doctors pockets, letting out a small sigh with each failed attempt.

“Where is the Key and that precious sonic screwdriver of yours? I would really like to know”
“Yes so would I actually,” The Doctor said while he looked down at his chest in curiosity. He always put the key and sonic screwdriver in the same pockets, well 99.45% of the time. By shear law of averages the Rani should have found it by now. The missing items were as much a mystery to him as it was to the Rani, only one of them was getting angrier by the moment and it wasn’t the Doctor. The Rani stopped and threw her hands down to her side in frustration. Then she looked over and Julie and smiled.
“Perhaps I should have my Noc friends here search your delicate companion. Though they could get a little over anxious in their searching her, they are still very thorough .”
“Take me one on one and I will show you just how delicate I am .”
“Oh really,” the Rani put her finger to her pursed lips as she thought for a moment, “Alright let her go. This will be a most enjoyable experiment.”
The Doctor was so focused on trying to figure out where his two prized possessions were that he failed to notice Julie get into her usual fight stance once she was freed from the Noc’s grip. The two women circled each other with fists raised. The Noc chuckled in delight as the Doctor’s mind worked over the possibilities. The Rani was about to take her first swing when the solution hit the Doctor.
“Ah HaH!!!” The Doctor’s exclamation caused the Rani to turn her head involuntarily in surprise. Julie saw her chance and swung as the Rani turned her attention back to Julie. The Rani’s jaw ran headfirst into the Companion’s fist as a voice rang out.
“Doctor duck!!”
The Doctor did so instinctively. He saw a silver boomerang fly above him and through the skull of the Noc that held him. The Boomerang then changed course and passed through the Noc that had held Julie just a moment ago. Both beasts slumped to the ground at the same time the Rani also connected with the floor.
The Doctor took Julie’s hand as they ascended up the gold pile to the TARDIS. They were joined by a figure that came out of the Shadow of the TARDIS. The Boomerang flew towards the figure and attached itself to the figure’s Arm.
“Shaden” Julie exclaimed with a smile
The Doctor held out his hand and Shaden handed over the two items.
“I was only holding on to them for safe keeping.”
The Doctor easily opened the door and the three poured into the TARDIS. Only after three steps into the TARDIS Shaden ran into the back of the TARDIS. Julie ran right into the back of Shaden, she was then squished by the Doctor who just closed the door behind them.
“Um if you don’t mind me saying chief, for a space ship I was expecting something abit more roomy.”
“What, what?” the doctor asked as he looked around at the bare wood door staring back at him.
“Normally there is a lot more room than this, honest. I Don’t under..”
“ssshhhh” Shaden shushed Julie. The loud steps of Draconis had stopped just outside the TARDIS. They could hear Draconis’s voice through the wooden walls.
“Water” Draconis exclaimed, followed by the sound of a splash and a startled yell of a female.
“The Rani wake up. Where are they?” Draconis asked
“I don’t know, but they couldn’t have gotten far.” The Rani said as she spat water out of her mouth. The three in the box tried not to make a noise. Shaden noticed a symbol in the shape of a C inside a diamond shape on the wall in front of him and rolled his eyes. He knew the symbol and realized what had happened to the Doctor’s ship. There was a loud cracking sound from above and the box was flooded with light. As their eyes adjusted they looked up at Draconis who smiled back at them. The four walls of the Faux TARDIS fell outwards.
“Well now this is unexpected wouldn’t you say Doctor” The Rani stood at the bottom of the gold pile with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.
“Now where were we, hmmm” Draconis asked. Shaden, in the meantime slid his hand in his bag and whispered something. A round stone ball leapt into the thief’s hand. In one swift motion Shaden spun around and gave an unexpected push against Julie who ran into the Doctor. The two landed with a thud on the wooden faux TARDIS wall that was in front of the Doctor. Shaden jumped on the board as well and the three surfed down the pile of gold. They knocked into the Rani, who was thrown back to the floor, and continued to glide on the wall through the large doorway they had used to enter the chamber. Shaden threw the stone from the bag at the doorway at the same time Draconis launched a stream of fire from his mouth. A wall of stone appeared to fill the doorway in time to block the fire.
Julie and the Doctor picked themselves up.
“Well I never expected you to be the hero type.” Julie stated with a smile.
“Don’t get all doe eyed sweetheart. You were just in the way, ended up coming along for the ride.”
“Oh you…..”
Julie spun around in frustration and stared at the fountain.The Doctor seemed in a bit of a daze, a slight twing of pain hit his gut as he realized the TARDIS was truly lost at least for the moment. He shook his head and realized there would be time to worry later, they still had the issue of getting out of the palace. He dusted himself off and walked over to Shaden.
“So how do you suggest we get out of here, I can assume that wall will not hold Draconis for long.”
“You are a quick one chief. To get out of here all we have to do is ask.”
Shaden grabbed the Doctor by the coat and Julie by the hand.
The three were pulled through a blur of hallways, they changed course twice and caused Julie’s stomach to flip. The next thing she knew, they stopped in the doorway of a huge stable and also next to two Noc guards. The Doctor pointed his screwdriver at the one by him and knocked him out with a sonic burst while Shaden pulled the boomerang and used its blade to decapitate the guard next to him. The Doctor looked back in time to see the guard’s headless body drop to the ground. Shaden took off down the aisle.
“Must you.” The Doctor asked as he pointed at the body.
“Let’s go Doctor” Julie asked as she pulled him by the sleeve. When they caught up to Shaden, the thief pointed at a wagon that was already attached to two draft horses.
“Our Chariot awaits.” The three ran up to the wagon and as soon as the three were aboard, Shaden jumped into the driver’s seat and gave the reins a whip, accompanied by a “HeeYa”
The horses took off immediately down the middle of the stable. The Doctor moved to take the seat next to Shaden. He handed the reins to him.
“If you would be so kind, I prefer shotgun.”
“I am sure you do” The Doctor snipped as he gave an extra whip of the straps. Five Noc guards appeared in the stable entrance. Shaden threw the boomerang and directed it towards the group. The Noc could not scatter in time before the boomerang had chance to cut across all five of their necks. The wagon passed the bodies and exited into the night.
As the group traveled down the bumpy road, an eerie choir of howls filled the air. Julie could see in the distance three pairs of red glowing eyes followed them. When the eyes passed under the torches that lined the road the rest of the dog beasts were revealed. They were same beasts that were chained up to the pillars.
“We’ve got Company!!”
“Well that didn’t take long.” Shaden stated. He threw the boomerang and guided it towards the head of the lead dog. It caused sparks to fly as it connected to the beasts skull.
“We may be in a bit of trouble.”
The wagon lurched up and one of the barrels that were in the back of the wagon hit Julie in the arm. Liquid leaked from it that had a smell that reminded Julie of kerosene. She watched the boomerang bounce off the heads of the dogs again and decided to take action herself. She pushed the barrel off the back of the wagon and to her surprise the barrel did not immediately break but instead decided to roll towards the dogs. The lead dog did not hesitate and smashed through the barrel sending its liquid contents flying. All three dogs were covered in the liquid. Julie tossed another barrel out the back of the wagon which yielded the same result as the first. Julie then grabbed the boomerang from Shaden just before he was about to throw it. She threw the boomerang at one of the road torches and knocked it to the ground. The dogs ran over it and immediately were engulfed in flames. The dogs screamed in pain as they tried dropped to the ground in vain to roll the fire out.
Shaden smiled as the boomerang came back to rest on his wrist. It was not long before they were at a fairy gate. They ran the wagon into the middle of the circle of stones but nothing happened. Doctor and Julie looked over to Shaden who continued to stare straight ahead, as if he was trying to will the gate to work. Then he slapped his forhead so loud it echoed against the black stone walls that surrounded the fairy gate.
“Son of a Bitch.”
“You don’t have the key to the gate do you.” The Doctor asked as he stepped out of the wagon. He then helped Julie out of the back of the wagon.
“Well how are we supposed to get out of here now?” Julie asked concerned.
“No worries, you have me.” The Doctor replied as he held up his sonic screwdriver. He immediately went over to one of the stone arches and ran the sonic screw driver across the faint symbols on the underside of the arch. He knew he had seen these symbols before and knew what technology he was dealing with. How it ended up on Fae’th he wasn’t sure but one thing he knew was the universe worked in mysterious ways. The symbols lit up in a bright green light that brought a smile to the Doctor’s face.
“Be careful there Chief, last time someone tried to hot wire one of these his insides became his outsides.”
“Trust me, this is my specialty.”
There was another howl in the distance. As the Doctor ran to the other arches to activate their symbols, Shaden turned the wagon in to the direction of the path they just came down. He slowly moved it out of the circle. The Doctor activated the last arch and a large bright flash of light blinded them all for second. When their eyes were adjusted again, white sparkling light danced in the middle of the circle of stones.
“Time to go.” The Doctor said with a smile.
Shaden saw three pairs of red eyes in the distance.
“Not a moment too soon. Go on get through the gate you two I will be right behind.”
“You can’t take the..”
Julie’s protest was cut off as the Doctor grabbed her and they both fell into the sparkling light. Shaden jumped off the wagon and grabbed a nearby road torch. He then tossed it into the back of the wagon that still contained three barrels. He then smacked the rear end of one of the horses with the flat side of his boomerang, accompanied by a ‘heeeya’. The wagon took off straight toward the dogs. Shaden had just enough time to watch as the wagon collided with the dogs and exploded. The force of the explosion pushed Shaden through the gate.

William Wednesday on Friday

Sorry about being late on this folks. I hope you all like and I am not sure I can make one every week but will still try. Don't want to come up with just crap for the sake of posting. Anyway for the young at heart to share with kids or whoever.

William the Mouse and the Ant
Mark Krawczyk

In the really old house,
on top of the very large hill,
just outside of town lives William.

William is a mouse and this is a his tail…I mean tale.

William the mouse, Wendy the Mouse, and Larry the Locust were all sitting on the warm concrete patio that was in the back of the really old house. The stones were cracked and had various weeds growing between them. There were also a variety of ant hills that rose up from the cracks. The large piles of sand and dirt were built around a hole which the ants used to move in and out of the ant colony. The ants would leave to go get food which could be dead leaves, grass, even dead insects, yuck.
Larry spoke between bites of the large green leaf he had brought for the day on the Patio.
“This is really good you sure you don’t want to try some
“No that’s ok I think I will stick with my cracker piece today. Green leaves make my tummy upset.” Wendy said as she took a bite of her cracker.
Larry nodded and kept munching. That’s when he felt something tug at his leg.
He looked down and screamed as he jumped in the air.
The scream seemed to scare the ant as much as it scared Larry. As larry landed he scurried behind William.
“Get him out of here dear friend. Yes please, so ugly and scary.”
Wendy looked at the ant and jumped back as well. It was a Carpenter ant and it was the largest ant she had ever seen. It had long antenna and big pincers that were on either side of its mouth. Wendy hid behind Larry who was still behind William.
“Make him go away William. Please. I hear they will eat anything, even mice. I heard a story of a bunch of ants attacking and eating animals way bigger than them. Make him go away before he brings his friends and they make us their next dinner.” William continued to munch his cracker as he looked at the Ant. The Ant looked back with its little beady eyes that sat on either side of its large head. He didn’t look mean or ugly at all. In fact he looked kinda sad.
“Hello Mr. Ant. How are you today?” William asked. The Ant ran over and grabbed a dead leaf. He used his pincers and cut out a small word in the leaf. He held it up to William. The word said ‘Good’.
“Really, well I am happy to hear it. I am William. “ William held out his paw towards the ant. As the ant went the grab William’s hand with its pincers, Wendy pulled his arm away.
“What are you doing William? You trying to lose a paw. He will eat you” She yelled. The Ant looked even sadder than before and slowly started to walk away.
“Wendy that’s no way to treat anyone. He maybe was just trying to be friendly. He doesn’t have paw or anything else to hold my hand with. How else is he going to shake my paw but with his pincers.” William turned to the Ant.
“Please do not go sir. My friend is just a little scared. Would you like a piece of leaf? “ William asked as he pulled off a small piece from the leaf Larry dropped.
“William don’t give that thing my leaf. He tried to eat me,” Larry yelled.
“Maybe he was just trying to get your attention Larry.”
“Yeah attention to the inside of his belly.”
William just shook his head and held out the piece of leaf. The Ant paused and then slowly grabbed the piece of leaf in its pincers. Then he moved his mouth over the leaf, nibbling as he went. He seemed to smile at the taste of it.
“See he likes the same food you do Larry. Just because he looks different and talks different than you doesn’t mean you two can’t get along.” William tore off another small leaf piece and handed it to the Ant. The Ants antenna seem to move with joy as he ate. Larry slowly moved out from behind William and took a step toward the ant. The ant took a step back in fear.
“I think he is scared of you as much as you are of him Larry.”
Larry took his leaf and ripped into two pieces and moved it toward the ant.
“Well you do seem to have good taste in food my dear Ant. “
The ant carved out a word in the piece of leaf that he was eating. It said ‘Thank You’. This made Larry feel more relaxed around the Ant.
“I am sorry my ant friend.” Larry realized that even though the Ant talked differently with people and looked different in a lot of ways, he and Larry were also a lot alike. Wendy still seemed a bit scared.
“Come on Wendy give him a chance.” William whispered to her. She looked back at William and took a deep breath. She then tip toed quickly over to the ant and sat next to him with her eyes closed as if she was expecting him to attack her. The Ant looked at Larry and William and the two just shrugged their shoulders back at the Ant. Then the Ant walked over to a near by leaf and started to cut into it swiftly with is pincers. After a short time of doing this he then pulled the leaf next to Wendy and tapped her with his antenna. They kinda tickled and Wendy laughed. The laugh made her open her eyes and when she did she could not believe what she saw. The Ant had carved a small picture of a rose. She now felt bad for judging the Ant just because of what she had heard from other people about Ants. She promised herself never to make that mistake again.
“Thank you Ant. I am also sorry.” Wendy apologized.
The ant carved the words ‘its ok.’ Then he wrote the word ‘Friends?’
William nodded at the ant.
“Yes I think you could consider us friends Ant.”
The Insect spun around in a circle with joy. Another ant appeared near the group. The group’s new friend ant stopped and after a second or two he turned to his leaf and wrote ‘have to go work.’
“Well you guys don’t get a lot of time to rest do you, my ant friend. Maybe we can meet tomorrow and we can share a big maple leaf together.” Larry said. The Ant did another spin in a circle and then wrote ‘yes’. The ant wrote the words ‘thank you’ and started to walk away towards the other ant.
“Wait we never got your name” Wendy yelled out. The Ant ran back over to the leaf he was writing on. He had just enough room to write his name. He then handed it to William and ran off with the other ant into the grass.
“Well what’s his name William?” Wendy asked.
William said with a smile. “Adam” .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Off to a great start

Well New Month and already missed a day of blogging. Course yesterday I did work my second job but I had enough time to write. Instead I blew up germans with a friend of mine via Company of Heroes and then spent time playing Carnival Mini Golf with my wife. So I guess I have a bit of an excuse. Anyway.
Got the last hit of football until Fall. Sure there is arena football but that's like football lite. Speaking of Lite the Super Bowl commercials this year were a bit lower key again as they have been the last few years. Mostly car commercials. A couple of eh commercials, the Go Daddy commercials which now just go out of their way to be titillating (note to self go to to see commercial conclusions) Anyway, the one that really stood out for me was the doritos contest winner. The one with the Crystal Ball/Snow globe. I will admit did not see that one coming and I did laugh out loud at that one. Nice back story to it , the guys who submitted it for the contest were two out of work guys who managed to scrap up two thousand dollars from friends and family. They won the grand prize of a million dollars. That just makes that commercial all the better.
The BOSS and the e-street Band were a decent super bowl show. It was as good I think as the one last year. The rolling stones one which some magazine put up as one of the top ten super bowl performances IMHO sucked ass. The audio was horrible Jagger barely moved and well...anyway I still remember the worst super bowl show to me was when they were promoting Indiana Jones the Ride. IT was awful as they tried to do this action type play and ... still burned into my head.
I also remember the one where they tried to do Bullet time on a stadium level. That just did not work. The performance was good as it was the nsync, aerosmith, Britney Spears and about four other performers singing fairly well. This was pre poparazzi psycho britney.I think she was only 17 at the time. Though there was a law about Steven Tyler being that close to a teenage girl.. anyway that one was good.
On the whole the game was fun to watch, just like last years. always better when the game isn't like a total defense game where the score is like 7 to 3 but also better than when one team is just crushing the other team. Although I would have liked to see the Cardinals pull it out I guess it was not meant to be.
Anyway gonna work on a william story tomorrow.
Hope everyone like how Fae'th is going. Working on more pages for Friday.