Friday, January 30, 2009

Fae'th Friday

Another Fae'th Friday. Glad your all still here.

There was a flicker of shadow once again and Julie was certain that it was some how Shaden. As she entered the large Chamber, Her mouth dropped at the sight of it.
The room was the size of a Football stadium and filled with mounds of gold, jewels and various sizes of treasure chests. The walls were made of smooth marble that went straight up sixty feet up and then began to curve to form a curved ceiling. The ceiling itself was covered in one large painting that appeared to depict an epic battle between wizards of light and wizards of darkness. Along the walls, about every twenty feet were small alcoves, just a bit larger than your average doorway, that appeared to serve as display areas for the more valued or special treasures. Julie scanned the room to see if she could find the TARDIS but did not see it. She did notice the now familiar flicker of shadow as it traveled down the near wall. She could see it as it passed under each floating glow orb that provided illumination for the room. The flicker headed to the back of the room.

“Hello!?” The Doctor’s voice echoed through the room.

“Perhaps no one is home.” Julie sounded slightly hopeful in her comment. That hope was short lived.

“Oh I assure you we are quite home my dear.” The voice came from behind a mound of gold nearest to them. It was the same voice that had beckoned them into the room. Julie took a step back as the owner of the voice revealed himself. It was Draconios.
The dragon looked exactly like the statue Julie had seen earlier only on its underbelly were silver scales instead of black. It stretched its bat like wings out, they appeared more leathery than scaly. The dragon looked down with a serpentine grin on its face.

“You must be the Doctor I have heard so much about. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Draconis said with a slight bow of his head toward the Doctor. Draconis then turned toward Julie. She could not help but stare into its large silver eyes, “and you must be his loyal companion. It is pleasure to meet you as well. I hope your stay here has been comfortable.”

“It has thank you, we found it quite lovely.” Julie quipped before she could stop herself. Draconis looked surprised and then chuckled. He mumbled something under his breath and with a wave of his hand the shackles disappeared.

“Thank you, your highness.” The Doctor said with a slight bow, “ Those were beginning to chaff something fierce.”

“Please Doctor call me Draconis. Now since I have done something for you, perhaps you could be so kind as to return the favor hmmmmm.” Draconis reached behind the mound of gold and placed the TARDIS on top of it.

“You wouldn’t happen to have the key to this wonderful device you so graciously donated to me. I would love to view the inside of it. I hear it is quite roomy.”

“With all due respect, I think the doorway would be a bit snug for you.” The Doctor replied as his mind try to gather how a being like Draconis could possible know about him and the TARDIS with its spacious interior.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about me Doctor.” When Draconis ended his sentence he mumbled something again and this time smoke blew from his nostrils. Within moments Draconis was completely engulfed in smoke and as the smoke cleared, a man had appeared. He wore black robes with a silver sash and silver cloth belt. He had black hair and a pointy nose that was accompanied by the same toothy grin that the Dragon had on its face.

“I think I will fit just fine my dear Doctor. Now if you would please the key.”

“Oh dear well I do apologize but I believe I left it in my other jacket.” The Doctor replied as he reached into his pocket. Worry crept into the Doctors mind as he felt in his pocket for his trusty sonic screwdriver only to find that it was not there.

“Still as quick witted as ever Doctor I see. It is amazing you have survived this long with the mouth of yours.” A female voice said from behind the TARDIS. The Doctor thought he recognized the voice and a sinking feeling came over him.
A tall, long haired brunette appeared from behind the TARDIS. She trailed her long finger nails lightly along the TARDIS surface as she walked out of its shadow. She was wearing a rather tight, two piece black leather outfit with knee high, heeled boots. She stared at the Doctor with a smile he was familiar with. He knew who she was but there was a part of his brain that had a small bit of trouble believing it.

“I can see you are a bit surprised to see me Doctor, Were you perhaps expecting someone else?”

“Truth be told, I was actually expecting to see the Master. How have you been the Rani?”

There was a just a moment of awkward silence between the two but in that time the faint sound of gold coins tinkling came from near the back of the chamber. Draconis’s head whipped around and his eyes narrowed to tiny slits.
“If you all would excuse me, there is something requiring my attention,” Draconis stated as he began to walk away. He mumbled and was soon engulfed in another cloud of smoke. He was again in dragon form and on the move to the back of the chamber. The Rani slid down the gold mound standing up all the way down.

“So you were expecting the Master were you. Well all the better for you Doctor since I am so much more fun. You like the new look.” The Rani did a quick twirl as if she was showing off a new dress to her friends.

“I will say it is an improvement.” The Doctor replied.

“As is yours, though I am not sure about the side burns but those can always be shaved off. Love the Jacket, would hate to see it get ruined with blood stains. She snapped her fingers and two Noc came out from the shadows and grabbed the Doctor and his companion firmly by the shoulders. Julie tried to struggle but realized quite quickly the futility in her actions. The Doctor did not move and neither did his eyes. Even as the Rani ran her hand along his cheek and then down his vest.

“Now if you don’t mind Doctor. Let’s see if we can find that elusive key of yours.”


Draconis stormed to the back of his lair, smoke trailed from his nostrils while his eyes quickly scanned the Alcoves as he walked past them. When he reached the back of the lair he saw two of the alcoves were empty. The dragon slid to a halt and began to sniff the air.

“Back so soon Shaden, this is bold even for you. Why don’t you just make this easier for both of us and reveal yourself.” Draconis took a swipe in front one of the two empty Alcoves with his hand.

“Now where would the fun in that be So-Han” Shaden said from the shadows. Draconis growled at the sound of the name.

“That name holds no meaning in this world. How dare you speak it.”

“Why is that? I think your old name suits you so much better.” The echo of Shade’s voice made it hard for Draconis to pinpoint the thief’s location.

“You do realize my dear, strange talking boy, that even if you do make it out of here alive you will have no where to run to. Nowhere to hide.” Draconis took another empty swipe.

“No where to run to Baby, Nowhere to hiiide” Shade sang as a cup flew from out of nowhere and hit Draconis in the head. The Dragon spun around and let out a stream of fire that scorched a pile of coins and set a wooden treasure chest on fire ten feet from where Shade was hid. Shade was hid in the shadow of one of the many large golden warrior statues that Draconis had in his chamber.
“Tell me Shaden, of all the things to steal from me, why the bag?”
“What else can I use to carry all this lovely treasure around in.”
Shaden slid his hand in the Alcove next to him to grab a ruby the size of a cantaloupe from its perch and slide it into his recently acquired bag. Draconis let out another stream of fire that was way off the mark.
“You know I won’t go as easy on you as last time Shaden.” Draconis snorted. The comment made Shaden pause for just a moment to touch the large scar on his neck that had been hidden by his cloak. He shook the memory from his head and moved among the shadows down the wall in the direction of the Doctor. Draconis continued his search for Shaden near the rear of the lair. The dragon swiped everywhere with his hands and tail. Occasionally, for good measure, he would shoot a stream of fire from his mouth. Shaden could see the TARDIS clearly in the distance and heard the mumbling of voices. He passed a small warrior statue and stopped. A golden twinkle caught his eye. He studied the statue for a moment and smiled.
The statue was smaller than the others in the chamber and it was of a warrior with his right hand held in the air in victory. On the statues left arm was a Silver Boomerang that seemed to be stuck to an arm bracer made of gold. The weapon appeared to not actually be part of the statue. Instead it appeared the statue’s purpose was to display the boomerang.
“So this is where you have been hiding it”
Shaden carefully removed the bracer from the statue and attached it to his arm. The weapon was called Smite. Smite was originally acquired a number of years ago by Shaden from an ancient tomb whose inhabitant was not going to miss it. Draconis had taken it from Shaden during their last encounter. Shaden put the bracer one his arm like someone puts on their favorite pair of pants. The moment was ruined by a loud shriek from the statue Shaden had taken the weapon from.
“THAT”S MINE GIVE IT BACK!!! THIEF !!!! THIEF!!!!” the statue howled.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

THeatrical Thursday: Sorry for the delay

Sorry I had not posted in a couple of days for those following. Been a busy week. I will have another William the mouse story next week to be sure.

Lets talk music. Specifically soundtracks, a subject near and dear to my heart. I truely love the resurgance of soundtracks on to the music shelves and web stores. Now we aren't talking the "music" that is "inspired by" soundtracks, nah we are talking scores. Up until about 13 years ago movie scores were more the kinda sorta limited release CD's that were shoved in the back and not really popular. Sure you have your star wars and indiana Jones and basically anything John Williams produced from 75 to 95 was gold and always on the shelf but there were some other great scores that did not get the attention they deserve. Ones that if they were released today would be as available as the lord of the rings or Incredibles score.
FOr instance there was a great score from the first highlander. It did not get overwhleming sales over seas and I believe never saw the light of day in the US. The Queen one did of course and that is a great vocal soundtrack but the instrumental got lost in the abyss of 80's movie scores not done by John Williams.
There was also another great score to Die hard that, while it was released in the US, was very limited. That music was an integral part of the movie I feel. IT so helped with the mood, especially adding the humor to an action movie without the actors themselves getting too light.
Have not seen many scenes where the "Ode to Joy" is actually used for the bad guys.
Until the internet these scores were alot harder to find. Now you can at least hear samples of the tunes if not the full songs and even find that rare sound track on e-bay or some obscure web store.
Lets face it the Last Starfighter, Enemy Mine, and oh yes Tron scores were hard to come by when the movies first came out but now are alot easier to find and some are even in collectors editions now. There was more to scores than just williamsSo if your watching Buckaroo Banzai or Remo Williams and say damn that music was good, hit the internet and you may just find them for purchase. Yes I have both.

I know I had a point in there some where. Too busy listening to my Cherry 2000 score.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Manic Monday

Not a whole lot to say today except
"The south will rise again...Yeeee Hawww"

Sorry Gordon Lewis moment. Anyway lets talk more Zombies. I still think they are a very scary creature. Possibly more scary than vampires, Werewolves, etc... People say yeah how can a schelping Zombie be scary. For me I think its the fact that out of all the monsters they are the most human in their mannerisms and the fact they are decaying. Sure the werewolf is humanoid but hes basically like a huge toothy Dog. Vampires are usually so romanticized that you almost want to be bit by them. Lets face it they almost are always good looking, and slick until they bust out the fangs and bite you. Even that though is usually portrayed as almost a sexual manner. Zombies on the other hand, well lets face it they go for the soft parts and there is nothing really sexy about having ones entrails ripped from their body and eaten. Zombies are grotesque (again usually) in all manner. Lets face it being a vampire means your good looking, hip and living forever. Wolfman, you get super strength, heighten senses and great speed. Zombies , pure blood zombies so to speak, not so much. They normally don't move to fast, they usually look like they went 20 rounds with a boxer with no gear on, and eventually they will decay into nothing. Zombies are one thing though, ravenously hungry and persistent to the nth degree.
I know I may get flamed but really Zombies are the most horrific of the three main horror beasts. Maybe because we are most like them, traveling through life consuming what we can and decaying with every step we take. OK thats too deep I need a Dew.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fae'th Friday on a Saturday

I am a bit behind as of late and do apologize for anyone actually reading the story. Here is the next installment. The plot thickens....a little...

“What kind of place is this? I so want to get out of here Doctor.”

“As soon as the opportunity presents itself, for now I need you to be strong. I promise I will get us out of this. “
Julie sat back down next to the fire and wiped the tear from her cheek. Shade let out a small “huh” that caught the Doctors attention.

“What is it?”

“Curiosity Chief. Last time I was here there were only six pillars in the front. Draconis must have added the seventh one though not sure what for. He doesn’t even seem to have a one of his damned Hyden beasts chained to it yet.”
The Doctor’s mind began to work on Shade’s comment. The Doctor stared at the pillar as they passed and then the Doctor came to a conclusion he did not want to come to. The Doctor pulled out the sonic screwdriver in a manner in which the Noc did not see and set his trusty device to what he needed it to be. The Doctor activated the screwdriver and caused a high pitched sonic wave to be emitted from it. Shade and Julie could barely hear it but the Noc definitely did as they covered their ears and protested loudly. The dogs howled and became even more agitated. The Doctor kept his eyes on the pillars as he felt the first of the lightening bolts hit him. He watched as the six of the pillars seemed to shake from the wave while the seventh one seemed to emit a faint blue glow. As more bolts hit the Doctor, his knees buckled but he did not take his eyes off the seventh pillar.

“He’s here!” Were the last words the Doctor said before he fell to the ground unconscious.

“Hey Chief, you awake!”

The sound of a somewhat familiar voice echoed in the Doctor’s ears. He started to clear the foggy state his mind was in. Then he heard a far more familiar voice that helped him awaken completely, it was Julie’s.

“Doctor, are you alright?”

“Well except for the part where I appear to be hanging on a dungeon wall by hand shackles I couldn’t be lovelier.”

“Good you’re awake, thought we lost you there for a minute.” Shade commented as he maneuvered his hands within his shackles.

“It will take more than a few bolts of lightening to take me out I assure you.”
The Doctor looked around the room they now called home. The room looked like a dungeon from mid-evil earth. It had four cold black stone walls, the bones of its previous occupants in a pile on the floor, and of course the old hanging prisoner routine which the three were now apart of. The only light that entered the room was the flickered from the torch light that came through a small barred window in the dungeon door across from where they hung.

“Doctor, tell me you have a plan to get us out of here.” Julie inquired trying to adjust her hands in vain to keep the shackles from digging into her skin.

“Actually I was hoping to stay for a bit. I am sure our host is looking forward to meeting his new guests and I would hate to disappoint him or her.”

“You can’t be serious Doctor.” Julie exclaimed.

“But I am and for more than just one reason. I am afraid we have another problem on our hands besides being the prisoners of Draconis.”

“Would that problem be the ‘He’ you referred to before it was lights out.” Shade suggested as he adjusted his hands again.

“Yes it is. I think you are smarter than you let on.”

“Thanks Doc. You aren’t too bad yourself and I do like your wardrobe. You still can’t do this though.”

Shade gave a flick of the wrist and his shackles came undone. Shade dropped to the ground without a sound.

“I could get out of these with the greatest of ease but this time I would prefer to wait.” The Doctor said in a matter of fact tone.

“Right to meet the ‘He’ that seems to have gotten your dander up. No skin off my nose daddy oh, I will catch you on the flip side. “

Shaden gave the Doctor a tap on the chest, winked at Julie and then stepped back into the shadow of the room as he put the hood up on his cloak. Julie lost sight of him and before she could ask ‘How’d he do that?’ the door to the room opened and a Noc guard walked in. As the guard stepped toward the Doctor, Julie saw a slight flicker of a shadow in the doorway.

“Where’d he go?” the Noc asked annoyed as he motioned to the empty spot on the wall where Shaden use to be.

“Bathroom Break?” The Doctor answered with a slight smile on his face. The Noc let out a loud roar and a couple clicks and two more Noc appeared in the doorway. The Noc that had inquired about Shaden did an about face and as he pushed his way between the other two, he uttered something to them. It wasn’t until now that the Doctor noticed the Noc he had just talked too was a head shorter than the other Nocs, yet he appeared to hold a rank over them. The two larger Noc seemed to chuckle at the third. The two then entered the room. Though the Doctor was a couple feet off the ground he was nearly eye to eye with the Noc Guard in front of him. Its breath smelled like dead fish.

“His Excellency has honored you by requesting your presence in his chamber. Should you refuse you shall be immediately executed.”

“I would be honored to meet his honor, honest.”
The Doctor gave a flick of his hand, his shackles unlocked. He dropped to his feet and tried to rub the pain from his wrists. The Noc just snorted and pulled the Doctor out of the room by his arm. The second Noc lifted Julie off of her hook and as he let her slide to the ground he slide his hand up her chest.

“Hey watch the hands buddy,” Julie exclaimed as she slugged the Noc in the chest, having no affect on him except to make him and his buddy to laugh. They pushed Julie through the door to stand next to the Doctor in a torch light hallway.
Their dungeon appeared to be at the very end of a long corridor of dungeon rooms. There were at least twenty five on each side down the Hall in front of them and another one hundred down the hall to their right. The Noc pushed them in the direction of the hall in front.
“This ‘He’ isn’t who I think ‘He’ is. Is ‘He’?”
Julie whispered.
“I think you know who I mean already. I don’t want to say for certain that it could be him though. Not yet anyway.”
“You mean the Mas…” Julie’s words trailed off at the thought that the “He” could be none other than “the Master”. Her thoughts were soon distracted by the pleas and moans of pain coming from the other dungeon rooms as they passed each door. The hallway came to a T – junction with another similar looking hallway. They stopped as a group of six Noc in a standard marching square formation passed. Julie saw another flicker of shadow pass the group and wondered if it was the torch light or if it was Shaden.
“It would appear they have not caught our friend yet.”
“Friend, that’s using the term loosely Doctor. He left us to the wolves, some friendd.”
“I do not think he is as far from us as you believe.” The Doctor stated.
The group were soon on their way again and it wasn’t long before they came to a platform. The Platform had brass railings on three of its sides, a lever in the middle and it appeared to float.
As the group stepped onto the platform the Doctor smiled as he took all of it in.
“Amazing electromagnetic repulsion transport, this place never ceases to amaze me.”
Julie just gave him a look as if saying “you have got to be kidding” and then grabbed his arm as the platform accelerated upward in to a large black stone tunnel. They then changed direction and moved horizontally down a similar tunnel.
“Doctor how could the Master be here? Do you think he fell through the hole like we did?”
“That is an excellent observation. He could have very well even caused the hole himself while trying one of his many grand master plans. Can’t say for sure until we meet him. If in fact it is him at all.”
“Well who else could it be?”
“Guess we will have to wait to find out.”
The platform soon came to a stop in front of a brightly lit enterance. The light appeared to be coming from four glowing orbs that hovered near the walls. Julie’s eyes adjusted to the light and could see yet another long corridor although this one appeared to be lined with white stone walls trimmed in gold and with more floating orbs. As soon as the group stepped off the platform and onto the multi colored tiled floor, the platform they had been on zoomed off back the way they came.
“HOLD HANDS!!” The one Noc behind the Doctor commanded. The two did as instructed while The Noc each grabbed a shoulder of Julie’s. Before she could protest one of the Noc barked a command.
The group was suddenly whisked down the white walled corridor, stopped abruptly and then whisked down yet another corridor. The walls appeared as a blur to Julie and just as she was about to lose her lunch they came to a stop in front of two very large doors. They were in a large room that resembled a lobby of one of the old motion picture houses Julie had visited back in Milwaukee. There were decretive statues of birds that appeared to be flying out of each corner of the room. Behind where the two were standing was a large square pool of water with a twenty foot tall statue of what could best be described as a mermaid holding a pitcher. Water poured out of the pitcher and into the pool which created a sound that made Julie have to go to the bathroom.
“Fascinating way to travel wouldn’t you say. They must be using a spatial manipulator with a quantum field bubble to keep us from flying apart…oh sorry Julie are you ok.”
Julie stumbled to one of the concrete benches in front of the fountain to take seat in an effort to stop her stomach from doing cartwheels.
“ I will be ok Doctor. You talk as if these people were using advanced technology but yet I do not see any machinery or hint that they have moved past the dark ages.”
“Oh the technology is here my dear, believe me. It is just well disguised I am sure of it and over time its true nature may have been forgotten and replaced with a more magical explanation.”
The Noc guards stood by the doors, one on each side, and did not move. They seem to pay no attention to the Doctor or his Companion as they talked.
“Tell me you have a plan Doctor.”
“You know me, I always have a plan. It just depends on when it decides to present itself.”
“Although I must admit the thought of meeting an actual dragon is excieting, if not also a bit scarey.” Julie commented as her stomach righted itself.
“That’s the spirit.” The Doctor said with a smile. A loud sly voice suddenly filled the room that caused Julie to jump.
“Would you be so kind as to enter Doctor, your companion is most certainly invited to join us as well. Isn’t that grand?”
The doors made a loud grinding noise as they opened up.
“Shall we?” the Doctor asked as he presented his arm to Julie. She hooked his arm with her and they walked into the chamber of Draconis.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

William Wednesdy: William and a New Food

Gather round kid and parents if you like. I have another William the Mouse story to share with you. I hope you like. Feedback always welcome. Maybe you will even like it enough to tell your kids or not.

William the Mouse and A New Food
Mark Krawczyk

In the really old house,
on top of the very large hill,
just outside of town lives William.

William is a mouse and this is his tail…I mean tale.

William was scurrying about the kitchen floor one warm summer day when he heard the sound of bug wings. He looked up in time to see his friend Larry the Locust flying through the air and landing on the kitchen counter above William. William was always happy to see his friends, especially on such a nice day.
“Helloooo Larry.” William squeeked.
“Why Hello dear friend William.” said Larry in his own squeaky voice as he peeked over the edge of the counter. Larry then began climbing down the side of the old dusty counter towards Larry. William could see his friend was carrying something in his mouth that was large and green.
“Whatcha got there Larry?”

“Ifff a gree weef dear ffffriend”

“I am sorry what was that? “ William asked as Larry reached the floor. Larry spat out the leaf with a loud , “Thttttpppp”

“ I said it’s a green leaf dear friend, from a Maple tree no less, very tastey. Would you like a bite?” Larry answered smacking his bug mouth. William was not sure Larry’s idea of tasty and his idea of tasty were the same. William remembers when he bit a leaf once. He was not sure what plant it came from but it was very bitter and made him wrinkle his nose.
“Yuck Larry how can you eat such a nasty thing. I could never eat such a gross food.” William said without thinking.
Larry got a look of hurt on his face. William had hurt Larry’s feelings by saying something quite rude. If someone offers you food and it’s a food you don’t like, you should say “No thank you.” Or “Thank you but I do not want any at this time” or something else polite, that is the right thing to do. William realized he had done the wrong thing and felt bad. So William did the only thing you are supposed to do when you hurt someone on accident, you apologized.

“I am very sorry Larry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I just have tried a leaf before and didn’t like it. Thank you for offering.”
Larry’s frown disappeared.
“Apologies accepted dear friend. If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of leaf was it?”
“I am not sure, it was long and thin and very bitter.” William answered. Larry’s smiled wide.
“Well no wonder you don’t like leaves dear friend William. That was a grass leaf. They can be very bitter. If you wouldn’t mind just trying a very small bite of the maple leaf, it would make me very happy. If you do not like it, I will not offer you a leaf again.” Larry cut a very small piece off the large leaf and gave it to William.
It is true William never had tried a piece of Maple leaf. Perhaps not all leaves taste the same, William thought to himself. The Maple leaf looked almost like the leaf he had tried before but not exactly like it.
“Ok Larry. I will try something new to eat. I may like it.” William said and after sniffing the piece of leaf with his little pink nose, he put the piece in his mouth.
To William’s surprise the leaf tasted good, it was not bitter like the other leaf at all. William smiled and Larry smiled back.

“See I told you dear friend William. It is good is it not?”

“Yes quite good. Thank you Larry, may I have another piece.” William answered as he licked his lips. Larry slid the leaf over to William and the two friends shared a tasty leaf in the summer sun. William was glad he took a chance to try a new food. It made him think of what other new foods were out there that he had not tried yet that he might like.
I guess you will never know until you try them, William thought as he swallowed his last bite of delicious maple leaf.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Monday ...

So begins another Monday, and it truely was a monday. Busy with a lot of things that decided to break over the weekend. Never mind no one was at work over the weekend yet things that worked last week now didn't. Damn Gremlins. That's the only thing I can chalk it up to.Its funny how we all say we hate Mondays, myself included. Because if we had off until Tuesday then we would hate Tuesdays.Its all about that damn little thing called perspective. Like a good friend of mine does not like b-horror grade films or worst while I watch them alot. More than is probably healthy. For instance I am right now watching a Movie called Girls Nite Out from 1984. Yes a Crazy Man in a bear suit goes around killing college co eds with his bear Claw blade.
IT's not like I don't enjoy good cinema like No Country For Old Men, Titanic, and many classic films like Casablanca, Seven Samurai. I Guess you could say I have a diverse taste in film. Sometimes the b-movies surprise me but most of the time not. Eh its a good escape after having a day like Monday

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday and there is football.

Yes watching the playoffs and I am very impressed at how the Cards pulled ahead of the eagles. Course the Cards had help from McNabb. What gets me the most about football games are the announcers. Not so much the radio guys because you expect them to be a little biased toward the home team since you are listening to it on the local radio station and its your team. But on TV the announcers have a wider audience and you would think they would be a little more unbiased. Instead most of the time you get the sway in the breeze announcing. Who ever is winning is the team who has, really done well this season or they really are controlling this game. Unfortunately instead of just letting us know what kind of play it was or some other random stat, the announcers feel they need to give some creative observation about the player and or team. You could really do a drinking game for some announcers. They seem to love the phrases "He plays that position better than most in the league." Or "That's why he is one of the great players in the NFL." I mean if you took how many players these announcers call the best at their position, everyone would be the best.
I realize they get into the game but man stop trying to compliment everyone. If he makes a good play state. Wow that was an impressive play or that is a play that shows what talent this man has. Don't ad the extra thats what makes him the best etc. Because on any given Sunday some player will be the best one week and the next suck ass.
ESPN I think is one of the worst. What ever quarter back is doing better through out the game , he is a god. Especially Bret Favre games. The man can do no wrong in their eyes.
I use to watch the game with the sound off and listen to it on the radio. Thanks to Janet's Wardrobe malfunction I can no longer do this because of the two min delay or however long it is for Live TV from when it happens to when its broadcasted. Now I can hear the play before I see it...kind of a buzz kill.
Any way thats my rant. I make a prediction of the Cardinals and Steelers to the Super Bowl, Hope there are some good commercials this year. The last few years have been flops.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fae'th Friday

Here is the next installment. Truely hope you like and continue to read. Again feedback, as along as its constructive, is appreciated.

The Doctor slowly moved towards the cage door and pulled out his sonic screwdriver. The Noc did not notice or care about the Doctor’s actions.

“So have you ever been there before?” She asked.

“What Draconis’ Palace I….”

Shade’s sentence was interrupted by a loud bang on the cage.

“It’s the Royal Premier Palace Draconis…” The Noc on the right said. Shade spoke with him in unison, and then added “I know I know.”

The Doctor smiled at sound of English coming from the Noc. I knew you would figure it out old girl he thought to himself. His smile quickly faded as the Noc grunted back and forth to each other. He continued to examine the lock.

“To answer your question beautiful, yesss….” Shades sentence was interrupted again but this time by the Doctor who bent over and whispered something to Julie. She nodded and then moved over next to Shade.

“We are getting out of here and would like you to help us get back to the TARDIS.” She whispered.

“Really, as much as I would love to spend more time with you sweetheart cause I like the way you smell, I will have to take a rain check. Beside I don’t think finding your TARDIS is going to be all that difficult.” Shade said as he pointed toward the back of the cage.
The Doctor stared out the back of the cage and realized things had gotten a bit more difficult. A wagon came up fast behind them and as it passed, the Doctor and Julie followed it with their eyes. In the back of the wagon was the TARDIS, strapped down and guarded by three Noc. Julie stood up and went to the side of the cage as the wagon with the TARDIS pull ahead of them. The wagon then turned toward the right to head towards a stone structure in the distance. The Doctor came up behind her and put his hand on Julie’s shoulder. With a hint of sorrow in his voice he commented.

“It appears we will be staying for a while after all.”

The Noc chuckled at the Doctor’s comment. The Doctor stared at the stone structure and thought it looked awfully familiar. There were a series of rectangular stones around 20 feet tall and two feet thick that stood on end. Laid across the top of the ends of every two stones was a stone of equal length and thickness. They formed a square arch. Each arch touched the other at angle to eventually for a circle.
Julie expressed what the Doctor had been thinking.
“It looks like Stonehedge. Are you sure we aren’t in some like alternate Earth Doctor.”

“I am quite sure this is not Earth, you should know better than anyone that just because such a structure resides on Earth does not mean it couldn’t also exist somewhere else in the Universe. It does beg the question on if they are related at all.”
They saw the wagon with the TARDIS ride into the center of the circle of stones and then in a flash of light it was gone.

“ DOCTOR THE TARDIS!” Julie exclaimed in spite of her self.

“Oh they took it through a fairy gate. I was wondering how long it would be before we got to one. No worries, we’re all going to the same place. You’ll see it again.” Shade said, “It’s the only way to get to the Palace. Its one of the many magical gates designed by the Ancients. They infused it with a permanent transport spell. Magic users use to use them to travel across the land to various other gates rather than walking. When Draconis moved in he re-enchanted them so that the gates all went to the same place…His”

“I should like to meet this Draconis and find out what he intends to do with the TARDIS”

“Don’t get your knickers in a bunch Chief, he will probably put it in his treasure room aka his throne room. Dragons can’t stand to be away from their treasure. Draconis sure loves the shiny.” Shade informed the irritated Doctor., “Now I suggest you grab hold of something cause this filly will buck once we go into the gate.”
Shade took hold of the nearest bar with both hands. The Doctor and Julie sat next to each other and took hold of one of the bars of their cage as the wagon passed through one of the stone archways. Julie saw a strange series of markings lined in a row down the center of the top stone. The markings were of three large swirls with 6 pointed star on each side of the middle star. The Doctor searched the large library of his brain for any patterns that matched the ones on the stone. When his mind found the book it had been looking for, the Doctor snapped his fingers.

“I’ve got it.”

The Wagon lurched forward and back and side to side as they were enveloped in a flash of multi colored light. A moment later they were on solid ground and headed down a torch lit path.
“Just what I thought, a temporal matter transporter, technology that is far above the level this planet appears to be at. I must take a look at it before we leave. I have never seen one that’s made of stone before. Must be a camoflauge of some kind. That would explain the Valdsudian markings. I…”
The Doctor realized he was thinking out loud. Julie stared at him with the smile he loved to see on her face which triggered him to return with a smile of his own. Julie shivered as she stared at the high black slate walls that sat on either side of the path. The sky was filled with low lying black clouds where a occasional flash of lightening would reveal itself followed by a thunderous rumble. The Doctor noticed his companion shivered and slid his coat off and put it over her shoulders.

“Oh, thank you Doctor”

“Not a problem,” The Doctor replied with a half smile as he fought back the shiver that tried to travel up his body.

“How chivalrous of you, all you need now is a white horse.” Shade quipped.

“All you need is some manners” Julie snapped back. She then turned to the Doctor as he involuntarily let out a shiver in spite of himself, “Oh Doctor. Now your cold here take your jacket back.”

“No its quite alright dear. Its not the first or last time I shall be cold.”
Shade let out a long, loud sigh as he pulled out an object wrapped in white cloth that seemed to shimmer in the torch light. Shade unwrapped the item to reveal 5 long thin black stones.
Shade laid out the cloth in the area between him and his two fellow captives. He then placed the stones in the shape of a pentagram, as he went about doing this he explained.

“The cloth is an enchanted piece of cloth I…acquired from a rather talented magician who will not be missing it anytime soon. The black rocks I found actually while exploring the tomb of the first noble of the Badlends. They will help contain the fire to ensure it stays on the cloth and not make our us into barbeque on wheels, I think that would definitely turn the light out on all our plans. Make yourself useful would you sugar doll. Grab that twig with the needles on it next to you and place it in the center of the stone pentagram please.”

Julie’s mouth opened for a moment as if to say something but instead she grabbed the twig and threw it at the center of the stones. Surprisingly it landed directly where Shade needed it to be. Julie and the Doctor stared at it for a few beats as if they expected a flame to magically appear.

“Now what?”

“Well now we just need to start the twig on fire.”

“I think I can handle that” the Doctor said as he snuck his sonic screwdriver out and adjusted it to the setting it needed to be. He pointed it at the twig and activated it. The twig ignited in a bright flash and burned out as quickly as it had caught fire. The Doctor and Julie both looked at Shade.

“That worked well. Looks like you were ripped off by your rip off” Julie said.

“Yeah see the cloth only works when the flame is ignited magically. Now could you please put another pine twig in the middle darling?” Shade replied. Julie sighed and put another small twig on top of the ash of the first twig.

“How do you intend to light it ?” The Doctor inquired as he shivered.
Shade just looked at the Doctor and smiled. They watched as Shade put his finger on the twig and then turned to the Noc guard on the left side of the cart.

“So tell me Noc, when did you come to the realization that your ass looked better than your face? arrrrrgh”
A blue bolt of lightening shot out from the Noc’s wand. When the bolt hit Shade he was enveloped in a spider web of little electrical bolts. Sparks flew out from Shade’s hand and one of the sparks landed on the twig. The twig caught fire and after it burned up the flame turned a blue green color but remained in place. Shade fell in a slump to the floor. The Doctor was about to give the Noc a piece of his mind but the giggles that came from under Shade’s smoking cloak made the Doctor change his mind. Shade righted himself up the best he could and stared out the side of the wagon. The Doctor and Julie huddled around the fire and the shivers soon tapered off.

“Thank you” Julie said quietly as she rubbed her hands over the fire. Shade just waved his hand as if saying ‘it was nothing’. The wagon soon came around a small bend and Shade smiled.

“It’s about time. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Royal Premier Palace Draconis.” Shade motioned with his had towards the left side of the wagon like a Circus Ring Master.
The Doctor and Julie stood up at the sight of massive stone structure in front of their eyes. The structure seemed to stretch for a mile in both directions. Most of it resembled a castle wall with stone towers extending from it every 100 feet. In the exact middle was a large building Julie thought looked similar to US Capital building in Washington DC. There was a large stone stair case that lead up to the foot of the building. A dome rose from the middle of the building and appeared to be the highest point of the building. At the top of the dome was an iron statue of a dragon. There were seven seventy foot tall stone pillars that extended from the top of the stair case to a small stone over hang. Chained to six of the seven pillars were large hyena looking beasts the size of rhinos. All of them barked and pulled against their chains as the Wagon passed by. Flying above the Palace was a large blob of winged creatures that moved similarly to a flock of sparrows.
“Oh my now that is an impressive palace. Built by magic was it?” The Doctor did not take his eyes off the front of the pillared section as he asked the question. Something suddenly made him feel a bit uneasy but he wasn’t quite sure what it was yet.

“Not this prime example of real-estate. Magic could not build a structure like this, but men could and women and children too, as the story goes.”

“Slaves?” Julie asked reluctantly.

“Largest group of slaves history has ever seen in one place. Most were common folk before Draconis ‘volunteered’ them for the task of building his palace.”
Bitterness seemed to drip from Shade as he spoke. It was the first time Julie had the feeling there was more to Shade then he let on.

“All I see here are Noc and those dogs up there. A structure like that had to have taken thousands, tens of thousands to build. Where are they now?”
Julie feared what the answer to her question would be but she had to ask it.

“What do you think this road we’re on is made of sweetheart? It ain’t exactly a smooth surface.”
Shade pointed down as he replied. Everyone looked down. What Julie saw made her gasp and the Doctor felt the rage begin to boil in his blood though he did not show it. Human bones had been imbedded in the path the wagon had been riding on. Every few feet a skull stared up at the sky as if it were searching for a better place to be. Julie turned her face away trying to hide a small tear that had escaped her eye.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Theatrical Thursday: "Excellent!!" " Bogus!!"

Yes I was thinking of that most excellent of movies, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and followed by the non-heinous sequel Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. I was thinking of How Keanu might feel about those movies today, now that he is such a big success...ok was a big fact what was the latest movie that he stared in since the House time travel rom com with the hot but hardly seen Sandra Bullock.
Bill and Ted had to be the influence for Beavis and Butthead as well as Waynes World. These two bumbling rockers to be managed to pass their history exam and bring universal peace. They even gave Death a place in the bad. They were most excellent.

A number of reasons why I love this movie.

1. The dialog for the two main characters is just some of the best brain dead teen banter. Especially when they a talking about Bill's totally hot young step mom.

2. The phone booth. Closest thing America will come to having their own Dr. Who TARDIS, this device truely rocked. Totally.

3. You Killed Ted you Mid-Evil Dickweed!!

4. This is one of the last 80's comedies and was a great book end to a wild decade that spawned some of the best Modern Classic in Hollywood.

5. Wylde Stallyons!! I think Keanu truely was good in this film. In fact all the actors did a great job in recognizing just what kind of movie they were making. Having the late great George Carlin as their guide Roofus helped keep the movie from going just that little bit too far into Dumb and Dumber realm. ( Sorry didn't like that movie even if it had Jeff Daniels in it. ALl the greats have one flop. Ben Kingsley in Bloodrayne, enough said)

6. 69 Dude.

7. Very Quotable.
The script for this movie had some great oneliners and it was a story that never took it self too seriously. In the same vein though it also did not fall off the edge to where it was so over the top the jokes became as stale as the popcorn you were eating.

I recommend folks watch this again, if nothing else to remember a simpler time when there were comedies that did not star Will Farrell.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

William Wednesday

OK so when my kids were smaller they had a hard time getting to sleep. I came up with a couple of stories about a mouse and his friends. About a year ago one of my boys asked me to tell them a William the mouse story, which I did, and when I was done my youngest says, "Daddy you need to write them down so you can become an author and have them printed in a book. Not sure that will really happen ever but I decided to share them here and see what folks thought. Again please excuse the spelling and grammar. Every Wednesday for the next few weeks I will post a William story. Let me know what you think and if you really like them feel free to tell them to young ones that you know.

William the Mouse and A New Friend
Mark Krawczyk

In the really old house,
on top of the very large hill,
just outside of town lives William.

William is a mouse and this is a his tail…I mean tale.

William was just your average mouse. He had a short smooth tail and light gray fur that covered his body from back to front. His dark eyes were just in front of his little pink ears and looked like little black spots. He had five and a half white whiskers that stuck out from the tip of his long nose. You may ask how William lost his half of a whisker, that is a tale for another time.

Now William lived in a small hole in the kitchen wall of the really old house. In the hole is where he slept on a bed of shredded paper he made himself and it kept him very warm at night. During the day William explored the really old house and visited with his friends. William was a very friendly mouse who had made all kinds of friends with all kinds of animals and today he was about to make a new friend but he did not know it yet.

William had enjoyed the warm spring day running around the inside and the outside of the really old house, eating crumbs he found along the way and talking to the various animals he met. He could tell by the orange colored sky and long shadows on the ground that the sun was beginning to set. It was his favorite time of the day. William grabbed a piece of salty cracker he had found on the floor and headed for the attic of the really old house.

Being a mouse, the stairs were too big for him to take so to get to the attic William crawled up the pipes and boards that were in the walls of the house. It took a bit of time but soon William arrived in the attic.

No humans had lived in the really old house for years but there were still a few old boxes and pieces of furniture left in the attic. William made little mouse footprints in the dust where ever he went. He scurried across the floor of the attic and made his way to a small old table that was in front of a very large window, all the while he carried the cracker piece in his little teeth. William had just found his favorite sun set watching spot when he heard a ‘THUD’ behind him. The sound made him jump and turn around to see what had made the noise. That’s when he saw a box in the corner move.

William did not remember seeing another animal in the attic. His friend Bart the Bat was still sleeping so it could not have been him. Or could it? William just had to see who was in the box so he jumped down from the small table and hurried over to the moving cardboard box. William slowed down to a crawl as he got close to the box. He didn’t know what type of animal could be in the box and had to be careful. Though William was a friendly mouse, he was still a mouse and there were many animals that liked to eat mice.

When William got close enough to the box, he put his small paper thin ear against the side of the it. He could hear something moving inside, then he heard a voice.
“Hello is anyone out there? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Could someone please help me!!” the female voice yelled.

“I think I can help you. Are you hurt?” William asked.

“Oh thank you, thank you. No I am not hurt, at least I don’t think I am hurt. No I am not hurt but I am trapped. Could you get me out?” the voice from the box answered.

“Just minute and I will get you out.”

William looked at the window and he could tell that the sun was setting. He knew if he helped whoever was in the box he might miss the sunset, but helping the person was more important and besides there would be another sunset tomorrow. William immediately began to chew on the corner of the box. His teeth were sharp and the cardboard was weak. In no time at all he had chewed a large enough hole in the box to crawl through and that is when he met the owner of the voice inside the box.

The voice came from a little white mouse that was almost as big as William but thinner. The mouse’s fur was completely white and it had a short pink tail. Its eyes were bright red and its ears were the same color as William’s.

“Hello, I am William.”
“Oh thank you William, thank you. I am Wendy.” The mouse replied as it slowly stepped toward William, “ I was trying to get to that small crumb on the shelf when I slipped and fell into this box. I am ever so hungry and now I don’t know how I will ever get up there.”

“Well I have a large piece of cracker, I would be happy to share it with you.” William offered as he got closer to her. Their noses touched and Wendy giggled.

“You are too kind William. Yes I would love a piece of cracker if it’s not too much trouble.”

William smiled “Good then follow me.”

William ran through the hole in the box with Wendy right behind him. They raced across the floor and up the leg of the small table. William looked out the window and was happy to see that the sun had just started to disappear behind the trees. HE had not missed the sunset. He broke the cracker piece in half and pushed one piece over to Wendy.

“Thank you again for your kindness. How can I ever repay you?” Wendy asked as she took a bite of cracker.

“No need to Wendy. Enjoying the sunset with a new friend is good enough for me.” William replied as he took a bite of his piece of cracker. They smiled at each other and sat quietly as the sun disappeared while the night washed over the sky.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday and well ...thats all I got

Yes it this weekend was a busy one and hence I missed posting but much fun was had.Got to see some friends I had not seen in a long time. Played some cool games. All around not a bad weekend...well Saturday anyway. Sunday I went into work and that was not fun. Then Monday reared its head and was a monday.
Also very envious of certain very good friend of mine. He is off roaming the world of theme parks in sunny weather. While here we have a high of zero degrees tomorrow. Zero. Not many places where that can be considered a high. They could easily say freeze your ass off but that wouldn't fit on a thermometer.
Not much else working on more pages for this Friday. I may even start posting some kids stories I have an idea for. Stay tuned for more.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fae'th Friday

So here it is another Friday and I have just Finished another lonely trooper so feeling good about that. I also have a few more pages to post for Fae'th. Its a rather long post and lots of dialog but I like how it is flowing so far. Again constructive feedback is welcome. Now where were we...

“I would like to say there is no need for that. I am the Doctor and if you …”

A loud roar like sound came from the brute that carried Julie as soon as the Doctor said his name. The brute now faced the Doctor and the two lesser brutes. The lead brute looked at the Doctor through narrowed eyes. The Doctor had seen that face before and realized something he said had pissed the Brute right off. The brute in front uttered something to the other two and the two started to drag the Doctor in the opposite direction of the lead brute and a struggling Julie on his back.
The Doctor saw he was being pulled toward a large wagon parked just a few yards away. The main part of the wagon was made up metal bars that were in the shape of a large cage. The front had a bench with room for two and there were two jet black horses at the front to pull the wagon. As the distance grew between the Doctor and Julie so did the feeling of helplessness as the Doctor struggled against his captors. One of the brutes let go of the Doctor to open the cage door. The Doctor managed to pull his other arm free and made a run for Julie but only got two steps be for he caught a forearm across the chest that knocked him to the ground. The Doctor felt he lungs fight to regain the air that had been knocked out of them. The two brute guards lifted the Doctor up by the arms and tossed him into the cage. The Doctor looked up in time to see a rock fly from the ground and hit the lead brute in the rear. The two guard brutes seemed suddenly concerned and put their hands on their weapons. The lead brute swung around as he pulled the axe from his belt. Another rock flew out from the woods and hit the brute in the head. The rock cracked on impact and a small trickle of black blood came from the fresh wound on the lead brute’s head. The brute spun around and this time two more rocks flew at him. By now the guard brutes had their swords drawn and made a noise to their leader. The leader seemed to hesitate but upon being hit a fifth time with a rock he seemed to have made up his mind. He headed straight back toward the cage and as one of the guard brutes opened the cage door, the leader tossed Julie on top of the Doctor. The door slammed closed behind her.
All three Brutes continued to look around nervously as they boarded the wagon. The lead brute took the driver’s seat while the other two stood on small ledges that were on either side of the wagon. Two more rocks rose off the ground next to the carriage and flew past his head. The leader gave a quick whip of the reigns and the wagon took off with a jolt down the road.

“Are you ok?”

“I think so Doctor. Are you okay?”

“Yes, just bruised.” The Doctor answered with a half smile.

A man’s voice came from behind the pair and caused Julie to jump.

“One thing about the Noc. They are a superstitious lot.”

The two turned around in the direction of the voice as it continued.

“They are big and strong but one or two stone throwing ghosts cross their path and they are just scared little kittens.”

The owner of the voice sat with his back against the bars on side closest to the driver. A black cloak with a hood covered the man and Julie was unable to see his face. The only visible part was his hand that was shackled to one of the bars above his head.

“So sweetheart do you always travel with your doctor or is this a special occasion?”

“Actually it’s ‘The Doctor’” the Doctor corrected.

“Really , well which ever it is I would keep it on the Q T. The Noc aren’t exactly warm and fuzzy to you religious folk, Doc.”

“I’m sorry, religious folk?” The Doctor inquired. He had been called many things in his travels but rarely was he called religious. The man looked up at Julie and she could now see his face. He had fair skinned face that was covered with a five day old beard that barely hid his narrow lips. He smiled a half smile as he stared at Julie. His eyes were unusual in that his left eye had a rich blue iris while the other had a deep jade iris. Julie thought he would be quite fetching if it wasn’t for the foul smell of him which filled her nose when the wind blew just right. She couldn’t hold him completely at fault for the oder, there did not appear to be many showers in the area.

“Ah right, you two aren’t exactly locals so you wouldn’t know would you. Long ago a group of non magic users formed to the Real Legion of Science. The leaders of this group like to call themselves doctors. They study and experiment with the common items in the world around them and then invent things that do the same thing that a magical spell can do. The magic users fear this group will undermine their way of life and determined this religion, as they like to call it, must go. The two groups have been at odds for over a century and a half. It’s a feud that has divided our little world called Fae’th”
“Fae’th, its got a nice ring to it. So are you part of this Real Legion?” The Doctor commented as he studied the structure of the cage.
“Nah Doc, I am a horse of a completely different color. I did know someone who was at one time. She has long since gone though.”
Shade looked out in the distance in a sudden daze, as if the last sentence put him deep in thought. Julie looked around and noticed they had headed into the small town she had seen earlier. Most of the homes looked un-kept and the people wore various shades of brown clothing that looked well worn. One of the Noc uttered a loud series of clicks and growls at a group of children who tried to peak into the wagon. The children ran screaming.
“Doctor why is it that we can’t understand them. I thought the TARDIS allowed us to understand any language in the universe?” Julie asked quietly.
“Could be the same reason why she could pin point the location of this planet. Not in her database I imagine, but she usually figures it out.” The Doctor stated in the same volume as he studied the cage that held them.

“ So from where out there are you from Blue-eyes?” Shaden asked loudly, obviously feeling a bit left out of the conversation.

“Earth, a planet that looks a lot like yours, well at least at one time it did.”

“And what about you Doc?”

“Lets just say I am from many places and times and I am sorry but this planet seems awfully primitive to know about other worlds Mr…?” the Doctor answered motioning with his hand toward the man in the cloak.
The man paused for a moment and then shook as if someone had just woke him from a deep sleep.
“Oh of course where are my manners. I am Shaden Dar-Kor but I am better known as Shade and to answer your question, yes this is a primitive planet and not everyone is educated enough to believe in life on other worlds so it would be best to keep that fact about you on the down low.”
“But there are those besides you who do believe in such things?” The Doctor inquired.
“Sure most magic users are quite versed in the ways of the life, the universe and everything. How else are they to become a better user of magic?”
“So you are a magic user then?” Julie asked.
“Hardly, I just like to read a lot. No I am more of a renegade rogue, stealer of hearts, and acquirer of owned items both rare and common.” Shade stated with a bow of his head.

“A thief” The Doctor commented.

“With pride of course, but not just any thief mind you but one of the top thieves in all of Fae’th.”

“You mustn’t be that good if you ended up here” Julie chided.

“Oh this,” Shade said as he rose his shackled hand, ”This was unfortunate but necessary.”

The two Noc guards chuckled and Shade hit the side of the cage, “Hey private conversation here, keep to your noses out of our biz before I knock your block off.”
The guard on the left lifted a small crooked wand and yelled.

The three small bolts of electricity that flew from the wand hit Shade and him wince but he did not scream.

“Yeah, should of have seen that comin.” He said through gritted teeth.
“See told you she would figure it out.” The Doctor stated to Julie with a smile. The Noc then made more unintelligible noises at each other. The Doctors smile disappeared.
“Don’t worry about it Doc. No one can understand a Noc but another Noc. Kinda like how birds can talk to each other but no one but them can understand what they are saying.,” Shade stated as he stood, ” Man Daconis has got to up your dosage there my Noc friends. You’re just too up tight.”

“Draconis is their leader?” The Doctor inquired.

“Not just their leader….” Shade commented as he motioned towards the right side of the cage. The Doctor and Julie looked out in that direction. They were now passing the town square and in the middle of what appeared to be the main street was a large brass statue.
The statue was of a dragon on its back legs with its wings spread out. At the end of the dragon’s long curved neck sat a head shaped like a snake with two large horns above each eye. It looked ready to strike at an invisible foe. The whole statue sat on a large black pedestal. On the front of the pedestal was a golden plaque. To Julie’s surprise, the text appeared to be in English and read:

All Hail Draconis,
Emperor of Fae’th!
Ruler of All
Servant to None
Isn’t That Grand?”

“How charming.” The Doctor commented.
“Sure if you like a sixty foot long, fire breathing, steel scaled bag of wind.” Shade quipped, “Course he hasn’t always been our leader. Before him the Magic users ruled the land through the Council of 7 but that all changed when Draconis came to town. If you think that statue is charming wait until you meet him.”

“What do you mean?” Julie asked a bit frightened and yet also excited at the thought of meeting a live dragon.

“Well where else do you think our little caravan is going but to none other than the Royal Premier Palace Draconis. It’s not everyday we get a visit from someone not of this Fae’th. The old reptile definitely will want to meet you and look over your ride.”

“Not if I have anything to do about it.”The Doctor replied.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Theatrical Thursday: um ok

SO it is another day. I had a good day today. Not so much at work but at home. I completed a lonely trooper episode and am looking forward to posting more Time in Fae'th tomorrow. BTW the nachos were excellent.

I figured thursday is a good day to talk about my favorite subject of Movies.
One in particular I just saw was Hancock.
Now I will not give away spoilers but I will tell you DO NOT BELIEVE the trailer. Again this movie I think would have done loads better had they promoted it differently. It is a superhero story with a more serious side than what all the initial promos seemed to push. They made it seem more tounge in cheek when in reality it covers subject similar to those seen in Iron Man. I also think the movie could have gone a half hour longer. I know it sounds weird but there seemed like they could have even gone further into Will Smith's character as well as just give more depth to the story as a whole.
I do recommend this film and think it is a good superhero movie. One of the better ones in fact, but it could have been so much better I think. The producers I think were trying to go for the quick and flashy and instead of the deep and thoughtful superhero movie. All in all a good film and definitely worth the rental at least.
Just could have been so much more.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tasty Tuesday

I like nachos. We ok let me back up I not only like nachos, I love them and I am always coming up with new ideas for them. My last one was Ham and Jalopeno. Good stuff. I shred my own cheese and chop the ham myself as well. I usually put a layer of cheese then the topping of ham and peppers and then another layer of cheese on top of Manny's tortilla chips. I stated the exact brand of chips not as some cheap push for the chips but because 90% of the time I will use them. There are many things I will go cheap on but chips is not one of them. Not sure why but Manny's is just the best for my nacho making to me. I have had tuna nachos, balony nachos, summer sausage nachos, turkey nachos, hamburger nachos, cajun nachos, chili nachos, refried bean nachos etc. I once had cinnimon nachos but not by choice but rather by accident. I thought I had grabbed the chili powder but instead I grabbed the cinnimon. I still ate it and it turned out quite tasty. In fact I think I will go make some now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Not a whole lot to say

First day back at work since vacation. AS fun and relaxing as vacation was, mentally it was as if I had never left. I sort of like it that way in that I don't feel as if I missed anything. On the other hand it has me pondering if I truly enjoyed my vacation. I am just happy the vi-queens didn't make it past game one of the playoffs. Also chaffing at the bit for the next Doctor Who episode and Torchwood. I also plan on releasing some more of Fae'th in Time onto the world. Tomorrow. I know its not friday but its either I post the story in small quantities or in just one big post on Friday. Not sure which would be better, any suggestions.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday no wait sunday doh

OK so its the last day of my vacation. I have been away from work for two weeks, well physically from work anyway. I did have to check my e-mail once a day, if nothing else just to stay in the loop and so I wouldn't have 100's of e-mails to go through on Monday. I have done some writing over vacation but mostly socializing and shooting lots of zombies.
Watched the Dr Who Christmas special, played around on my PS3 , but mostly shot zombies. Yes a friend of mine got me my new addiction Left 4 Dead. I have always had a certain special place for zombies. I don't know why just have. I have watched many a zombie movie in my day and I prefer them over vampire or other monster horror flicks. Not to say I won't watch those but if given the choice the undead win. So someone came out with a co-op based first person shooter where the whole goal is to get from point A to point B and so on and shoot massive amounts of Zombies. You can play with computer characters but it is more fun to play with three other humans. I have played many hours of this game and it still has not gotten old for me. Maybe its because I have always dreamed about being in a zombie film or making them. Until that time this is a good substitute. Now mind you it took me awhile to get over the fact these zombies run and run fast. But it would not be nearly as an intense and fun game if they were Romero Zombies. I love the schleping Romero Zombies and always will which I give the extra appeal of shooting running zombies, never considered them true zombies.
I have had many debates and in the end we chalk it up to different species of zombies and this I except. Just like there are pure blood vampires and turned vampires.
Now there have been other games that have tried and have had some success capturing the zombie movie feel. Most classic example is the resident evil series. Left 4 Dead takes it up a notch from this series. For one it puts you in first person and two it just looks like a zombie film all around. from the musice to the environments. Definitely recommended and definitely needs to be played with other friends but the AI will do too.
So that was my vacation and it was better than expected. Granted I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked but do we ever.
I also watched movies.

Lets talk about

Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

This wonderful work of cinema is brought to us by Troma Video. Yes the toxic avenger company. Lloyd Kaufman directs this chicken zombie musical love story about a fast food chicken resturaunt built on top of an old indian burial ground. Course the spirits are pissed and rather that move furniture and talk to a little girl through TV static the spirits decide to inhabit the bodies of the chickens used at the resturant. Anyone who eats the chicken becomes chicken zombies. There is a romance between our hero, a nerdy white guy, and his on/off girlfriend who became a lesbian while the guy was off to college.
Whats great about a film like this is that they know exactly what type of film they are making. The cast all seems to have a great time with the movie. Being an direct to video release they also are not under the constraints of the MPAA so the are alot of crude humor including a zombie chicken person with a large zombie chicken penis.
This movie is definitely for the Gore whore as there is a large body count and plenty of blood splatter. There are also many offensive jokes against native americans, blacks, gays, and nerdy white guys.
The main female character played by new comer Kate Graham is hot and has no problems with doing a nude scene (come on a b-horror movie without nudity is like a pop tart with no filling). She also has a great singing voice and seems to be the only one out of all the cast who actually is trying to act. Probably sincei t is her first acting gig. Look also for a cameo by the director himself and also a cameo by the famous Ron Jeremy, sorry ladies he stays fully clothed in the film).
So to spare you the horror of watching the film I will give you the run down the best I can on the nude scenes and body count. Here we go:

13 breast shots including Musical number with 8 topless women
1 penis shot
1 death by zombie hand through the ass
1 extreme diarea shit covered walls scene
1 death by meat grinder
1 Severed penis
1 death while having sex with zombie chicken carcass
1 death by turning into Zombie chicken egg
2 Beheadings
2 death by disembowling
1 face ripped off
1 death by face through deli meat slicer
1 death by fry vat
1 set of deep fried testicles
1 death by wish bone treatment
1 death by chicken nuggets
multiple zombie deaths

SO if your looking to get your fill of zombies and gore but your significant other is looking for a romantic musical, why not rent this film and get both. It gets the 3 severed heads rating.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Start of a New Year: Fae'th Friday

Well it 2009 and the begining of the New Year. Speaking of begining I am going to start trying my damnedest to post something everyday. In order to help with this I am going to have themed days. Today marks the first of those days.
I have always loved to create things, part of the reason I love doing video work so much. One of these ways I like to create is to write. I can say I dabble in writing in that I do not do it as a profession, though it would be nice, and I have not gotten my self in the discipline of writing everyday. I know a published writer or two and i can only hope to one day reach their level once before I pass away.
Of the course of the years in this dabbling I have come up with a series of fantasy stories set in a World called Fae'th. The world is one I hope can establish its own identity. There are many many influences that went into this world including influences from my published friends. You will probably find a lot of similarities in the world, if you choose to read the story, with many other fantasy elements. I am not trying to rip off but more honor some of these great fantastical elements.
I am also a Doctor Who fan, not as devoute to some, but a big fan none the less. I wanted to write a Doctor Who story for awhile and finally the insipiration came too me. A Fae'th and Dr Who crossover. This story will play a part in the Cannon of Fae'th, you'll see, if you continue to read said stories. I shall stop babbling. I hope you enjoy and of course Constructive feedback or even praise should you feel it is deserved. I will post 2-3 pages or so every friday. Possibly other days as well but Friday for sure. ALso this is still rough, hence the encouragement for feed back.
Things to note: The Doctor and his Companion are from the fan fiction stories written by a good friend of mine Steve Wolterstorff. Also my Grammar bites.

"Fae'th In Time"
by Mark Krawczyk

She watched him, as she had done many times, work the controls of the TARDIS like a conductor directed an orchestra. He moved around the hexagonal saucer shaped control panel with such familiarity that it was almost like an extension of himself. Julie had managed to find a love seat while exploring one of the many storage rooms of the TARDIS and the Doctor said he did not mind if she tried it out as long as it did not get in his way. She had found a perfect place in one of the corners of the large console room to put it. As she stretched out on the love seat she yawned and continued to watch the Doctor at work.

The up and down movement of the cylindrical Time Rotor in the center of the console had a very hypnotic affect on her and she knew if she continued to watch she would eventually fall asleep. She decided to turn back to the paper they had picked up from their last visit to earth. It was an early issue of the National Inquirer and Julie found it quite amusing.

“Listen to this, A man was found in Norway with the decomposing body of his wife in his bed. Authorities believe she had been dead for 5 years and the man loved her so much he always wanted her by his side. Apparently he covered her body in rose petals and brought her breakfast in bed every morning.”

“And who says romance is dead.” The Doctor quipped.

“Oh please now that’s …..waaaaH”

Julie fell off her love seat as the TARDIS seemed to come to a very abrupt halt and in the next moment felt as if it was falling. The console had managed to stop the Doctor from falling to the ground and he frantically tried to bring the TARDIS back under his control. The TARDIS stopped with a thud as abruptly as it had started its apparent descent. Julie picked her self off the floor and dusted off her jeans.

“What was that Doctor?”

The Doctor at first didn’t respond but instead turned dials and muttered under his breath. It was a few seconds before the Doctor responded, like the question had to travel a great distance before it reached his ears.

“It appears that we fell through a temporary hole in time/space and have landed on a planet.”

“A planet? Do you know which one?”

“No I do not and at the moment neither does the TARDIS. That never happens. Hmmm I wonder if there is problem with her mem…” the Doctor’s comments trailed off as he dove under the console and removed a panel. Julie meanwhile pressed one of the few buttons she was familiar with on the TARDIS control panel, it was the view screen button.

A small square part of one of the TARDIS walls slid down to reveal a video image of what was outside of the TARDIS. From what Julie could tell, the TARDIS had landed in the middle of a field and in the distance she could see small buildings that looked as if they were from mid-evil earth.

“Doctor take a look at this. It looks like earth”

The Doctor stood up continuing a conversation he had started with himself while under the panel, “…well whatever it was scrambled her space/time orientation system. No worries it will be back aligned in a few moments, I am sorry what were you saying?”

“We are on mid-evil earth or someplace like it. Can we take look around?” Julie’s eyes seem to fill with light as she asked the question. The doctor scratched his sideburns for moment before he answered.

“Well I don’t see why not. Give the TARDIS a rest while she sorts things out, besides I would like to find out what caused the hole.” The Doctor went to grab his tan trench coat from off a coat rack near the door, he never went exploring without it. He then made a motion to grab something off the hook that was next to the one his jacket had been on but there was nothing on it. I miss my hat he thought to himself and then shook it from his head. Julie opened the door and headed out with the Doctor right behind.

The TARDIS from the outside looked like a police box from the 50’s. You could not tell that it held much more than a phone and a compartment for a person to stand in. It always seemed out of place wherever and whenever it landed, even when it would land in the 1950’s. At the same time, the TARDIS also seemed familiar enough that most people rarely questioned its reason for being there. The two stepped out of the TARDIS. The Doctor spun around and immediately locked the door. Just as the Doctor stowed his key in the pocket of his red vest, a familiar scream made him spin around again.


The Doctor saw Julie being hauled off over the shoulder of a very large Humanoid creature. It was 7 feet tall and all muscle. Its pasty white hairless skin stood out against the dark brown leather armor the beast wore. There was a large sheathed broadsword slung across the beast’s back and throwing axe hung from a thick leather belt. Julie pounded on its back while she yelled at it.

“JULIE!” The Doctor yelled back as he made to run after her. He did not go anywhere for his arms were immediately grabbed by a pair of large hands. Two more of the humanoid brutes stood next to the Doctor, one on each side, and held him in place. He looked up and got a better look at the face of his captors.

The brutes looked almost exactly alike in their features. They had no facial hair and their eyes look like white marbles with a large red dot in the middle of them. Their pointy crooked ears stuck out from the sides of their head as if they had just been tossed on for the sake of having them. Their sharp pointy teeth stuck out on an angle from their jaw , making it look like they had a boxer’s mouth piece inside their mouth when their lips were closed. The two brutes that restrained the doctor only had a short sword strapped to each of their hips and he suspected they were of lesser rank. One of them made some low guttural noise followed by a click and what could be best describe as a coughing sound. The other made a different pattern of noises which the Doctor could not understand. The Doctor regained his composure though his muscles were still tensed, ready to go after Julie as soon as he could break free. The brute on the Doctor’s right pulled out his sword and pointed its tip at the Doctor’s throat.