Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Look up in the sky....

You know no one looks up anymore and I think they should. Now before the wiseass remarks come in , I am not talking about looking up when driving, or walking, or operating heavy machinery etc. I am talking about at times say on your break if you are able to go outside or even when leaving work.
I try to do this everytime I leave work. Its amazing how relaxing it is. Especially on sunny days...not so much on rainy days but still. We plow ahead through life constantly looking forward, gotta get to the car, gotta get home, etc. I think we get tunnel vision and forget how big the world out there really is and how small our part is.
I am sure I have written about this subject before but I felt like bringing it up again because of how stressful things have become at my job as of late. I come out of the building still wound up by the days events but if I just stop , look up and at times take a deep breath, much of the day melts away.
Anyway I just wanted to say that maybe everyone should just stop and not smell the roses but instead look up. Unless its high noon in which case you may want to wear your shades before you do it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What to write hmmm

I have been very neglectful to my blog but its nothing personal to it. Just busy. In a good way, Last week I finished an episode of my Final Cut Movie review show I use to do on YouTube. I broke away from it for about a year or so. Not sure why just did. But now I am a bit older, wiser and through lonely trooper a little more experienced I dare say in doing a short show. Anyway I have gotten good feed back from it and plan on doing one a week at least. It is after all a show about something that I just don't shut up about. Movies.
The challenge is that I want to present it like a real show but don't want it too long for it is a youtube audience who are looking for short bits.
I also try to do it like a real show...well as real as I can make it with the production tools I have. I don't want it to just be a "Yeah I am in front of my web cam here's what I think." I am striving for the show to be a little bit different. I get soo passionate about movies and I want to convey that through the show...share some of it. The first episode went well and I think I was able to reach my goal. Hopefully I can achieve that every week. I am always looking for feed back and have gotten good stuff back from those who have watched it. I have graphics in there but they look rather primative because well I have not the experience or the equipment to make really cool graphics. Mostly the expereince. So here's hoping I can keep it going. This I then hope will help build momentum to lead to doin other video projects. We will have to see. All I know Is I need to do something to help keep my work work from over taking me.
Anyway I have rambled long enough
I will say this Puberty was very kind to Hermonie Granger.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Misery and Woe = Torchwood

Ok so I just realized that in the last 20 days I blogged 4 times. I just thought I had my birthday but it was two weeks ago already. Anyway I gotta work on that, among other things. Though I did acomplish one thing and that was watch the entire Torchwood series as it is so far. We had the privelage of watching the BBC releases. I know they are currently being showed in the US so I will not give away spoilers. I will say this. Russell T Davies knows Misery and woe and man do his characters suffer because of it.
Torchwood, the more mature doctor who spin off, has always seemed to be about misery and woe. Every episode though had been resolved ended up in some part of it being very bitter sweet, teetering on the unbearable.
Now we get a 5 part miniseries that takes it up a notch. I will say this about the miniseries is probably some of the best written episodes written for the show. On the other hand Russell T Davies pisses me off. Almost as much as he did with the Doctor Who Series. Please please please don't get me wrong , I love the fact that he managed to bring the franchise back AND write it in a way to where it wasn't just for geeks anymore. But the scope at which he liked to do some of his episodes really make you go "Oh Come On." I know I have commented on this before when I talked about the last Doctor who episode he wrote for season 4.
This man has a thing about having his characters unhappy. Now I am all for grit and dirt and yes even misery and woe with the characters I fall in love with in shows I watch but for fuck sake I also love when the after they go such things they get a happy ending for all the crap they suffered. Instead they just get more crap. I enjoyed Battlestar Galactica, the new gritty no holds barred version that came out but damn even those characters sometimes got a happy ending to their episode.
Davies just didn't seem to want to do that with the shows he did . I won't tell you if he has changed his ways or not for the 5 part miniseries. I will just say he pisses me off and not just now but has for a while.
I know they are his characters and yada yada but come on a show is supposed to make you forget your misery and woe in real life for a while....not add to it.

Anyway thats all I got. Still recovering from the series and hope they make more Torchwood. Now I just gotta wait for the Sara Jane Adventures to start up again.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Been gone awhile

Hi all. Can't believe I have not posted in almost two weeks. I had been doing so well until now. But it is that time of year . Busy busy busy. I had a good birthday. everyone invited showed up surprisingly and people didn't die from my cooking so all is well.
So whats been going on the last two work work work work ...sleep torchwood work.
Yeah that about sums it up. Work has been running me ragged this month. So much so that when I get home my mental energy level is nil and about all I have the energy to do I enjoy some TV time with the wife or kids... Mostly the wife.
I work too much and I know it. I have an excess of vacation days and running out of months to use them. We just lost a guy in our dept. so time off will be even harder. The workaholic in me that I have managed to subdue is all for this while the rest of me goes "oh boy!".
I have been working on some more sides and will post soon. And once again I make the promise of doing the movie review show this week. One of these weeks I will actually do it. along with other projects in the wings. Ah well thats enough mental dump for the day. I know I am probabyl repeating myself but when you do nothing but work there ain't a whole lot to say.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Busy week kinda

LAst week I was so fried that I vegged all weekend. Even had a whole day where I was not on the computer. Instead I read through the Stephen King Novel Cell....interesting book. It caught me right away and I was compelled to see it all the way through. Its a lighter read for King but still had the gore and carnage of his other horror books. I also went to the fireworks with the kids.It's taken me a long time to enjoy fireworks again. I think it was having the kids be interested in it the helped me get over them.
Saw Transformers 2....and that's all I have to say about that ...for now. I will be reviewing the movie in full tonight as I finally record a Final Cut episode. Plus I am going to start populating the Moviemaniac's Manic Movie musings with some past reviews and such. Not that I will get a lot of hits and I doubt I will become an internet movie review sensation...there are so many nowadays. But its something to just share my opinions on movies to those who are interested.

The kids are at camp for the next four days. I am sure they are having fun. House is almost too quiet with out them. On one hand its great but on the other hand their is that "something is missing feeling".

And tomorrow I turn ....34!!!!! The day is unavoidable so I guess I should just face it like a good soldier.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Short but ....ok just short.

Had a plesent day off. Not really productive at all but I guess a day off doesn't really have to be does it. I was completely fried from this past week from work and I know more is coming. So today I just spent hanging about and oh yeah watched some more Who with da wife. She really is getting the hang of sci fi lingo. Its rather attractive to state how the Master is dead only until they find a hole to a parallel universe or another rift appears in the fabric of space in time or some other timey wymie thing happens that will allow the master to return.
Tomorrow is the fourth. Americas indpendence. My friend and I plan on seeing the 2nd transformers movie. Expectation level is not that hi so should be fairly enjoyable. I hear they upgraded the CGI Megan Fox for this one.
Well off to watch more doctor. may end up writing another who story ...but Sides is calling me to work on it some more. Hope you all enjoy it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Been a while

Yes it has been a while since posting. Been busy busy busy busy busy with work which has drained me so. My job seems to be getting tougher and I know I could be doing better at it than I have been but I think it could be burn out. MY yearning to do something different for a living that would flex my creative muscle more doesn't help either. Part of the reason I have not posted as of late. Its also that whole "time flies" thing. It is true that time seems to fly by. Here I think its Tuesday and its actually thursday. I think Its only been a day or two since I posted and its been a week.
Been rough but there have been some bright spots in the past week or so. Been watching the Doctor Who series with the wife. the new who or the 2005 doctor who. She says I am forcing her to watch them yet she is the one saying "ah just one more". IT fun watching them again and catching things I hadn't before. Also fun seeing her reaction. I have been trying like hell to control the ..turn your head to see how they react to something you knew was coming ....thing. You know when you have seen something cool and are watching it again with a new person who has not seen the program.
Anyway its been a fun time and she is enjoying it. She made mention though the now my buddy Doc's stories make way more sense. Between her watching that and buying trade books of the Buffy comix the geekization of the wife is coming along nicely.

Movie Note...GO SEE THE HANGOVER. Funniest movie I have seen a the last few years. One of those where you are laughing about it 10mins after you left the theatre or you meet someone else who has seen it, they quote or you quote the movie and both laugh out loud. Its that good.

On another note I am trying to put forth the movieman's final cut AND also start a blog here that will just feature movie reviews by me. I will post when I have it in some assmeblence to read. I hope people read it and all. I wouldn't mind being recognized as one of those fairly well regarded Movie Review personalities but thats probably reaching too hi.

Welp off to more dr who watching with the wife.

Post if your interested in more sides or not. I plan on posting more this weekend, but if it is not of interest I will not bug ya all.