Saturday, October 24, 2009


Ok so I am walking down the street the other day. Now when I say day I really mean night and by street I mean ally. Anyway I walked past a half open doorway and I see two rather hot women making out...or at least I thought they were making out ...damn this itches....I slowed down because you know, hey free show right, so I noticed that one seemed to be enjoying it more than the other. The one faceing me seemed to have this glazed, wide eyed lifeless stare and the one with her back to me was moaning in a approvement apparently of her own actions....can't stop scratchin shit maybe infected..Anyway,I noticed a pool of liquid by their feet. It ....damn that itches and hurts...Where was I oh yeah the pool. I thought maybe one of them had spilled their drink or something but then the light reflected on it and it had a reddish tint.....damn arm going I was thinking blood right. as I went to approach the couple the one who had her back to me and had been kissing the other girls neck turned around.
Now I have seen some cracy.....i mean crazy,...damn hard to concentrate...I have seen some crzy shit in my day but never seen a woman eating another womans layrnx before....I am thinking there is probably some weird person out there where thats their fetish that I mentioned it, it will be a fetish site on the web...dmmit brain foggy...getting hungry to.. To make my point larynx eating hottie cam after meee. I Well I assumed sheeeee was cause of the pale skin and ...umm brains...I mean cloudy eyes and all....anyway ....damn hungry now....any she chased little bitch but I got away...shhhiitt aarrh...fuck what did I just say oh when I say got away I mean she caught me once but only biitttee my arm.....stomach reallg hurtazz hed fuzzzzzweeee.....hunnnngrrree arrrrrrrvggh btt I think shhe marrrrr ha ben zom......

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall is definitely here

Well fall came like a bat out of hell. But it usually does for Wisconsin so its not a big surprise. The leaves turned all kinds of fantastic colors which makes this place a very pretty place to live for a couple weeks before the colorful leaves decide to leave their planet tree to explore the ground that is my lawn. Its not that I do not mind raking, its a normal part of this time of year when you leave in a city that has a large amount of trees, its just the amount of raking that needs to be done.
It would be nice if the trees dropped all their leaves at once like the one tree in our backyard. One day the tree will have all of its color, the next you find the leaves all decided they had had enough and commited mass suicide, leaving the tree looking like a skinny naked old man. Wow that's a visual I didn't need. Anyway the rest of the tress around here aren't so nice, in fact they are cruel. You could rake all the leaves off your lawn mid day and by night fall they will let just enough leaves go so that it looks as if you never raked.
Don't take it like I am a lawn fanatic, I am not by a long shot, just ask my buddy Jim or the Wife. I do like having the feeling of accomplishment and the trees dropping their leaves in small batches really puts the kabosh on this feeling.
Soon snow will be here and I will be cursing myself for never taking the free snowblower that doesn't work in to have it looked at.
Snow is alot like the fall leaves. You could shovel your walk free of snow and clear of ice and you turn around to put your shovel or unbroken snowblower away and find a fine layer of snow covering where you just shoveled. Guess its the price you pay for living in midwest, but I can't imagine myself living anywhere else. Its worth the price.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just What am I missing?

OK confidence in what I do has never been my strong suit since I was a teenager. I have been doing a number of movie reviews and while they are not in depth as a Roger Ebert I hope folks find them entertaining. I could go more in depth, I can be a deep guy that is more than foreign torture movies and b-horror. So what am I missing with the movie "Girlfriend Experience".

For those of you who don't know the movie it stars Sasha Grey in her first "non porn" film. Now the fact she is a porn star and the movie is about a week in a call girl's life is not why I rented the film...ok its not TOTALLY the reason why I rented the film. I had heard a lot of good things about the movie from critic sites and it got a lot of hype at Cannes. Its a movie direct by Steven Soderbergh, the one who brought us Erin Brockovich(which I really enjoyed) and the Oceans franchise ( which I really liked the first one). It a docu film style of movie where its shot like a documentary but not a documentary which I enjoy as long as the writing is decent.
The movie scenes are shot out of order which can be a little unsettling but it does make you have to pay attention and it does give you those "A HA! so thats what happened" type of moments but on the whole I didn't think this movie was very good. All the other critics in the world seemed to disagree.
The movie definitely dates its self as the subject discussed by all of the call girl's clients is the economy . This makes sense since they are supposed to be rich guys. It is set just before the most recent election so there are alot of Obama/McCain debates discussed as well.
The problem I had with this is I have/had heard soooooooooooo many of the same damn discussions in real life that these parts of the film really turned me off to the movie. I hear enough of it during the elections and now I am getting it in the movie. Please enough.
I am all for being topical but it was monotonous in real life and it was the same in the movie.

You do really feel bad for this young girl and some of the decsions that she makes in the film but on the whole I just felt the characters were plastic and the main actress seemed bored. I know thats how her character was supposed to kind of be ...this really blocked off girl but the actress herself seemed just dulled by what she was doing.

So I will keep on keeping on and reviewing like I review, I am just wondering what I am not seeing that the critics are. Maybe its why they are the famous one I don't know.

Girlfriend experience gets one stub.