Sunday, May 3, 2009

Slackin day

Yeah today I slacked more than I should have probably. Sure its a day of rest but that just means your not at work...doesn't mean your not working. Progress on the latest lonely trooper has been a bit slower than expected. But I have the audio done and the props completed so its just shooting the video which I shall do tuesday, a week later than I wanted for the episode. Procrastination is a bitch and I am its master. I try not to be, I try my best to stay on top of things and get things done but it is rather difficult for me. More so maybe than most. A lot of time I lose track of time, I see its Monday and I have the whole week a head of me only to blink and now its friday and I am behind. I think I really have to choose specific days to work on specfic things make a schedule and then post it where ever I go. I made one at the begining of the year but I didn't follow it because it was only on the computer and not in front of me. Just a little icon that laughed. Perhaps I have an attention problem or maybe its just I am too busy. dunno but I want to figure it out. That's my other goal for the month. Figure out why I keep getting this invisible wall that I lean against instead of breaking through. Maybe its laziness. Maybe its cause my mind is so drained from work that I just don't feel like trying to do stuff that requires my mind to work hard, even if its stuff I love to do.
Its the same at work as at home and I am sure I will hear about how things did not get done as quickly as people wanted them too. On that note though when it comes to customer service it is never done as quick as people want it to.
I am doin better than I was 8 months ago but I know I have a long way to go.

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