Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Poor Poor Monday.

Monday was a rough day. Long and bit stress ful but most Mondays are. Its funny how we give Monday a bad rap. I mean its not its fault its the first day after the weekend. Some people say I wish we could jump to Tuesday, not realizing they will dislike Tuesday just as much as Monday because it would be the first day of the work week. Sure you could go to Wednesday but then you are off of work more than you are working and then would complain you don't get enough money working 3 days a week and wish you had another work day.
Its not the fact that the day is Monday that makes it less tolerable than the rest of the days, it just happens to be the first day of work after having two days of not work. If you want to blame any day blame Saturday and Sunday for making Monday so bad. They are the ones that get you just relaxed and use to not being in the work environment before they run away on you. Leaving you standing there with Monday like the last two kids in the line to be picked for kickball teams.
Now it can be calculated that more work needs to be done on Mondays then the other workdays but again its not really Monday's fault. Saturday and Sunday are the ones that let things go to hell over the weekend so when its Monday's turn more things need to be fixed. So try to go easy on Monday when it comes around. It just happens to get the bad spot on the calendar.
Tuesday is a day that understands Monday's troubles the most. Usually Tuesday is just another workday but occasionally it becomes a Monday on those Holiday weekends were we have off on Monday. Tuesday then catches the brunt of the disdain. In fact sometimes when the Tuesday becomes a Monday its worse because Monday really lets things go to shit when its a day off so there is an extra day of stuff that can go wrong that needs to get fixed. Tuesday really doesn't like those weeks too much.
Wednesday is a day that is quite happy where it's at. It knows its place in the week is a coveted one. Why? well for one it is far enough away from the weekend where people are use to working by now. They come into work and things are fairly routine, plus Wedneday marks the halfway point to another weekend, so people are happy the week is half over. Wednesday is also a very happy day because at least once year it gets to feel like a Friday. So Wednesday is probably one of the best positioned days of the work week.
Thursday is more lucky than Wednesday in that it gets more chances to feel like a Friday but it also has the rep of making the work week long. By Thursday everyone really really wants the weekend to be there , so Thurday is more of a lamenting day. Its a day that people work hard to try and get things done before the weekend and a day people only look at as a bridge to Friday. Thursday is the day that most wants to be Friday and is happy when it gets its chance but wishes it got its chance more often.
This then brings us to Friday. This is the mover and shaker day. Friday is the day that is probably the happiest of all the days. Everyone usually looks forward to it, can't wait for it and when it finally arrives, people are generally in a better mood. Plus the fact that it gets to share the status of the Weekend the most out of the other workdays. Friday is also very content in its position like Wednesday is.

Of course there are those floating holidays that all the workdays love because every four years or so they get to be "the Day off" . Again Friday benefits the most out of this occurance just because it has the regular holidays that makes it part of the weekend and then the floater holiday too. We could talk about Saturday and Sunday but those two I think are rather self explanitory.

see what happens when I let my mind wander.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wednesday is also new Comic Book Day.