Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ooo Shiny.

So last night I got distracted by the Left 4 Dead editor I downloaded. It was officially released less than a month ago and when I learned of it I knew I had to have it. My running history with level editors has been extensive yet also fleeting. Course I was younger and a bit more impatient then. I remember getting the level editor for Doom 2 and sitting for hours working with the less than user friendly tools. I then took the deck plans my friend jim had of a starship he designed and tried to recreate it, to scale with the doom engine. I got one level done kinda. Then the interest drifted. Then I dabbled inthe other editors out there like the starcraft one but never finished the level, free space, delta force, dungeon siege and recently Company of Heroes....all left see the pattern. Before I had the motivation to do a level but then lost intterest or took longer than expected or I just got distra...oooo shiny.
Sorry where was I.
I am easily distractable when it comes with projects. i know I have probably covered this ground before about my not finishing projects but its still occurs though I am fightening through the urge more now then in the that I am aware and fully acknowledge my one of many flaws.
Also I recently came into possesion of all of the episodes of the 1966 Batman series.
We watched the first episode of the first season with the kids last night. The kids got a kick out of it while Jill and I laughed our asses off over the dialog. Dripping with cheese complete with Adam wests over acting... and over course there was Batman doing the Batoosie dance.
I remember watching it constantly as a kid. I look forward to reliving those memories and burning them into the minds of my young children in the near future. in between designing a L4D level. Hey its Zombies so its gotta keep my interest longer. I was so damn giddy when I got to shoot zombies in the very basic level I made going through the tutorial. The editing tools are still in beta but there is so much promise. I know I am probably behind many diehards out there but I also have a life and that sometimes takes priority over any project.
I am looking forward to the trip this weekend and hope the weather is good.

"Chief O'hara I want you to stake out that warehouse like a circus tent" Commissioner Gordon.

Riddler: "Three men are stuck in a boat with four cigarettes, how did they all smoke?"
Robin: "They tossed one cigarette over board and made the boat a cigarette lighter"

Ah good times

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have most of the 60's Batman but not all. Good stuff. Too much fun.