Thursday, January 29, 2009

THeatrical Thursday: Sorry for the delay

Sorry I had not posted in a couple of days for those following. Been a busy week. I will have another William the mouse story next week to be sure.

Lets talk music. Specifically soundtracks, a subject near and dear to my heart. I truely love the resurgance of soundtracks on to the music shelves and web stores. Now we aren't talking the "music" that is "inspired by" soundtracks, nah we are talking scores. Up until about 13 years ago movie scores were more the kinda sorta limited release CD's that were shoved in the back and not really popular. Sure you have your star wars and indiana Jones and basically anything John Williams produced from 75 to 95 was gold and always on the shelf but there were some other great scores that did not get the attention they deserve. Ones that if they were released today would be as available as the lord of the rings or Incredibles score.
FOr instance there was a great score from the first highlander. It did not get overwhleming sales over seas and I believe never saw the light of day in the US. The Queen one did of course and that is a great vocal soundtrack but the instrumental got lost in the abyss of 80's movie scores not done by John Williams.
There was also another great score to Die hard that, while it was released in the US, was very limited. That music was an integral part of the movie I feel. IT so helped with the mood, especially adding the humor to an action movie without the actors themselves getting too light.
Have not seen many scenes where the "Ode to Joy" is actually used for the bad guys.
Until the internet these scores were alot harder to find. Now you can at least hear samples of the tunes if not the full songs and even find that rare sound track on e-bay or some obscure web store.
Lets face it the Last Starfighter, Enemy Mine, and oh yes Tron scores were hard to come by when the movies first came out but now are alot easier to find and some are even in collectors editions now. There was more to scores than just williamsSo if your watching Buckaroo Banzai or Remo Williams and say damn that music was good, hit the internet and you may just find them for purchase. Yes I have both.

I know I had a point in there some where. Too busy listening to my Cherry 2000 score.

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