Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Manic Monday

Not a whole lot to say today except
"The south will rise again...Yeeee Hawww"

Sorry Gordon Lewis moment. Anyway lets talk more Zombies. I still think they are a very scary creature. Possibly more scary than vampires, Werewolves, etc... People say yeah how can a schelping Zombie be scary. For me I think its the fact that out of all the monsters they are the most human in their mannerisms and the fact they are decaying. Sure the werewolf is humanoid but hes basically like a huge toothy Dog. Vampires are usually so romanticized that you almost want to be bit by them. Lets face it they almost are always good looking, and slick until they bust out the fangs and bite you. Even that though is usually portrayed as almost a sexual manner. Zombies on the other hand, well lets face it they go for the soft parts and there is nothing really sexy about having ones entrails ripped from their body and eaten. Zombies are grotesque (again usually) in all manner. Lets face it being a vampire means your good looking, hip and living forever. Wolfman, you get super strength, heighten senses and great speed. Zombies , pure blood zombies so to speak, not so much. They normally don't move to fast, they usually look like they went 20 rounds with a boxer with no gear on, and eventually they will decay into nothing. Zombies are one thing though, ravenously hungry and persistent to the nth degree.
I know I may get flamed but really Zombies are the most horrific of the three main horror beasts. Maybe because we are most like them, traveling through life consuming what we can and decaying with every step we take. OK thats too deep I need a Dew.

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