Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday and there is football.

Yes watching the playoffs and I am very impressed at how the Cards pulled ahead of the eagles. Course the Cards had help from McNabb. What gets me the most about football games are the announcers. Not so much the radio guys because you expect them to be a little biased toward the home team since you are listening to it on the local radio station and its your team. But on TV the announcers have a wider audience and you would think they would be a little more unbiased. Instead most of the time you get the sway in the breeze announcing. Who ever is winning is the team who has, really done well this season or they really are controlling this game. Unfortunately instead of just letting us know what kind of play it was or some other random stat, the announcers feel they need to give some creative observation about the player and or team. You could really do a drinking game for some announcers. They seem to love the phrases "He plays that position better than most in the league." Or "That's why he is one of the great players in the NFL." I mean if you took how many players these announcers call the best at their position, everyone would be the best.
I realize they get into the game but man stop trying to compliment everyone. If he makes a good play state. Wow that was an impressive play or that is a play that shows what talent this man has. Don't ad the extra thats what makes him the best etc. Because on any given Sunday some player will be the best one week and the next suck ass.
ESPN I think is one of the worst. What ever quarter back is doing better through out the game , he is a god. Especially Bret Favre games. The man can do no wrong in their eyes.
I use to watch the game with the sound off and listen to it on the radio. Thanks to Janet's Wardrobe malfunction I can no longer do this because of the two min delay or however long it is for Live TV from when it happens to when its broadcasted. Now I can hear the play before I see it...kind of a buzz kill.
Any way thats my rant. I make a prediction of the Cardinals and Steelers to the Super Bowl, Hope there are some good commercials this year. The last few years have been flops.

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