Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday no wait sunday doh

OK so its the last day of my vacation. I have been away from work for two weeks, well physically from work anyway. I did have to check my e-mail once a day, if nothing else just to stay in the loop and so I wouldn't have 100's of e-mails to go through on Monday. I have done some writing over vacation but mostly socializing and shooting lots of zombies.
Watched the Dr Who Christmas special, played around on my PS3 , but mostly shot zombies. Yes a friend of mine got me my new addiction Left 4 Dead. I have always had a certain special place for zombies. I don't know why just have. I have watched many a zombie movie in my day and I prefer them over vampire or other monster horror flicks. Not to say I won't watch those but if given the choice the undead win. So someone came out with a co-op based first person shooter where the whole goal is to get from point A to point B and so on and shoot massive amounts of Zombies. You can play with computer characters but it is more fun to play with three other humans. I have played many hours of this game and it still has not gotten old for me. Maybe its because I have always dreamed about being in a zombie film or making them. Until that time this is a good substitute. Now mind you it took me awhile to get over the fact these zombies run and run fast. But it would not be nearly as an intense and fun game if they were Romero Zombies. I love the schleping Romero Zombies and always will which I give the extra appeal of shooting running zombies, never considered them true zombies.
I have had many debates and in the end we chalk it up to different species of zombies and this I except. Just like there are pure blood vampires and turned vampires.
Now there have been other games that have tried and have had some success capturing the zombie movie feel. Most classic example is the resident evil series. Left 4 Dead takes it up a notch from this series. For one it puts you in first person and two it just looks like a zombie film all around. from the musice to the environments. Definitely recommended and definitely needs to be played with other friends but the AI will do too.
So that was my vacation and it was better than expected. Granted I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked but do we ever.
I also watched movies.

Lets talk about

Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

This wonderful work of cinema is brought to us by Troma Video. Yes the toxic avenger company. Lloyd Kaufman directs this chicken zombie musical love story about a fast food chicken resturaunt built on top of an old indian burial ground. Course the spirits are pissed and rather that move furniture and talk to a little girl through TV static the spirits decide to inhabit the bodies of the chickens used at the resturant. Anyone who eats the chicken becomes chicken zombies. There is a romance between our hero, a nerdy white guy, and his on/off girlfriend who became a lesbian while the guy was off to college.
Whats great about a film like this is that they know exactly what type of film they are making. The cast all seems to have a great time with the movie. Being an direct to video release they also are not under the constraints of the MPAA so the are alot of crude humor including a zombie chicken person with a large zombie chicken penis.
This movie is definitely for the Gore whore as there is a large body count and plenty of blood splatter. There are also many offensive jokes against native americans, blacks, gays, and nerdy white guys.
The main female character played by new comer Kate Graham is hot and has no problems with doing a nude scene (come on a b-horror movie without nudity is like a pop tart with no filling). She also has a great singing voice and seems to be the only one out of all the cast who actually is trying to act. Probably sincei t is her first acting gig. Look also for a cameo by the director himself and also a cameo by the famous Ron Jeremy, sorry ladies he stays fully clothed in the film).
So to spare you the horror of watching the film I will give you the run down the best I can on the nude scenes and body count. Here we go:

13 breast shots including Musical number with 8 topless women
1 penis shot
1 death by zombie hand through the ass
1 extreme diarea shit covered walls scene
1 death by meat grinder
1 Severed penis
1 death while having sex with zombie chicken carcass
1 death by turning into Zombie chicken egg
2 Beheadings
2 death by disembowling
1 face ripped off
1 death by face through deli meat slicer
1 death by fry vat
1 set of deep fried testicles
1 death by wish bone treatment
1 death by chicken nuggets
multiple zombie deaths

SO if your looking to get your fill of zombies and gore but your significant other is looking for a romantic musical, why not rent this film and get both. It gets the 3 severed heads rating.

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