Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Misery and Woe = Torchwood

Ok so I just realized that in the last 20 days I blogged 4 times. I just thought I had my birthday but it was two weeks ago already. Anyway I gotta work on that, among other things. Though I did acomplish one thing and that was watch the entire Torchwood series as it is so far. We had the privelage of watching the BBC releases. I know they are currently being showed in the US so I will not give away spoilers. I will say this. Russell T Davies knows Misery and woe and man do his characters suffer because of it.
Torchwood, the more mature doctor who spin off, has always seemed to be about misery and woe. Every episode though had been resolved ended up in some part of it being very bitter sweet, teetering on the unbearable.
Now we get a 5 part miniseries that takes it up a notch. I will say this about the miniseries is probably some of the best written episodes written for the show. On the other hand Russell T Davies pisses me off. Almost as much as he did with the Doctor Who Series. Please please please don't get me wrong , I love the fact that he managed to bring the franchise back AND write it in a way to where it wasn't just for geeks anymore. But the scope at which he liked to do some of his episodes really make you go "Oh Come On." I know I have commented on this before when I talked about the last Doctor who episode he wrote for season 4.
This man has a thing about having his characters unhappy. Now I am all for grit and dirt and yes even misery and woe with the characters I fall in love with in shows I watch but for fuck sake I also love when the after they go such things they get a happy ending for all the crap they suffered. Instead they just get more crap. I enjoyed Battlestar Galactica, the new gritty no holds barred version that came out but damn even those characters sometimes got a happy ending to their episode.
Davies just didn't seem to want to do that with the shows he did . I won't tell you if he has changed his ways or not for the 5 part miniseries. I will just say he pisses me off and not just now but has for a while.
I know they are his characters and yada yada but come on a show is supposed to make you forget your misery and woe in real life for a while....not add to it.

Anyway thats all I got. Still recovering from the series and hope they make more Torchwood. Now I just gotta wait for the Sara Jane Adventures to start up again.

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