Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Movie Premiers and things of that nature

I love premier nights. Not sure why but always have. Something about the buzz and electricity in the air as you wait in line with other folk with a similar mission. To see the movie on opening night. Though you know you are by far not the first group of people to see the finished movie, unless your blessed to live on a coastal city, you still have the feeling like your getting in be fore the rest of the world and can talk about it Monday when many others have not seen it.
Some may also find this behavior annoying so you must know your audience. Anyway premier nights are fun. I don't go to hardly any any more. I use to as a teenager. In fact it was my mission to see it on Friday night and at the latest Saturday night. The crowds are usually the largest they will be for a movie its opening weekend which helps add to the energy.
I had some of my best movie experiences on opening night/weekend. I remember when I saw Terminator 2 on its opening weekend. We had a full theatre and there was a group of 8 college guys three rows back. When the movie started and arnold did the spin thing with the shotgun while on the motor cycle we all went nuts..we whooped and hollared with the crowd and at the end there was applause.
Yeah I miss those nights.
I will get to experience it tomorrow night though when we go see the watchmen. Hopefully we can get good seats. I probably won't get a chance to post tomorrow which will break my attempt at posting everyday in March. Perhaps I can just do a double post on friday to make up for it. I have some more pages I am working on for Fae'th I am happy at how its progressing and I hope everyone reading it is enjoying it. Thats all I got tonight.

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