Saturday, March 7, 2009

I watched the watch men

Quick little blurb. Didn't get a chance to write one thursday cause I worked my second job and then stayed up late as hell to watch the midnight showing of The Watchmen and it was a fun premiere. First we got there and hour early and a line had begun to form. At the head of it some fans of the Watchmen dressed as their favorite characters, vericool. So we stood there and wondered if waiting so early was all for naught since the line was not that long. Well our hast in getting in line early proved fruitful because soon after we questioned our decision the line doubled in size.
So we get in and since we had advanced tickets we got in a lot quicker. I got my tub of Dew and Popcorn. Then we had something happen that I have not had happen in a long time. Someone checked our ticket stub to make sure we were permitted to see the film. It was a midnight movie and as far as I was aware all other movies had let out already so this was the only movie showing in the theater. My friend Jim almost didn't get in cause he could not find his stub right away. But we soon found a seat and the lights went down.
Saw a few cool trailers, the one for the new Wolverine movie looked cool. I am personally looking forward to it but not just because its going to kick ass but they have my favorite mutant of all in it Gambit.
Just before the movie started I looked around the theater at the occupants. Some I looked at longer than others, hehe, anyway I realized that the majority of the viewers of the movie had not even been born when the graphic novel came out yet they were here to see the live action version of it. I on the other hand was very much born at the time. This made me feel a bit old. It also made me wonder how much might be lost on the group. The movie is set in the 80's and alot of the cultural references in the movie I though might be missed by most of the viewers but it did not seem to be...except for when they laughed at 99 luftballoons being played at one point in the movie. That one I did not get. Maybe because it was the german version of the song.
Anyway the movie it self was Excellent. Definitely did a good job of translating the movie to the big screen. They managed to keep the core story in tacked. Though they took some liberty in the ending , they way they went about it was still acceptable because it still managed to convey the same message as the original ending of the graphic novel. All in all a fantastic movie and I can't wait for the Uber edition that they will be releasing eventually on blue ray that adds another half hour to the 2 hour and 40 min movie.
Worth the price of admission. I shall write more later but I have to work. Damn I was hoping to post everyday.

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