Saturday, August 1, 2009

August first and stuff to do

SIDES by Mark Krawczyk

sorry I don't have more than a couple more pages of Sides. Again Feedback is welcome.
So another month has arrived and this month for work is going to be as fraking busy as the last but whatcha gonna do.
Got to enjoy the day with some friends from Jill's side of college. It was a fun time at the park and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I unfortunately did not finish a project this week but I still have Sunday so next week I will post two. I want to do 1 a week to keep me in form on video editing and also to keep working at it to lead to the music video I want to shoot...that probably won't happen until next Spring but hopefully sooner. Lots of year left.
You know when I was in college I never pictured me being where I am at today but thats not a bad thing. In college you think you know it all....and I don't think its being college that does it, I think its just that age. Takes you a few years to realize you know nothing and that what you have done up until that point has been preperation for what is yet to come. Life is always changing and you can either be accepting to change or resistant to it. We naturally are resistant to change because it takes us out of our comfort zone but it is something that needs to happen to keep us going in life and to keep us out of the rut we usually put our selves in. I know there are some things I need to change and I plan on doing it over the next month or two. Its something that I must accept rather than resist If I want to accomplish what I want to. These next months will be interesting .

Also I have made my first of what will be many Movie reviews on the MovieMans Manic Movie Musings. Check it out if you get a chance.

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