Monday, September 14, 2009

"Ah ha!" & WOW moments and slaps to the head

So I am catching up on my episodes of the Fringe, which is by the way a show that definitely got better with age, the show is a lot different than it was when it began but that is a good thing. The last episode of the first season truely surprised me. I won't give away any details but there was a major "Ah ha!" moment and also a "Wow" moment. A moment I didn't see coming. Now I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb on string but usually I can catch where things are going but the show threw a curve. I liked it.

I will admit that 6th Sense caught me off guard, laugh all you want but I got so into the story I didn't really think about it. I have no problems admiting it. There have been many movies that I did figure out way before hand and while I enjoyed those movies I felt a little let down. Its not the movie's fault I had seen soo many movies that I was able to predict it.
Saw was another one of those movies that surprised me. Never saw the ending coming and neither did alot of my fellow movie maniacs. IT was a WOW moment.

The slap of the head comes from Hollywood thinking they could build a franchise off of these movies or the director thinking he had to do the same thing over again because it worked the first time. Why do they think that? I mean the more they repeat these formulas the more predictable they become which I think tarnishes the original.

6th sense wow'd and ahha'd people and the movie took off. M Knight I think then thought that was how he should make all his movies. The problem is it seemed forced with some of them and made them less of a movie than they could have been. The first Saw movie was very creative and ending out of no where, They developed a great character and brought horror to a different gory level but then they decided to rinse, wash, repeat with the next movies. Those sequels could have possibly been better had they not tried to be the same as the first.

Look I am not a major movie maker I know that. I have not made a major motion picture, but I got to think there has to be a better way to go about these movies. I understand doing a franchise and all that but who says the movie has to be the same as the first , course we the movie watching audience is a bit at guilt as well. We continue to pay for the movies because we hope the next movie will be something new and different. Nothing wrong with that I guess, we can always look at the money spent gives us the right to call a crap movie crap.

I just wish movie makers would look past the dollar signs once in a while.

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