Friday, June 12, 2009

Comics how I miss thee

Yes folks the other day I took my kids to the comic book store and they bought a couple of comices. As I looked down the rows of comics I realized that I am very much out of touch with the world of comics now. I use to follow number of them but as years went by I feel more and more behind and I finally didn't buy any because, well I couldn't really follow some of the story lines while others were just plain dumb. This was during the Early to mid 90's. I think one of the issue I bought was the issue where Batman had his back broken by Bane. The comic was well written and though I knew the moment was coming I still yelled "NOO!!!" as I turned to the full page panel of Bane breaking my beloved superhero. So now I have started my children on the slow path of comics which they are interested in. The only problem I ran into was the fact that the majority of the comics out there are no longer written for the ages 7 to 12 years of age group. At least none at the small comic store that we have here in town. Or at the book store either for that matter. A good chunk of the material out there is written for the more mature audience.
I guess our generation held on to those tried and true comics and the ritual of going to the comic store to get the latest issues.
I wonder how many kids nowadays are actually into comics, well that aren't derived from the latest japanese fad toy that is out. While some of those do pose to be interesting at the start they really seem like graphical instructions for the games themselves. I think more adults are buying comices than kids and not just because of one group has money over the other.
I welcome the fact my kids would rather read than stay plugged into the games. Yes we geeks love our video games but there is soooo much more of the geek world to explore.
I nearly wept when my children said they wanted to learn how to play D&D. sure they are a bit young but its the thought that matters.
But getting back to the subject matter, I have no problems with myself reading the comics but many of them have a lot more mature story lines.
Lucky enough we did find an issue of Batman The Brave and the Bold #5 featuring Batman and Captain Marvel, DC Super Friends #16, and a comic from free comic day called DC Kids Mega sampler. Not bad reading my kids tell me ...not that I read them or any...yeah I read them.
Hey they are comics how could I not.
My friend awhile back mentioned a zombie themed comic. I finally got around to reading it recently and I am sorry I did not catch it sooner. "The Walking Dead" is definitely not for kids but is a fantastic zompocalypse story. They have done things with the story I didn't think they would do. Just when it seemed to get cliché, they would surprise you with something out of left field. It has yet to get campy or predictable. Good traits for a comic to have. I am nearly caught up and can't wait to see what happens next. In fact I think I will go read some more right now.

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