Thursday, May 21, 2009

Those final moments...

So last night I worked on the last few pages of Fae'th in Time. Once complete I shall go back over it again for its second revision and if I am comfortable with it I would be more than happy to send all interested parties a copy. It always bitter sweet when I get to this point of a project like this. I have been writing it over the last few months and as with all my creative works, I have grown attached to it. It went in directions I did not expect , in a good way, and became a lot more integral to the Fae'th world than originally planned, again a good thing. I appreciate my friend Doc letting me use his Doctor and Julie characters and I hope I did not mess with them too much.
Now I am already setting my sites for the next project. Its a story called Sides and the scope of this story could be quite exentsive. I may even try to promote it up some how but not sure on that. Or I may also post my Ring Noir story again. I have more I would like to add to it. Many of you probably haven't read it, it is a Parody of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy set in a Noir style and is still one of my favorite pieces of writing, that not too narcessistic I hope.
Anyway I have to actually do some work at work now. Look for the last pages of Fae'th to most likely be posted tonight.

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