Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'll be Back: A quick review from a Devout T2 fan

OK so the finale for Fae'th will have to wait until tomorrow. I instead headed out with my good friend Jim to go see Terminator Salvation. Now I went into the movie with not so high expectations. Considering what a catastrophe the third movie was and the fact the McG was directing this one, lets just say I was very worried on how the movie was to play out. I was happily surprised.
I have always been a T1 and T2 fan, the multiple copies I have or should say had of T2 on vhs and DVD speak for themselves. When the 3rd movie was made you could tell it was something they slapped together to try and cash in on the franchise and failed miserably.
Then I heard the rumblings of them making a fourth movie and I was like,"They just are trying to milk the franchise more. Run it into the ground like Paramount did with alot of their other movies. I went in expecting another Indiana Jones and the Crystal skull, what I got was more of a respectable sequel to the first two films.
You can usually tell when a sequel is made just for the sake of making it and when it is made because someone actually took the time to come up with more story to tell. Terminator Salvation is the latter of the two. They put effort in keeping as much continuity as they could with out getting too confusing with the whole time travel aspect. McG made you care about the character and the pacing of the movie was very well done considering the amount of action sequences there were. This movie fit so much better into the time line of events than the third one.
Sky net still is on its rise to conquering the world after judgement day and the resistance is a hell of alot more organized.
They added a pleasant new twist to the story line with the introduction of the character Marcus Wright.
I don't want to give much away about the story but lets just say I was happy with the way events progressed.
The music made me happy and not just because it was Danny Elfman, my favorite composer, well ok maybe that had a little to do with it but it was decent even without that factor.
Danny's music is great during the quiet moments, I am sure the action ques were good as well but you couldn't quite hear it over the special f/x, which is normal for a high action film.
You could also tell what was going on in the action scenes for the majority of the film which was a nice change of paste from the close up Michael bay wTF just happened directing of action sequences we have seen as of late.
Sure there are some plot holes and some "Why didn't the robots just do this" moments but you have that in every movie.
On the whole Terminator is an excellent action film that takes itself a hell of alot more serious than the third film. They do a better job of tying it into the mythology and also keep it entertaining. It is at least worth the price of admission.

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