Sunday, November 2, 2008

Footballs and Tresspassers

I will be brief today but just wanted to comment about an interesting observation I have made. Now its something I mentioned in one of my first blogs but I think it is even more obvious in the current state of affairs in America. We have an election coming up and thanks to our party system we have a nation a bit divided on who should be president. But for a few hours each week this division takes a different form and on Sunday there is not Red Nation or Blue nation just the football nation. This can be said about all organized sports. You can have one group that is made up of devout democrates and one of Republicans in the same City BUT come Sunday that division disappears and both groups are Packer nation or Steelers Nation , etc. Same with Baseball or basketball, soccer, and on and on. People are joined together for a few hours in their life to rally behind their team. now sure you have the division of our team and their team but those teams are made up of a diverse group of people. That is an impressive thing. A powerful thing. Something that is special that we take for granted.
So remember that the next time you feel like bad mouthing that supporter of McCain or Obama, they are still your neighbor and it is likely that they are fans of the same team you are. So maybe they aren't as different as you are and deserve respect of their opinions. You may not agree with them but on Game day you both are cheering for your team. So at least thats one thing you got.

BTW also made a new Lonelytrooper for all to see. I got a bit political but the Video guy in me had to make some kind of video contribution no matter how small, to the political scene.
Check it out , you just might like it.
Anyway onward to the the review.

Tresspassers is a movie that was a bit surprising.
Now as always I was not expectin much for the film because then I am usually pleasently surprised, not so much with this one. Bunch of surfer dudes go to a remote beach to catch some narly waves and instead become zombie fodder. For a handy cam movie the quality of the video and audio were very good. It was had at time s to tell it was a handy cam shot film. well unless you focused on the cinematography. There was shaky cam and very quick pans where should have been hard cuts. Sure this can work for reality TV but this is a movie we are talking about. Anyway the story was interesting and the characters were entertaining enough to keep you watching, for the first 20mins. Then when we actually get to the horror and gore the movie falls flat. You don't see any real development in the characters and the one blatant male masturbation scene seemed to be just put in for shock value. The make up on the "Zombies" made them look as though they had a dirty face then actual decay. The gore affects where alright but I was expecting a bit more of it from a project of this nature. The run down is pretty week today

2 topless shots
Mutiple mutilated corpses
1 male masturbation scene.
2 zombie bites

thats about it. The killings were being done off camera or in a way that required very little FX which stylistically is kinda cool but if your going to do a movie like this then a little more on screen gore is required.
Pass this one up folks it was not worth the time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2 days inna row! Yay!