Friday, November 28, 2008

Hmmm what to do

In my vein attempt to be very productive in the completion of projects that are victims of my creativity, or lack there of, I find my self wanting to work on them all yet finishing none. While I have completed more video projects in the last month than the previous 6 months before that, I find still in a state of wandering. So in an attempt to keep writing and also follow my timely friend's advice of write something everyday, I am going to start posting pages from one of the many stories I am working on here. But in this decision I am also torn. Which story to post. My "Fae'th In Time" story has been more recently worked on and is also a project that seems to have start flowing smoothly again. I also have a sci fi story of a completely different nature that is actually rather fitting parallel to the current state of the world. Well sort of. The name of that project is called "Sides". So for any who are reading this perhaps they can help in my decision.
Also I have been distracting lately by a quaint little game called SPORE. While the game is not overly complicated in its execution, what does seem to take up most of my game playing time in a very good way is the customization of...well just about anything you can control in the game.
I picked up the game because I had a 5 buck coupon off for best buy that was about to expire.
So after coming home I installed it...7 hours later I found I had to pull my self way to catch some Z's before work. The thing is that a good chunk of the time was played not actually playing the game in which you make friends or conquer other spieces or cities on your planet but in making my creature building and vehicles. It is very impressive the actual amount of freedom you have in the creation process. You can literally make your creations look like just about anything.
Whats even more promising is the replayablity. Not only do you play against creatures and such that were created by the programmers of said game but the majority of what you play against is actually player created.
SPORE has this impressive system to where what you create in the game can be shared online and downloaded by anyone else who has the game. At current there are over 48 million different creations out there. So the likely hood of encountering something new everytime you play is imense.
I could just spend hours making stuff and not even playing the game. Anyway it was worth the money though it is yet one more distraction . I have too many interests.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Customer Service And Someone owes me some time back

I often wonder exactly how I scored two customer service jobs in my life. Some would say I am a gluten for punishment while others would just complain about their shipment being wrong and want compensation.
By day I pilot an IT helpdesk and one or two nights a week, I take orders and such for a catalog company. During the holidays the hours increase but its only for a four week period and its worth it in the end. But during my time in such a position I have many a tale to tell. I am thinking of sharing them here but it is a tough decision because there are those horror stories of someone being fired for discussing their job on line. While I believe the likely hood of a hire up actually making it to my grain of sand on the beach of the Web 2.0 it does give me pause. So for now I will give you some healthy tips on what not to do when ordering over the phone. Should we meet in person I shall weave you a grand tale...or put it in a book and sell lol.

1. If you are ordering over the phone please please and did I mention please do not read numbers off in pairs. What I am refering too is the common practice of instead of reading a number like 5 3 4 2 1 2 0 1 like "5" "3" "4" etc it is read as "53" "42" "12" "oh 1" honestly this is not a football game and you are not a quarter back calling for a hike. While this may seem like it makes things easier it can make the person inputing the number pause in their typing and slow them down.

2. WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE DONE EATING BEFORE CALLING. Seriously you can wait the extra minute or two it takes to shove your third piece of Apple cake down your pie hole BEFORE calling. Same goes with Candy, Fruit, hell just about any thing that will cause you to make a smacking sound while talking...just finish before you call. I can't tell you how many times I get "Yeah ... I will take that in um in red " I can stand nails on a chalk board but that noise drives me up a wall. Just finish eating whatever it is you have in your mouth please.

3. HAVE YOUR ORDER READY. I don't care if this is the modern age where you can drive with your gentals while drinking you cafe mocha lot a fraking starbucks in one hand and receiveing a car fax in the other while on the phone with me asking for a shirt that needs to be monogramed over nighted by friggin concord jet to be delivered by tomorrow morning before asscrack of dawn because you forgot it was Easter. You don't have an item number, where you saw it but you knew it was blue and had buttons on it. Really wait before you get in the car or until you get home. That extra 20 mins or hour commute will not make much of a difference and you will be less likely to hit the car in front of you being driven by the guy who was watching porn on his small flat panel tv in his front seat while texting his girlfriend and tossing back a Bud Light.
This leads me to tip 4

4. OK everyone CHRISTMAS IS ON DECEMBER 25th EVERY FRAKING YEAR....and so is your childs birthday and your parents anniversary. I understand it can be confusing because that number date can land on a different named day like Monday or Tuesday or Caturday but it hasn't changed. Check a calendar. Why is this important because again you get someone who wants santa to fill his reindeer up with twelve cups of coffee and a case of Red Bull to get the gift they need to them by christmas...and your calling on Dec 24th. Or you need the birthday gift by tomorrow. Folks we have many calendars at our disposal, you can set your e-mail to remind you everyday a week before it occurs, if you don't know how ask a tech guy we would be happy to help. OR postit notes or here is a novel idea, why not set up a reminder on your phone. That way while your texting your friend in hawaii while you drive through a blizzard you will realize that the important day is coming up soon and you need to get that gift placed. Course you will have to make a small gift this year after paying for the accident that occured while telling your friend Aloha.


OK so you can tell it hasn't been good day. Which means I am in a perfect mood to give you todays review from the b-horror world.

Any way on the chopping block today.

Johnny Sunshine

And now it is not a story about a happy go lucky guy named Johnny Sunshine who decides to go on a cross country trip to his grandmas cottage in Alaska. Along the way teaching everyone to see the world in a brighter light and solving the problems of everyone he meets. No its rather the name of a Rather attractive Zombie slaying drug addict who makes torture, porn, snuff short films for a company Max Productions during a post apocolyptic world where Zombies are everywhere.
Between this movie Bachelor Part at the Bungalow for the Damned And Bloodsucking Babes from Burbank I think Brain Damage pictures owes me about four hours of my life back.
Seriously why do these independent Underground Low Budget movies feel they have to take it to the next extreme level in order to be an "Underground" movie. Look I will say this that the audio was decent and the picture quality was good. The F/X were ok and the women were easy on the eyes. But even with all of those elements you need a decent story which this movie lacks.
It was almost as if the creators thought of all these cool torture porn scenes but needed a way to put them together in a story form to justify making them. Really I know I seem to jsut be setting my self up for dissapointment with movies from this company but I figured three time is a charm.
Dunno maybe the whole Idea of torture porn is not for me. Or maybe its just the fact that I like a little more coherence in my stories. IF you want to see a hot chick get off while disembowling men and women then go for it. While I comend them for doing alot as far as f/x , audio, video quality and even acting I would have wished they could have came up with a better story. Its a zombie movie that just didn't do it for me. Maybe it will for you but I would say only if you have alot of alcohol readily available. The run down will give you an Idea of what kind of movie your in for.

1 Death by gut stab
1 tongue removal by pliers while having sex
1 Death by wire choking
2 Throats eaten
2 Neck Stabbing
1 sex sceen with zombie with ending head bashing
1 Naked Girl killed by Crowbar sex
1 Zombie Castration by recipocating saw
2 Zombie deaths by being beaten in the head
1 Pipe to the head
1 rape scene
1 Death by Television

While it is the best out of the three movies I have seen from Brain Damage Pictures I would not recommend it for anyone who is not a fan of the EXTREME underground horror movie and torture porn.

PS Bacon Flavored SPAM is GOOOOOOOOOD.
Gives a new twist to the MONTY PYTHON SPAM sketch Eggs bacon-spam sausage and Spam.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trailer Parks of I am not talking about McCain Supporters

So I was sitting there the other day thinking What is it about Wal Mart that makes it a void in time. Let me explain.
It seems like no matter what I go into that store for it takes at least a half hour before I am out of their. that is on a good day. Its not the cashiers cause they are rather fast. Its even faster with the self check out but for some reason time seems to speed up or some kind of temporal Anomaly. Man now I am starting to sound like a Star Trek episode. But it is with out fail one of the mysteries of the universe. Its not just time speeding up on ya that perplexes me about Wal Mart. Its also the size of its aisles. I mean the super Wal Mart here in the Booming metropolis of Cow Hump Wisconsin has aisle that can fit two and a half carts across, well most of the aisles. Anyway even with this in mind, there are still times when you end up crowded or waiting for some blue haired granny to make up her mind weather she wants the 8 oz tuna for 59 cents or the 7.5 oz packet of tuna for 58 cents. No of course I am kidding we all know Tuna hasn't been that price for a while. But point being you still end up waiting to make it down the aisle to buy your case of Ramen noodles.
My last statement may have answered the question of why it takes so long to get in and out of that store. Maybe my time lord friend can shed some light on it. BTW kids You weren't voting for one of the final three on American was the President of America you voted case you may have gotten confused. J/k enough rambling time to dig in an see whats on the chopping block today.

Why its none other than the recently released Hillbilly Zombie movie known as

The Trailer Park of Terror

My favorite blond Nichole Hiltz from All Souls day is back with a decent zombie film. This one had a decent budget, great makeup and a story even. She is joined by a cast made up of faces you may recognize. No A - list actors to be sure but ones who are no stranger to the silver screen. They do a great job of selling this film and you can tell they had fun. Look for Pricilla Barnes who I recognized from Devils Rejects. Even the guy who played the Joker's gopher man Bobby is in this film.
Now going into this film I did not expect much of anything so I was pleasently surprised by the quality of the film. It had a budget and you can tell. The movie in the begining makes a reference to 2000 Maniacs as a nod to the Hill Billy Zombie film that is still one of my top 10 faves. Trailer park handles itself well the pacing is decent and the effects and make up looked good. They even got Trace Adkins to play the devil of sorts. Where there are zombies there needs to be gore and this movie does not disappoint. The last half hour really moves the film along and by the end of the film you don't feel like you have just waisted 90 mins of your life....maybe only 55mins lol. The characters are a bit cliche but in lower budget horror you have to have this so you don't have to waist pesky time on "character development" who wants that in a zombie film.
All in all this movie was a pleasent surprise and I may buy it when I see it on the bargin bargin rack. BTW I actually saw this on the new release rack at Target next to Get Smart.
As always here is my run down of the film.
Gotta love the review of 2000 maniacs

Love a song with the words "I bet that bitch can turn a crank. Make a dead man cum like a sherman tank

1 death by impalement on an iron fence

Multiple gunshot deaths
27 years

1 rabbit guttin

1 beheading

1death by crushed sternum

1 Arm Decapitation

1 Death by intestine eaten

1 Death by Compressed air

Skined and cooked alive torture sceen

1 Vehicular Homicide.

ITs worth a rental or adrop in the que if your looking for some zombie entertainment. But if you do rent it you need to also rent 2000 Maniacs and even 2001 Maniacs to make it truely a Hillbilly hoe down of the Living Dead. Hey thats kinda catchy title.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Historic night folks regardless of how you slice it

Yes folks. No matter who you vote for today and how it turns out you gotta respect the historic magnitude of tonight. I honestly did not think I would see before I hit retirement an african american nominated to be a presidential nominee,,,much less have a legitimate shot at winning. I am not being racist just going by the trend of America in the past. The fact that people are actually looking at the issues and where the candidates stand on them rather than just voting off the cuff I think is important. I think we as voters have decided to become smarter voters and it will change how we approach future elections.
So It will be an interesting night and I am off to glue my self to the reports and the web pages. It has been a long wait for tonight and I do not want to miss a min.

Sorry no movie review today. But it will be back tomorrow.
Until then We wait on pins and needles.
Tonight regardless you are right or left just enjoy being American. Its something special.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Footballs and Tresspassers

I will be brief today but just wanted to comment about an interesting observation I have made. Now its something I mentioned in one of my first blogs but I think it is even more obvious in the current state of affairs in America. We have an election coming up and thanks to our party system we have a nation a bit divided on who should be president. But for a few hours each week this division takes a different form and on Sunday there is not Red Nation or Blue nation just the football nation. This can be said about all organized sports. You can have one group that is made up of devout democrates and one of Republicans in the same City BUT come Sunday that division disappears and both groups are Packer nation or Steelers Nation , etc. Same with Baseball or basketball, soccer, and on and on. People are joined together for a few hours in their life to rally behind their team. now sure you have the division of our team and their team but those teams are made up of a diverse group of people. That is an impressive thing. A powerful thing. Something that is special that we take for granted.
So remember that the next time you feel like bad mouthing that supporter of McCain or Obama, they are still your neighbor and it is likely that they are fans of the same team you are. So maybe they aren't as different as you are and deserve respect of their opinions. You may not agree with them but on Game day you both are cheering for your team. So at least thats one thing you got.

BTW also made a new Lonelytrooper for all to see. I got a bit political but the Video guy in me had to make some kind of video contribution no matter how small, to the political scene.
Check it out , you just might like it.
Anyway onward to the the review.

Tresspassers is a movie that was a bit surprising.
Now as always I was not expectin much for the film because then I am usually pleasently surprised, not so much with this one. Bunch of surfer dudes go to a remote beach to catch some narly waves and instead become zombie fodder. For a handy cam movie the quality of the video and audio were very good. It was had at time s to tell it was a handy cam shot film. well unless you focused on the cinematography. There was shaky cam and very quick pans where should have been hard cuts. Sure this can work for reality TV but this is a movie we are talking about. Anyway the story was interesting and the characters were entertaining enough to keep you watching, for the first 20mins. Then when we actually get to the horror and gore the movie falls flat. You don't see any real development in the characters and the one blatant male masturbation scene seemed to be just put in for shock value. The make up on the "Zombies" made them look as though they had a dirty face then actual decay. The gore affects where alright but I was expecting a bit more of it from a project of this nature. The run down is pretty week today

2 topless shots
Mutiple mutilated corpses
1 male masturbation scene.
2 zombie bites

thats about it. The killings were being done off camera or in a way that required very little FX which stylistically is kinda cool but if your going to do a movie like this then a little more on screen gore is required.
Pass this one up folks it was not worth the time.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is halloween...well ok day after but close enough

Yes another Halloween has come and gone and now we are on the highway of the christmas blitz with a slight pit stop at Thanksgiving for a food break. The holiday season is a hectic time of year and this year will be even more so with the elections just around the corner.
Every year I watch Nightmare before christmas with my boys after trick or treating ...this year we had to cut it short because of a party they were invited to but none the less we watched most of it.
ON the whole it was a good Halloween. Thinking of the now classic Nightmare before Christmas I realized it could be used as a statement on what has been happening in retails stores for quite some time now. The fact that they put christmas decoration displays up next to Halloween displays. Just this last September I was thinking oh cool look they got the Halloween stuff out for sale and in the adjoining isle I was like Wow they have the Christmas stuff out for sale. Staring at the two isle next to each other I immediately thought of Nightmare before Christmas. I really think they need to hold off on the selling of christmas decorations until at least the last week in october if not until after Halloween. Its not like people aren't going to buy the shit still. Its christmas the grand holiday of consumerism. Many company make over half of thier YEARLY profit during this time of year. Its the time of year where people don't pay quite as much attention to their pocket book, lets face it people enjoy giving gifts. So its not like people will not buy, so why do the store feel so compelled to put this stuff out so early. Let the Holidays have their Day in the retail market and don't overlap them. Theres something just un natural about it. Now I am looking forward to the end of the month for that turkey dinner with all the fixins and then going out afterward to buy my Valentines day decorations.

But before we go....

Bay of Blood

This movie was quite impressive. The story is actually very complex for a movie that most people deemed as a Slasher movie. It doesn't have the normal feel of a slasher movie. It is more like a suspense thriller, now granted the deaths are very graphically portrayed in the film which is probably why this has earned the slasher label. The direction is very well done and the editing is very good too. The director keeps the movie moving and there are very few slow spots in the film. The director also does an excellent job of keeping you guessing until the third act who is the killer. There is also a mixture of techniques used in this film. In one section, instead of hard cuts the director went between scenes by going out of focus and then in focus. Giving a more fluid feel to the transitions than your normal hard cut or wipe. Also there is excellent use of POV to help build suspense and mystery in this "slasher" movie. The body count also does not dissapoint and the twists in the plot make you have to pay attention to what actually is going on or you risk getting lost. Lets just say that the neighbor hood around the Bay of Blood is very fatal to the residents there.
I LOVED the ending of this picture. It was an out of nowhere ended that was not seen coming by a long shot, pardon the pun. Lets just say the ending was not a Hollywood one. Now on to the run down, as always in honor of that fantastic critic Joe Bob Briggs:

1 Hanging
1 death by Knife stabbing,
1 completely naked female swimmer
1 Slash to the throat death
1 two for one death of a love making couple by spear
1 Machete to the Face.
1 Strangulation with a phone cord
1 Beheading
1 barehanded strangulation
1 death by spearing against the wall
1 death by scissors

Highly recommended. Not only because its an excellent movie but also to see where many of todays slasher movies got their influence. And an awesome ending.