Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The pen is mightier than the PC

At my second job they have really tightened down the rules on PC use. You can't even remotely show evidence that you may be working on something not work related between calls. There are days when it is slow and after I get tired of staring at the catalog forever I get the itch to write, mostly because there is not much else to do at the time. So I go old skool and bring a notebook with me. When it is a slow time I write a few sentences or so... by the end of the night I may actually have a page or two written even. Now granted I am using an Analog writing tool...the pen and paper versus the computer but I have found recently that I seem to get more into the writing when using the forging tool and a piece of dead tree.
Now I am sure this will sound totally freaky but writing seems more intimate when using a pen or pencil and paper. I feel a closer connection to the material in some way. MY hand writing is aweful as anyone who know me will attest to but I can read it which is most important since I am the one that will eventually transfer it to its digital form.
Sitting at a table pouring out my creation through the pen, I feel the project is more personable. It feels more like an extension of my self, organic I guess would be a better term.
Although it is a hell of alot messier I also think I write better with a pen and paper than initially typing it up in the computer. Perhaps its the few distractions I have, but also I think its just the feeling of closeness to what I am spilling out on to the paper.
I think sometimes we get so use to having the technology there that we forget what it feels like to do something the old fashion way. But sometimes the old ways are still the best ways.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes it's just that extra step, that edit that occurs between physically writing and typing it that helps. I was talking to my buddy Eric the other week and he was explaining how he used to write notes in his PC file while writing the scenes he already knew around it. I do that with my notebook, making notes in the margins as ideas occur to me while writing the scene I'm working on.

I guess I'm trying to say I understand. I may not be able to explain it any better, but I understand.